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I don't know how long it's been. 20 minutes maybe. Nobody has come by to check on me. Dylan hasn't even appeared to see if I've solved this case she's given me. Again I wonder how I've landed myself in this type of situation. It's not like I'm not used to this sort of thing. Punishment for my misbehavior. I've come to expect it, to crave it. Taking a Dom's punishment for disobedience is the way I am able to reset myself and go back to being a good submissive. 

I only naturally take this punishment for being late without question. But she is not my Dom she is my boss. And she has set me with the annoying task of figuring out why I'm wrong. Being late wasn't the problem? Or it was but only part of it. My arms start to ache as I search my brain for answers.

At any other job, it would have been a write-up, that could lead to suspension or firing. For me being on probation it could have been just straight-up fired or docked pay maybe. I am grateful that this is the answer Dylan has chosen. 

Think Monica. She kept asking me why I didn't answer. She asked me why I didn't call back. Why I didn't think about it. Everybody looked upset. Was this person who was coming today paying so much money that my mistake cost them their rent or something?

I close my eyes trying to remember the guy's face when I hear hills clicking toward me. 

"You really don't get it do you," I hear Hazel's voice come across me in a snarky tone. 

I opened my eyes to see her and Jade in front of me. 

"Go easy on her she did have a lot going on, Maybe she didn't check the messages," Jade offered.

"Still yet, It's just common sense, Hazel replied. "I get her situation, but even before that happened," she replied. 

She was looking at me with disgust and I really couldn't believe it. She was always so sweet and nice. She was like a doll her innocence and butterfly personality Hazel just brought elegance to a room and made you feel important when she talked to you. 

"Where's your phone," Jade asked.

I told her it was in my left front pocket and she moved to my side.

"Do I have your permission to get it from your pocket and get your phone?" she asked.

I thanked her for asking for consent to touch me and agreed. She got my phone and handed it to Hazel.

"What's your password," Hazel asked me.

I looked at her debating if I wanted her to go through my phone. It's not like I had anything to really hide. I never kept inappropriate photos and always deleted my messages after a day. I told her my password and she unlocked my phone.

"Wow, you're right. She didn't open any of the messages, Hazel said looking over at Jade. 

Jade took the phone and sighed. I peeked over my phone wondering what it said. 


Hazel: -Hey Girl we're starting are you close? -Hey, Chicka hit us up to let us know when you're on your way, -Are you Okay? 😟

Brian: -Call when you see this

Jade: -Oooo You In trouble! -That vain in Dylan's forehead sticking out 😡

Liam: -Hey Scumpet call me when you get this ❤️, -Don't worry about Dylan I'll deal with her just let me know you're okay 🤞, -Are you okay I'm worried, -To Whom it Concern if you find Monica's phone -Please call us and let us know she's okay 🙏

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