Gopro Headquarters

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The Truck arrives back, Jimbo exiting as he enters the HQ...

The Hq was so big even trucks were able to freely drive through, there was many gopromen and upcoming Gopro Projects, Gopro Ministriders were also crawling around the place,

Ministriders are Smaller striders that can be rided on and also fit into trucks, aswell for assault aswell.

Jimbo Continued walking around, before entering an armory room, He put down his gear there before continuing to his area he was assigned, testing a Gopro tank.

The Gopromen also had tech to make an M48 Patton inspired tank with increased hull durability and stronger armour. Jimbo tested the driving mechanics which worked perfectly.

He continued doing the tests before exiting, hearing stomping in the Hq, turning to see a massive Robot.

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