Necromancer vs the Alliance Titans.

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Green laser blasts flew through the air and struck helicopters, vaporizing them. As Necromancers Abomination stomped through, stepping on unfortunate Cameramen and speakermen.

The Abomination roared, but was hit by a red blast, hitting his mouth.

"Were watching the world pass us by, never want to get down. Never want to put my feet back onto the ground." Titan Speaker slammed against the right side of the Abominations face, Titan cameraman slamming the jet thruster part into the mouth and turning it on, as blue fire entered the mouth.

A cannon aimed at Titan cameraman and shot nearly point blank, flinging him away. As Abomination turned, firing 2 cannons at titan speaker.

Titan Speakerman flew out of the way and fired a core beam at the back of his head.

Titan Cameraman came back and slammed the hammer into the Abominations jaw, reeling the weapon back and swinging if into the face. But gets blasted again by the 2 cannons.

The Abomination roared, running and was about to ram titan camera, but black smoke appeared as Titan Tvman took the blow, on his head as the Abomination kept running, but unfortunately stomped off one of the Titan cameramans legs.

Titan speakerman screeched before flying over and firing his cannons quickly at the Abomination.

Titan Tvman raised his blade and cut off a piece of the horns, but gets a piece of his knee chomped off and thrown away..

Titan speakerman landed on the head while pulled out a chainsaw knife and began stabbing it. But was shot int the back by 2 cannons.

The Gopro titan appeared and caught Titan speakerman, putting him down and looking at the Abomination..

The Necromancer roared, the plague toilet coming out of green smoke. The Sonar titan stomping forward and punching his fists together. Undead Gman flying around and standing on 2 legs, charging a ball of energy. And the Phantom toilet appeared..

The Gopro titan stared. Extending his Arm blade and his Shield formed. 2 Laser tendrils coming from his back. As he then raised his shield. Ready to fight..

Titan Speakerman flew past and fired shots at Gman but was hit by the energy ball and was sent flying to the side.

"NO!" The Gopro titan was about to go to Titan speakerman but was stopped by Phantom. He fired his rockets at the toilet, turning and being hit by an acid ball.

"Weak." The Plague toilet said, aiming his cannon. And firing another.

The Gopro titan raised his blade and swung it, causing an energy wave to hit the Ball and the Plague toilet. He turned and was about to fly but was hit by Rockets.

The Sonar titan jumped and punched the Titans head, then shooting a core beam at his core.

Titan Goproman fired a beam of his own which overwhelmed the other. As the rocket batteries fired at the face. Then he started to get rammed..

The Phantom chuckled while continuing to just back and forth ram the titan.

Gopro raised his shield and Phantom struck it, causing some of his spikes to break.

The Plague toilet raised a needle and was about to stab the core.

Gopro fired his chest cannons at the face and shot a beam at the head.

Sonar grabbed the Gopro titans neck and threw him away.

Malware flew in and caught Gopro with his cannon, shooting him back.

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