Chapter 6. - One past heard & another past about to be revealed. - Page 11.

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Teleportation noise.

Temmie sighs. Jumping off his computer chair, looking up to see Gaster,Chara and Asriel near the couch.

He walks over to them.

"Gaster. . .Our computer's record almost everything and i tried to turn their's off that i just learned about, but it wouldn't turn off."

Chara responds immediately, before Gaster could reply. "Did you hear everything?"

Temmie's back top ears go back slightly. "Yes, I heard the whole thing, look, would any of us knowing would be that bad? Seeing as both you and Asriel consider us all Family."

Chara lowers their head briefly. "No. . ." Now looking back at him with a serious expression.

"You've been super secretive and mysterious ever since we all met you. What is your Story, Temmie?"

Temmie's right top ear twitched. "I have none."

Gaster responds. "Temmie, we're all family, friends and allies here...Would it really be that bad? Chara shared their past."

Temmie sinks his claws into the floor, his voice cold. "Fine. . .But Horror better not be an ass about it."

Gaster shakes his head sideways. "He might be mentally unstable in nature, but he's not evil."

Temmie raises his right eye-brow. "I question part of that sentence. . .But you're correct with the unstable part. Let's just wait until everyone is awake and here, I'm not repeating this..."

Gaster nods. "I will go and wake Toriel. Chara, Asriel stay here with Temmie alright?"

They both nod.

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