New Uniform

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Dear Fellow Submissives 

Why is it our mouths get us in more trouble than our asses can handle? I can't help it I just start speaking before my brain has a chance to tell me to be quiet. I'm trying to be better but sometimes I need help.


Foot in Mouth Submissive



"Yay! It's bring your submissive to work day," I said excitedly to Dylan as we rode to work. 

She chuckled at me rubbing my leg as she drove. "You really enjoy going to work with me huh Princess," she asked. 

"Yes of course I do I get to spend my day with you instead of being stuck in the house doing chores. And I get to see my besti this is a whole win-win-win for me, I said smiling at her. 

"Ya know you could have left out the part about the chores, and just said how happy you were spending the day with me," she said. 

"Yeah I could of but I wanted to make sure you remembered how happy I was to not do them," I joked. 

She squeezed my thigh in response but didn't say anything in reply. Dylan knew well enough how much I disdained housework and was completely fine with me complaining as long as I completed my task before she got home. 

We walked through the building holding hands until I saw Liam. I smiled and ran up to him giving the giant man a big hug. He smiled at me warmly picked me up and twirled me around happily.

"Hey Cupcake where have you been I haven't seen you for almost a month now," Liam asked sitting me back down. 

"Oh you know Dylan she likes to keep me locked away so I stay out of trouble," I said giggling.

"Well I guess now that you're free you'll have to cause enough trouble to make up for lost time, he said.

I nodded my head still giggling as we continued our walk toward Dylan's office with Liam right behind us.

When we got to the office Dylan opened the door and Liam and I froze at the appearance of her assistant. Monica was standing there nervously looking like a bad bitch if I ever saw one. She was wearing a sheer long-sleeve shirt with a black bra underneath that showed off just how full her breasts were with a black skirt that formed fit to her body and a pair of sexy black heels. The whole outfit shows off her thick curves I was shocked by her whole attire wondering when she had gone shopping to even buy something like this. I've been trying for years to get her to dress sexier and show off that hot body of hers and she's always been so shy. As much skin that I showed off Monica covered up just as much. What the hell has gotten into her I thought.

"Dang Besti you look hot, what's the occasion," I asked stepping into the room thawing Liam out of their frozen state. 

"Good Morning Scrumpet you um nice, Liam added. 

Meanwhile, Dylan was unphased by her attire she had already crossed the room and made her way to her seat taking a sip of her coffee and going off into her caffeinated trance. I stared at Monica waiting for her response while she fidgeted uncomfortably. 

"More than Nice. She's dressed sexier than I do. She never dresses like this, especially at work" I said in aww.

Liam and I moved over to the couch as we watched Monica curiously. And she remained in place with her head down and her hands fidgeting. I was waiting for her to respond while Liam made himself comfortable on the couch but she didn't say anything. I looked at her and then back at Dylan wondering if I was talking to myself.

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