Sub/Dom Agreement

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We made our way to the kitchen so I could cook dinner.

"Sit down Princess we need to talk, I told her.

Before we went any further with our night I wanted to talk out some details about our new relationship.

I went back to getting dinner together pulling the things out of the fridge. I turned around to put my ingredients on the counter and she was still standing there.

"Trin sit down, I said. 

She looked at the chair and back at me and shook her head. "I'll stand, she said."

"No, you won't I'm going to cook for us and I want you to sit down and watch me and then we're going to talk while we eat. Now sit down, I said.

"I don't want to sit down it's going to hurt, she whined.

"I know I said smiling, that'll help drive that lesson into your behind."

"Please I don't want to Daddy, she replied.

"I didn't ask you what you want Trinity, Sit down I'm not going to tell you again, I said getting annoyed with her disobedience.

"No Daddy I don't want to," she said stopping her foot.

I grabbed a wooden spoon from the utensil bin and went up and snatched her by her arm forcing her to bend over the kitchen counter.

She yelped out shocked by my sudden movements. She tried to fight me off of her but I was quick I put the weight of my arm on her back pinning her down and laid rapid fire on her ass.

No admiring, no being turned on. This was wholehearted discipline. She was being a disrespectful brat stomping her foot at me and telling me No and what I wasn't about to have was a brat in my house.

She yelped and screamed trying to get up but I was bigger and taller I had her pinned. After a good 20 swats she was apologizing, another 10 she was begging me to stop, 10 more she was begging me to let her sit down.

"I'm sorry Daddy please, I'm so owe sorry owe please I'll sit, I'll be good, owe please," she cried.

"Yes the fuck you will sit down, I said between swats, and you will not stomp your foot at me like some brat. When I tell you to do something, Smack Smack, you will do it Trinity, Smack, or you'll get worse than this, I said lecturing as I delivered some more swats to her.

When I got done I let her go and told her to sit her ass down. She remained lying across the counter crying.

"Hurry that ass up unless you want some more," I said.

She ran to the chair and sat down making a pained face.

I stared at her watching her. She continued to cry for a while and I waited patiently for her to calm down. 

"Trinity, you are my sub what I say goes. I'm not going to have you telling me no and I'm not going to stand for your smart mouth and disobedience. Do you understand me? I asked"

"Yes Daddy, she said sniffling.

I went to my office and grabbed a notebook and pen. When I returned I told her to write down what she thought it meant to be my submissive. I also told her to write down her pros and cons of whether or not it was a good decision for her to enter into this lifestyle with me. She sniffled and accepted her assignment. With her busy with her homework I was free to concentrate on dinner.

When she was done she put her pen down I had got done about the same time as her so fixed our plates and joined her at the counter. I read over it and was surprised by her response. I had written down my own opinions and it matched. I needed to talk to her still wanting to hear her say it out loud.

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