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The next day Monica came in dressed in one of her usual pants suits. The sexy slutty girl was gone and all I was left with was the professional security that looked a little too professional for my taste. I walked over to my desk to take my seat and she moved to sit down right after me. That threw me off usually she stood to the side of me while I sipped my coffee. I never told her to do it but I liked that submissive energy she automatically gave to me. 

"I see you're back to your old attire," I said seeing no point in avoiding the topic.

"Yes. I decided that I'm more comfortable like this. Besides it's more professional," she said running her hands down her lap.

I wondered if it was because of what happened with Trinity but she seemed fine after I disciplined her. I can't lie and say I wasn't disappointed that she switched it back up I thought she was doing this in submission to me but maybe I was wrong.

"So I was thinking that I'm done with the retraining. I'd like to get back to doing my work on my own. You have a lot of other important things to be focusing on," she said.

I do have other things to be focusing on but I was enjoying teasing her and watching her get all flustered when I got a little too close to her. 

"I agree Mrs. Wallace, just keep your mind focused on your job," I said. 

The rest of the day it seemed like Monica did everything in her power to distance herself from me. I wasn't sure what was happening I thought the two of us were getting close. It seemed like she was falling into a submissive role with me. I wanted her to keep that mindset so she finally spoke on her feelings. I couldn't force the situation though which is why I didn't say anything more about how she was dressed. 

If she didn't have any interest in me as a Dom and I crossed the line I would not only be damaging her and Trinity's friendship but I could be setting myself up for a lawsuit. Not that I think she'd hurt Trinity by suing me but I wasn't going to take the chance. When it comes to someone being desperate for money anything is possible. I'll give her her space at work. I'll let my assistant keep it professional if that's how she chooses to be.


Yeah chill Dylan I don't know any good lawyers. 

The Selfish SubmissiveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora