Chapter 4. - New Face. - Page 18.

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Toriel thinks back on the creature from before. "Why not just take a ride back and forth but me not getting out? would that be okay? I just want to hear the waves of the water..."

They tilt their head to the side. "Okay, boat rides are free."

Toriel enters the boat, the river person asks. "Tra la la! Where do you wish to departure?

Hotlands? Waterfall?"

Toriel responds. "Waterfall but i will not leave the boat."

The riverperson responds with a nod.

The boat changes shape, it raises from the water and starts running at full speeds away from snowdin.

Toriel can barely see anything.

The river person says to Toriel in a monotonic whisper. "When one is seeking, they might find but when they are hidden, can they be found?"

A chill goes down her spine. "That sounds a little disconcerting and mysterious..."

No response. A few minutes or so have passed.

The river person says. "Tra la la! We are here at Waterfall, are you sure you do not wish to depart?"

Toriel was about to nod until she saw a monster getting attacked by some guards. She growled.

"I am handling this. I will be right back...Someone has to stop this madness!"

She jumps off the boat, heading for them.


They all look over at her.

The guards look her up and down and whisper.

The biggest says to her. "You look similar to Toriel, but you are not her! Your a skeleton, goat thing. BAH HA HA HA! SO SANS HAS A FAMILY OUTSIDE OF PAPYRUS AFTER ALL!"

They all start laughing, just not the monster they were attacking.

The largest guard says. "You look tasty, mind if i eat your face?"

He quickly grabbed her, he screams in horror. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

His right hand is melting from the touch of her right shoulder.

Tears are falling from her eye-sockets. Thinking to herself. *What is going on!?*

The guards all try to attack her, all one by one dust from her.

She starts crying.

The monster walks up to her, he has long black hair or possibly dark blue put up in the back, glowing yellow-orangeish eyes and his sclera is pitch darkness. He has a few severe looking scars across his face and white scuffed up horns. He has elf-like ears as well. 

Decently built in body structure and his face looks like it was carved by gods.

He is wearing a white overcoat that looks rather old yet formal and decent, torn in places slightly. Carrying what looks like a staff in one hand. There is both a bow with arrows at his back and a put up sword.

It is raining heavily upon them both, the atmosphere is strongly humid, she is wondering where this feeling came from.

Why is the weather bothering her suddenly and where is this fog coming from?

deciding to ignore it the best she can and focus on the monster in front of her.

"Thank you, my lady for saving me...Those savages had me cornered, I was unable to defend myself due to being outnumbered."

Toriel puts her hand out. "Do you need my help?" reaching for him.

He has his hand out, she pulls him up.

Smiling at her. "Thank you, the help was most appreciated, I will remember this!"

He bows. "You have my respect and most gratitude!"

Toriel chuckles. "Oh, it was nothing..."

Shaking his head sideways. "No, it was everything! You saved me, what you did was a very good thing..."

Toriel thinks to herself. *Hes sweet!*

He sighs, saying in a bitter voice. "I am kind to those that deserve it madam, but to those that have become disgusting brutes, i have no mercy! They are cannibalistic savages waiting for their next victim.

I was lucky and given by your appearance, the feeling I had at first glance. You as well. No offense."

Toriel thinks to herself after sighing. *Nevermind, hes just like the rest of them...Cold and brutal.
But in his case, survival but what does he eat!?*

She responds nervously. "Do you eat?"

He shakes his head sideways. "I haven't in awhile, i find ways to distract myself from my inner madness. I refuse to take part in such ways!"

Toriel raises her right bonebrow. "How are you not a pile of dust from starvation?" she then quietly mumbled to herself. "Then again Horror choose not to eat for years...How is he alive?"

The mysterious monster says to her. "I distract myself by ending those that deserve it and protecting the innocent!"

Toriel feeling uneasy. "Who do you attack?"

He replies. "Queen Undyne's guards, but only if they start attacking others...I only attack monsters who attack others for fun.

I protect the innocent and whenever i do not do so. I just explore and enjoy the scenery."

Toriel laughs. "I must show you to my father and friends, they will like you alot! But uh...there is alot i need to explain on the way."

He replies. "Oh, where are we going ms?"

Toriel sighs. "To snowdin.."

Jumping back with a shocked face. "Why go to such a place like that!?"

Toriel responds in a defensive tone. "Please do not judge, i will explain. Here lets go into the boat and ill explain on the way there."

He nods with a smile. "Okay." Patting her right shoulder.

They both get into the boat together.

"Tra la la! Return to snowdin?"

Toriel nods with a smile. "Yes, please."

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