67, Part 3.

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(Since Scientist Toilet is coming back with Cinemaman, im just having Gman and a Toilet like The Scientist Toilet with a tv.)

Titan Cameraman slowly began cutting his neck, his buzzsaw arm slowly cutting straight through. Gman Continued Saying: "Skibidi Skibidi.". But then The Goproman Titan stomps in, firing at Gman and flying Towards the Toilet with a TV Screen mounted on. He Sends him back as he turns once more, firing at Gman but then gets shot, the Red Eyed Heli toilet flying around and shooting. The Gopro Titan then looked forward, grabbing the Skibidiman and using him as a shield, before tossing it straight into Gman. He turns, seeing a Toilet with a Blue fire Flamethrower, 2 Claws and a rocket launcher. the Flame toilet rushes forward, shooting a rocket into the core, before using the claws to hold back the head, he started spewing out Blue fire onto the core. The Gopro Titan started to get heavily damaged, his Core Protectors melting off as the core was exposed. The Core Slowly starts to go Unstable..

"Taking Critical Damage."

"Core Unstable..."

"Full Power."

The Gopro Titans Core started Flickering before it had gone stable, as it then slams his fist and it sends the Flame Toilet flying back. He then Roars, a Protective Layer on his Head falling apart as he turns to Gman, taking on the laser fire. He Then flies up, then going straight forward and kicking Gman back, landing and stomping on the Skibidiman. Firing as Gman flies back to retreat. He looks and sees Titan Cameraman being pulled away by Chains from multiple large Heli toilets. Hes about to go fly over but his Jetpack melts. He turns, seeing Cinemaman punch and raise his arms as Scientist Toilet fires his Lasers. The Gopro Titan stomps over and grabs one of the Acid Rocket cannons, pulling it back attempting to rip it off just as the rocket flies into his core. The Gopro Titan Stumbles back, falling down. Cinemaman then shoots at the Acid Cannon, staring as the Scientist Toilet Blasts Sounds. Cinemaman stomps and breaks off the main speaker. The TV is revealed and in dumb thinking, Scientist Toilet tried to red screen Cinemaman. Cinemaman then just used his Red screen of death, overcoming the other TV as Scientist starts to roar in pain. Gman Flies around the Corner and flies up to the back of his neck, firing at his Neck but gets thrown forward after. Cinemaman pulls off a parasite, looking at the Gopro Titan as he grabs his hand and teleports away.

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