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I couldn't believe she was watching me be punished. My Master had whispered it to me when I had gone to the corner. That means that she was watching as I held myself open to her for the figgin. I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to do with myself my Master felt like it served me right and didn't address my audience she said the humiliation would serve better to my punishment and to make sure I gave a good performance. 

So while I laid back across the bed and took my spanking I tried to be strong I tried not to allow myself to break to soon. I didn't want Monica to judge me for crying so easily I didn't want her to feel bad for me for getting punished because I knew I deserved it. But you can only be so strong when the inside of your asshole is on fire. 

Having the ginger shoved inside me was humbling and it was way worse than the anal beads the lasting effect of the burning oils was so much worse. I knew my Master was right though I deserved this I broke so many rules knowingly I had a way out at every turn but chose to disobey her. I needed every ounce of discomfort and pain she was delivering to my backside so I finally got it through my head that I couldn't keep putting myself into these situations.

I had to find a better way to be a good friend to Monica. Not that I was able to think about it at the time that I was fighting for my life against this ginger root. I wanted nothing more than to take this thing out. I didn't realize how much I clenched during spankings until I found myself trying to relax to get away from the sting of the root. But relaxing from the root only made the spank feel 10x worse I was suffering at every turn. I was bawling and begging for forgiveness in no time. 

When it finally ended I had to hold myself open so that my Master could remove the root holding myself open my tight grip on my blazing cheeks ached in another type of way. I cried as she slowly twisted it out enjoying every painful second of its slow retreat. I was disappointed that the loss of the root from my insides didn't soothe it one bit. She hugged me and told me she was proud of me for taking it rubbing some of the sting away while I cried my apologize into her chest. I was then sent right back into the damn corner with my hands above my head no rubbing I just had to sit there and suffer still feeling the burn from the oils and the spanking. 

I stayed in the corner for a good 30 minutes before I was allowed to get out. When the timer went off I had to sit at the dining room table and write an apology for my disobedience. I was to remain bottomless the rest of the day I could put a shirt on if I like but it had to be one that was short enough so that my ass was on full display. 

I'm sure my Master made me do that so that Monica could see my well-spanked bottom. As if she hadn't seen enough of it. But surprisingly she was gone I went to go check on her after I got out of the corner but she wasn't there. I wondered if she left because she was embarrassed that she watched me. She didn't have to worry I had no intention of saying anything to her about it. It was embarrassing enough knowing that she saw I couldn't handle talking to her about it. 

The bad thing is I wanted to be mad at Monica for watching but I wasn't I don't know it's probably that stupid humiliation kink flaring up on me again but I enjoyed being watched. The thought of being watched while I was being punished turned me on. I enjoyed watching other subs being punished at clubs and sometimes imagined someone watching me as my Dom punished me but was never put in that situation. My Master had filled one of my fantasies without even trying and doubled it by it being someone I knew personally the Humiliation intensified and I was soaked after each painful blow I was gushing. The only thing that could have made it better is if my Master could have used me as her little fuck toy right then and there but she had to go back to work so I just left here a big lustful mess which still kind of builds on to it.


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