Cool Down

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I walked out of the room closing the door behind me without answering her. When it was closed I leaned against it and closed my eyes letting out a deep breath.

"Yeah I figured you'd need saving when I saw Monica walking out the restroom dressed like that," Liam said.

"Oh God, you saw her too, What the hell is she thinking," I asked him walking with him towards the exit. 

I was used to Trinity dressing like that she always dressed a little promiscuous so nobody was phased by it anymore. But Monica always dressed more professionally. This was throwing me completely off and it was taking all my strength not to let her see what she was doing to me.

"She's trying to get your attention Sis. You've been ignoring her for the last 2 days you're driving the poor girl insane," he replied. 

"By dressing like that," I said looking back towards my office as if I could see her through the walls.

We made our way out the door and sat on the bench outside by the fountains so we could get some air while I cleared my head.

"Well, it obviously got you riled up so yeah I think so. I swear you lesbians see a pair of boobs and you lose your damn mind," he said chuckling. 

"It's not just that it's her disrespectful ass mouth. She's been talking to me sideways all morning and it's really, I started. 

"Getting you Hot," Liam laughed harder.

"Can you be serious? I have a real problem here," I said annoyed.

It was getting me hot and annoyed that I couldn't do anything about it. I didn't mind Monica's sass because I could always serve it right back. And if we were at work and she got too ahead of herself I could make her do some remedial task to put her in her place but with me not talking to her and barely wanting to give her work it was harder to do. 

"Aren't you a Dom why don't you just go I don't know go Dom her and make her behave or whatever already so we can get back to normal. I'm tired of all this tension in the office," Liam replied.

I love how he says it like it's so easy. If I had that option I would have done it already. Though I knew I needed to figure this out quickly our fighting was starting to affect the rest of the staff.

"I'm not Monica's Dom Liam. She's currently looking for someone else that's the whole reason she dipped out on the party remember? 

"Yeah but she likes you, why else would she come in dressed like that," Liam said. 

"I don't know her intentions or her feelings about me. All I know is she hasn't asked me to be her Dom. If she's looking for somebody else that means she has no interest in me being hers. So I guess she doesn't see me as a possibility, I sighed. 

"But didn't Trinity say she was ok with you being her Dom? Liam asked.

I admitted to Liam that Trinity wanted Monica to join our relationship and the fact that I was also interested in it happening. The more I thought about it the more I wanted it to happen. Which is half the reason I'm so pissed. If Trinity hadn't put in my head that Monica was interested in me I wouldn't be feeling some type of way about her looking for another Dom and I probably would have just docked her pay or something for what she did at the wedding. Fuck am I jealous? 

"Yes, but Trinity is saying that off of her own assumptions and wild fantasies. Monica hasn't admitted to either one of us that she would like to enter our relationship or consider me as a possibility to be her Dom and I can't cross the line by asking her because if she doesn't have feelings for me it could make her feel uncomfortable living with us and at the end of the day I need her to know she has a safe place to live without the awkwardness of thinking we lusting after her, I explained. 

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