Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday! - Page 3.

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Chara and Asriel are staring at the tank, waiting for her to wake up. Gaster walks on over to it. He presses some buttons and the door carefully opens itself. Gaster has help from Dust getting his child out. She is still asleep. She snuggles up in Gaster's arms.

Chara whispers to Asriel. "I wonder if that is how you were with mom."

Asriel replied. "Most likely, but softer because I am fluffy and she was fluffy too."

Asriel smiled. "I want to hold her later!" Chara giggled. "Me too!"

Gaster hearing them both, he looks down their direction. "I hear you two, you can hold her when i say you both can, this is her first time out of the tank and she needs adjustment to her environment or home i guess it can be called and to getting use to me. I am her father after all..."

Chara says to Asriel. "Someone is going dad-mode."

Asriel giggled. "Aw someone is being a dad for the first time!"

Gaster looks at them both and raises his right bonebrow and shakes his head. "Excuse me but dad-mode? Well yes I am a father, for the first time..I am sure i'll do fine."

Chara and Asriel smile widely at him. "We'll help you be a perfect parent! We remember how our parents were to us!"

Gaster laughed. "I am sure you will, your parents were both wonderful." They hug him, something he was not expecting. Gaster feels strange knowing he felt something earlier when he laughed, now thinking maybe it was nothing and a figment of his imagination.

Chara says. "Sooo...when can we hold her?"

Gaster says with an annoyed expression. "I just got her out of the tank, it will not be for awhile. Be patient."

Chara and Asriel cross their arms. Asriel says. "Can we go exploring other universes? We're bored..."

Gaster shakes his head. "That is unwise, besides today is a special day, your mother was reborn this day, so that makes it her birthday. A day to celebrate and appreciate."

Chara and Asriel both sigh. "Celebrate her coming back to life, but that's all. We still both want her back as her original self!"

Gaster pats them both each on their head. "Let's just appreciate the fact she is here, as for her reverting back to her original self? That might not be possible, but I could try, attempting to do so anytime soon would be unwise and possibly life risking."

Chara says in a worried voice. "I do not want to lose her again...Yeah, wait a while. So how do we celebrate her rebirth?"

Gaster says to them with a smile. "Like any birthday, cake,ice cream,favorite food and drinks and just talk about the person we are celebrating the birth of."

Chara and Asriel smile. "There is a lot to talk about! Our mom was the greatest!"

Gaster nods. "I agree, she was an amazing friend and queen!"

Dust speaks to Gaster. "I am not the type for celebrating, I could celebrate her rebirth, but as for talking about her personally...I rather not talk about my feelings to be honest."

Horror said. "I am still friends with tori where i am from, things never changed between us. other then our sanity. I'll celebrate tori's rebirth but not her personally, I never knew this tori. she's not the same one i knew."

Temmie says to Chara and Asriel. "I will celebrate too, she was a good queen and we managed to bring her back."

Chara and Asriel smile at him, then decide to run over to the fridge. Gaster turns back to the tank and gently puts Toriel back inside it. But beforehand, he looks at her, feeling something he cannot describe, it is a familiar feeling to him. Gaster puts her inside the tank and turns the machine on. She is still asleep.

Gaster's thoughts. *Why has she not woken up yet?*

He goes through the settings and runs an analysis. *Her determination is in high levels, maybe that is why toriel is not waking up and not to mention she has no soul still...How does she have determination and yet no soul? The logic behind that is also confusing from when Asriel was once Flowey. Maybe I should attempt to wake her.

Hmm...No, i will do that later, for now its best everyone celebrates, everything seems stable, other then the concerning thought of her soul still not reforming and large quantity of determination. Should i even call her Toriel anymore? Maybe it's best I give her a new name later today? This is a real headache. I will just focus on the birthday celebration for now. If anything goes wrong, Temmie and i will handle it.*

Gaster suddenly feels tugging at his coat, he is taken from his thoughts and he looks below to see Chara there still, they look concerned. "Are you alright?"

Gaster replied. "Yes, just thinking about some things."

Chara smiled. "Like the birthday?"
Gaster nods. "Yes, the birthday. There is alot to plan, hmmm...."

He puts his right hand under his chin, and thinks for a moment, he grinned. "You know, maybe there can be some traveling after all."

Chara and Asriel both reply with excitement. "Really!?"

Gaster nods. "Yes, i mean it is kind of hard to celebrate a birthday if there is no supplies. No cake,ice cream,certain types of food and drinks, cooking supplies needed and not to mention candles and matches."

Temmie speaks to Gaster. "You are not leaving are you? Toriel might need you."

Gaster looks at him. "I have no intentions on leaving. I will have Dust and Horror go along with them, you as well so nothing will go wrong. Would you?"

Temmie looks at Horror, then back at Gaster. "Yeah, I will."

Temmie walks up to Chara and Asriel. "Do you remember the rules on traveling to other universes? Do not cause problems for anyone, do not speak to anyone, not unless something comes up and it becomes necessary.

Interaction with anyone from other universes is something to avoid for the time being, it was needed before because of a past situation with your mother and even having dust going on a solo mission, but now we stay together. Gaster's goal is on pause for now, at least until your mother's soul reforms and she is a child and knows everything she needs to know, about her destiny and understands her powers, and so forth."

Chara crosses their arms. "You called her our mother....don't mess with us."

Temmie shook his head. "You know what I mean. Oh and another thing, do not trust outsiders and if something goes wrong, in any place we end up in. Stay hidden and do not attempt to attack others."

Asriel replied. "But shouldn't we defend ourselves?"

Temmie replied. "You are not strong enough to protect yourselves yet."

Chara sighed. "And how do i do this later on exactly?"

Dust and horror turn silent. Gaster speaks to Chara. "I will teach you how to defend yourself later on."

Dust laughed. "they are human, what's to teach? give them a knife or a gun and they are good to go!"

Gaster growled and spoke in a cold tone for a moment.. "I was around way before you ever existed...I was in the war, i know exactly what to teach the child.."

Horror responds. "dust, are you an idiot? did you forget the human, monster war? humans knew magic, just like we did. Its obvious gaster knows some past spells or whatever."

Gaster nods. "Exactly!"

Temmie mumbled. "I am impressed. Horror you can think and behave?" (I had too! Lol XD)

Asriel whispered to Chara. "Gaster can be scary sometimes..."

Chara nods. "Yeah."

Temmie looks back at them. "Alright, i will get you both some belts first, they have locators inside them, a recording device and something that will take you anywhere you have been before, but only locations you can access."

Temmie leaves the main room and comes back 15 minutes later carrying a bag over his right hip, he looks up at Chara and Asriel. "They are inside the bag. Put them on so we can go."

Chara and Asriel grab the bags and put them carefully on their waists.

Temmie walks over to a basket and places the bag inside. He then walks up to the sink, he dries his paws and grabs a pair of what looks like traveling gloves that are hanging near the sink, not his normal lab gloves. They look comfy.

He walks up to Gaster. "We should be back in an hour or so. Unless something holds us up."

Gaster replied. "Be careful."

Temmie replied. "Yeah."

Horror says to Gaster with his right bonebrow raised. "I thought we were going with them g, what gives?"

Dust crosses his arms, he says. "yeah, fill us in on it!"

Gaster replied. "Plans change, would you rather go or stay here?"

Horror looks at the tank. "Ill stay." Dust nods in agreement.

Both Chara and Asriel leave with Temmie, the portal closes behind them.

Dust's thoughts. *why does chara continue to be kind towards me? I do not understand it...*

Horror sighed and he mumbled. "why do these kiddos continue to be nice to a nutcase like me for? they are odd."

Gaster chuckled for a brief moment, quietly. He turns back to his child, to continue monitoring her health.

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