Funishment Pt. 1

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I was sitting in the living room watching a show on t.v.w hile Dylan worked in her office. I was about 3 shows in a binge when I heard her call me.

"Trinity, I heard Dylan call to me.  

"Trinity Come, she ordered.  I jumped up wondering if I had did something.

"Yes Daddy," I asked peeking my head into the bedroom.

"Get in here," she told me. 

I walked into the room slowly trying to figure out her tone.

"Do you remember what I said I was going to do to you yesterday?" she asked.

I searched my mind trying to figure out what she was talking about. A lot happened yesterday. We played a game, I had an orgasm in front of the entire store, I told an Old lady that. Uh Oh!

I looked over at Dylan who was raising her eyebrow at me. She was waiting for me to say the thing I just remembered. Drats I thought she forgot all about that.

"Answer me Princess?" she asked. 

"You said you were going to give me a Spanking," I said not wanting to answer.

"What for," She asked. 

"My revealing attire and for being a slut," I said nervously.

"That's right," she said walking up to me.

She stood over me a whole 5 inches taller than me and though I knew I wasn't supposed to I looked up at her. Both scared and excited. I didn't want to be spanked but I also did want it and more so I knew my Master got turned on by doing it. 

"Your my Naughty Little slut and You deserve to be punished," she said.

Then she leaned in and kissed me. Our tongues collided and she held me to her close. My breast pressed against her and I felt an ache in my nipples but I didn't care because the kiss was so hot. I felt her desire for me laced in that kiss.

"However, I have no problem with your attire and have no desire to punish you for it. I do want to give you a spanking though but it will be for your and my pleasure vs discipline. Are you ready to have some fun with your Master?" Dylan said.

I nodded my head feeling excited and intrigured on what she had in mind "Yes Master, I smiled up at her big.

"You look excited," she smiled down at me.

"I was just thinking that I wanted you to punish me and use me like your little fuck toy like you did last night but I was scared to ask, I admitted.

"Why were you scared? she asked.

I looked away to embarrassed to say. But she gently held my head up making me return eye contact.

"I I was embarrassed that I got turned on by the punishment and wanted more. I felt like I was being greedy if I asked you to punish me, I admitted.

"Princess this thing we're doing here isn't just about me disciplining you. it's about yours and my pleasure too. Just like you were turned on after your punishment I was too. I am also wanting to satisfy you and give you what you need. I don't ever want you to be too afraid to ask me for anything you desire, she said.

"If we're in a situation where I have to deny you because of your behavior I will definitely fill that need after you have been disciplined and learned your lesson. And if you ever feel that you need punishment for something I'm not aware of or because you need it to get yourself back in line I want you to feel safe in telling me. Trusting that I will give you what you need and deserve to be a good girl again," she said.

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