Ask for it

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What I feared and what Dylan said was starting to come true. My friend was starting to resent me for going along with the dumb things I did.

Trinity was right. I had been abusing our friendship and I was so disrespectful watching her get spanked. I've been taking advantage of her and Dylan's kindness a lot lately and showing no real appreciation for it. I deserve to be punished. I need to do this to fix my friendship and hopefully get myself back on track.

I turn to face Dylan the last person in the world that I would want to ask this question to. Ugh common Monica she is a Domme she knows what she's doing and you respect her for how she's helped and changed Trinity. You've seen her discipline and heard the stories about how she respects Trinity you know that you can't trust in that knowledge that she'll give you fair discipline. So just woman up and ask her. 

Ugh, fuck it. I walk over to Dylan's desk.

"Will you spank me," I say rolling my eyes.

"If you're asking me this then I take it as you being a submissive asking a Dom to discipline you. So I expect you to behave as such," Dylan replied with a straight very unimpressed face. 

What the hell was she asking of me I asked her to spank me. What more does she want from me?

"Trinity, Dylan said looking past me. Show her how a proper sub asks me to be disciplined, Dylan said.  

"Yes Master," Trinity said. 

Trinity walked over to Dylan's side and kneeled before her in her submissive position. Then with her head down

"Master will you please discipline this naughty sub for misbehaving," she said. 

I looked at her and sighed but repeated her steps walking over and kneeling down before Dylan.

"Ma um Mrs. Dynasty will you please discipline this naughty sub for misbehaving," I said not feeling comfortable calling her master.

"And What do you need to be disciplined for," she asked me.

I looked up at her and then at Trinity wondering if I really had to admit to everything again didn't I just accept that I messed up?

"Lower your head, Mrs. Wallace," Dylan ordered. 

I lowered my head but didn't respond. 

"We can sit here all day Mrs. Wallace I've got nothing but time," she replied. 

Fuck it. I spouted out my wrongdoings for them both to hear again as if I needed to relive every dumb mistake I've made as of late.

"And how do you feel you should be disciplined," Dylan asked. 

I wanted to say I don't but I knew that wasn't the right answer so I took a queue from Trinity.

"Please Punish me in any way you feel is fit so that I can be a good girl again," I say. 

"Are you sure about that Mrs. Wallace? Because I'm not going to go gentle on you and I will not stop until I feel like you've learned your lesson," she asked. 

I looked over at Trinity nervously who was looking at me with a determined face letting me know she wasn't changing her mind about her decision. 

"Yes Ma'am, I said. "I will take whatever punishment you see fit," I replied.

"Good Girl Mrs. Wallace, That was very brave to say. I accept your request we will take care of this later at my home, Until then get back to work," she said. 

I nodded my head and thanked her and got off the ground. I hugged Trinity and made my way out the door so I could go do inventory. I was glad to be away from that whole awkward moment but I can't lie when Dylan called me a good girl it kind of made me happy. However, I wasn't looking forward to getting disciplined. My mind was racing wondering exactly what she'd do if it'd be like Trinity's or what. I did not want the ginger. I struggled to finish my work It was hard to count. Ugh, how did my day turn out like this?



During the whole exchange between Trinity and Monica, I stayed quiet watching it as it played out. Trinity's actions honestly threw me off because she told me she was more than turned on her friend watched her being disciplined. That was the only reason I pushed her to confront her about it feeding into her little kink. So what was up with the tears and attitude all of a sudden?

When the door was closed I turned to look at Trinity. I took her by her arm and pulled her to me so that she was sitting on my lap straddling me and looking me in my eyes. 

"Ok Spill I thought you weren't mad that Monica saw you get spanked," I asked accusingly.

"I'm not she said smiling mischievously. It turned me on so much when she said she enjoyed watching me being spanked. You were right Master you know exactly how to get your naughty little slut worked up," she replied proudly. 

I smiled at her loving how easily it was to turn her on a little humiliation went a long way with this one. 

"Wait so if you weren't mad why did you sentence your best friend to a spanking?" I asked curious.

"I did that for you, Master," she said smiling sweetly at me.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "how so."

 "I know Monica does a lot of things that make you mad and if you could have you would have spanked her a long time ago. So I figured maybe being able to spank her would make it easier to let her move in. Plus that will make her twice about getting smart with you," she replied.

"That's actually a great idea Princess. It'd help me knock out some pent-up frustrations with her and put her in her place," I say impressed by my cleaver girlfriend's plan. 

"Right and I mean I really do feel like she deserves a spanking for how she's been acting lately I think it'll help her," she replied thoughtfully.

I nodded in agreeance, "Well look at you Princess out here ordering discipline like you some type of Dom or something," I said amused. 

"Oh no Master I am definitely a Sub I prefer being dominated. I'm trying to help a friend and serve my master. Plus I get to watch her get spanked and that's going to be hot, she replied. 

I was pleased to hear that even though I was joking when I said it I love that she's content in her submissive position. The fact that she set me up to be able to discipline Monica to please me and serve me better makes me happy. The fact that she's so aroused at the thought of watching her friend being spanked makes me want to take her right now. But I'll save all that pent-up energy for tonight. 

"Well don't think just because you set your best friend up for a spanking that your going to get out of your reminder spanking tonight," I remind her.

"I haven't forgotten though I won't be disappointed if you're too tired that you just let it slide," she said wistfully.

"One thing I can always promise you, Princess I will never be too tired to spank your bottom, I said smiling at her.

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