Cinemaman and Grand Titan

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Cinemaman and Grand titan were struck with special emps and infected, they were turned off at the moment but a camp was built around the titans as they worked on Upgrading them in a skibidi way. As lots of larger toilets hauled larger toilet pieces and Astro toilets defended them. Just then a Hydra Astro toilet flew over the area, before looking up and nodding and flying off. As Ufo toilets and more Astro toilets modified with cannons flew with the hydra Astro toilet, man the skibidis were developing super fast. Cinemaman was hung up by cranes as a large Titanium Skibidi toilet hollowed out was placed on and attached to it. The Grand Titan was good on its own, he only had Skibidi toilet Pauldrons and was ready to go.

The Monster Speakerman actually was getting more upgrades and so did the Pumpkinman titan. They were side by side in an upgrade center as more stuff was hooked onto their arms and other limbs/parts.

The Hybrid tank was on the frontlines, they were hidden amongst the rubble, tanks and Gopro men were hiding in wait for skibidis to come through but it seemed like they werent even entering the city?

Gmans gang and him met outside of the City, skibidis around looking as they were discussing something what looked to be important, they were currently talking about just full on rushing and taking down fortresses because most of their titans has gone and the only real threat is Crimtan and the tank, or The Titans coming back to 2v4. But so far no one knew the whereabouts of Crimtan except the Gopro woman herself, they were in another secret base and were discussing also on how to push forward and actually live longer against titan class skibidis. They only had 2 strong Units but that wouldnt even be enough, and so far most of their Gopro units have been destroyed and since it has been a long time since that happened, they forgot where it was but their guess that it was in the hands of the skibidis. Well they also had the Skyfortress plane but the materials to make more would be expensive or too long to get, i guess they were really stuck in a sticky situation right now.

On the frontlines, skibidis finally decided to show up an attack, unfortunately some Gopromen surrendering or dying from the skibidi hordes. Hybrid was running over smaller skibidis, and firing the turrets around before firing 2 tank rounds into a large Skibidi group. Some of the Gopromen were retreating, which discouraged even more Gopromen and they fled. But Hybrid stayed, as it fired Tank shell after tank shell, shooting its turrets at Skibidis trying to climb on the tank. He continued just driving forward, getting slower by the minute as skibidis tried holding it back. Hybrid fired a tank shell straight into a Spider Skibidi, aiming the AA turret into the skies and shooting down jet and heli skibidis. The pilot had the courage and morale so high he was just charging into battle in the Hybrid, this might get him killed, just then the Astro toilets pushed the skies and took down Gopro planes, the Skyfortress Gopro plane supporting and evading Skibidi shots. an Astro toilet aimed its 3 cannons down and fired, hitting Hybrid but it gets absorbed by the modules works. More ranged Astro toilets fired at Hybrid who stood out of the hordes of Skibidi, the Upgraded Astro toilet flew into the skies and fired its cannons into Hybrid and flying down, ramming it away. Hybrid then fires 3 Tank shots into the Astro toilets head and damages it as he then drived forward, shooting a cannon off and firing his turrets into the eyes. The Astro toilet roared before going on a blind rampage, plunging a spiked arm straight into its turrets, as it then moves the arm out and plunges it in the back of the Head. Piercing a hole through it but not hitting anything else vital, but now it had to retreat. He was the only Goproman-tank in the hordes of skibidis that took down Alliance front lines, the planes had gone and infantry also left, the Astro toilet fired into the back of the tank (Aka the Turrets) and  flied infront of the tank, shooting until the Forcefield weared off and pushed the Tank far back and into a parking space. It somehow was alive and drived out, shooting its cannons into the Astro toilet, as the driver got out and threw a Molotov onto the Astro toilets head, as it caught on fire and flew away. He dropped back down into the tank and forcefully closed the hatch as he then piloted it, trying to back out now that he has pushed back one of his enemies. But the skibidis tried holding the tank in place but failed, cannon skibidis shooting the tank head but then were hit by tank rounds, and he continued shooting at ranged units but then realised he couldnt make it out alive if he kept showing signs of life, so as an Astro toilet shot the tank, it immedietly shut off. As he then Scrambled over and out of the pilots seat and hid behind some of the many complex rebar- wire systems. The Skibidis busted down the hatch and searched, but when they couldnt find the pilot they just left the tank and went on with the war party.

Two hours later..

The Hybrid powers on, somehow having the power to keep living. He looked through the scopes and did a full 360, and as he expected the skibidis were gone. He drove through the streets, seeing as almost nothing was there except debris snd destruction. He tried to radio to nearby fortresses but his radioes were cut off. He feel like he just left his army to die. But he then looks up to hear helicopter noises, but then his power cuts off..

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