Pumpkin man titan and Monster Speakerman

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The Pumpkin titan was pushed back by the Upgraded skibidiman. He fired at his face and kicked him away before nearly backhanding the Astro toilet but missing. The Astro toilet then stabbed its arms through the titan and flew back while firing. Monster Speakerman was fighting off Gman and The Skibidi titan, holding them off as long as he could. He was tackled and pushed away, retaliating, he aimed his cannons and fire while his shoulder cannon shoots into Gman, just then their reinforcements arrived as 5 Upgraded Orbital Camerastrikes flew over, lasering down inbetween the Monster Speakerman and the Skibidi titan, as all of them came over and shot lasers in every area around the battlefield. Smoke Rises, he turns toward the Pumpkin titan who was looking around as he couldnt see his sorroundings. He flew over and grabbed the Pumpkin man Titan and let him fly with him, they fly out of the smoke and the Camerastrikes fly away, Gman roaring from anger. But they left Cinemaman and Grand titan..

They land back at the secret area of the Pumpkin men, they were so tired from fighting and they were damaged. The Pumpkinmen took them in and repaired them while giving some Upgrades, the Monster Speakerman only getting a new and upgraded Pumpkin cannon and a Titanium Pumpkin with carvings on the core and a medium-large copy of the pumpkin Titan head for a helmet.

Meanwhile Gman and his gang arrived at the Gopro base, shooting and killing Gopromen inside just by exploding the outside. The Gopro woman was escorted into a truck and some of the other Gopromen. As all of the Gopromen were running away through a backdoor, the Patton slowly drived out. But for some reason it didnt even look like a patton..? The Patton had longer treads and it was much bigger. A larger Tank head and armoured and longer hull, with an extra tank head on the front of the hull and some large Turrets on the back which can be controled. Im wondering if this even is a tank anymore and we will be calling the tank "Hybrid".

The Hybrid driving out confronted the 4 large Skibidis and the Skibidi titan, as Gman just made a suprised face and said: "Dop skibidi skibidi yes?" towards the Skibidi titan. As Gman just fired a laser cannon onto Hybrid. Hybrid somehow alive? He only moved a bit but i forgot to mention the front had Mini Forcefield modules that on impact take the damage and can only take so much damage before turning off, man that mustve been expensive! Hybrid slowly drives forward and shoots a tank round straight into the Upgraded Skibidimans face. Before then backing up and aiming the turrets on the back of the hull to shoot into the Astro toilet sneaking up behind. He then drives even more back as Skibidi titan tried stomping on it, which he replies with shooting the Turrets up at the Skibidi titan, Gman flying to the left and aiming at Hybrid which he then turns the tank hull, the Mini forcefields tanking a laser cannon shot. And once Hybrid realised he couldnt tank anymore he drived back into the ruins of the Gopro base while shooting and firing the turrets to protect himself. The Skibidi titan fires into one of the holes in the base and Gman lasers down an entire wall and the other 2 also keep firing. Hybrid nearly got hit by the Astro toilets cannon shot but he then reverses into a metal bomb shelter inside the base as the Pilot gets out and shuts the titanium doors. He gets in his tank aswell just incase they busted through the structure.. As he now waits...

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