Chapter 5. - A new ally or a Mistake? - Page 23.

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Entering the lab with Mad-Gaster and Dust.

Razzledazzle and Eimmet are both staring at their surroundings in awe.

Eimmet turns to notice a small fluffy monster near that looks similar to him.

Razzledazzle grins, saying in a loud voice to get everyone else's attention. "HELLO EVERYONE, I AM RAZZLEDAZZLE!"

Temmie falls off his desk.

Horror laughs.

Temmie growls.

Everyone looks in Mad-Gaster,Dust,RazzleDazzle and Eimmet's direction.

Gaster walks over to them and kindly greets them. "Welcome to my laboratory and home. I've heard alot about you during my travels, it is nice to meet you!"

Geeting his right hand out, Razzledazzle gets his left hand out. They shake hands.

"Tell me, are you Dr.Gaster?"

Gaster nods. "Yes, i am and i assume they told you two everything. You came for gold and travel gear yes?"

Razzledazzle nods. "Yes, exactly!"

Gaster grins. "I can provide you with that easily, I could make you anything you need or improve.

Gold is easy to get, let's say i know some people and let's leave it at that."

"Cool, how long will it take?"

Gaster sighs. "What do you need?"

Razzledazzle. "An easier, safe way of travel, food supplies and drinks. Things i will need for my robot friend over there."

Gaster looks over at Eimmet. "Oh, you mean that robot temmie over there? What does he need?"

RazzleDazzle grinned. "Weapon improvements, ways to improve his running speed and strength...Oh and make it to where he can endure weather of all types! Possibly make it to where he can eat and drink what i can. He always ask about it."

Gaster raises his right bonebrow up. "You are asking for a lot of weapons to be added on to a child, wait a minute he already has weapons!??"

Razzledazzle nods. "I found him broken and repaired him awhile back, he has weapons built in and a defensive system as well. He is abit buggy and acts outdated. Maybe you could check him out."

Gaster thinks to himself. *I do not like this RazzleDazzle, is he intending to use a child for his own selfish gain? Or is he concerned for his friend's safety? Either way, i won't be rude and cause problems.*

"I will have my Dust and Horror get you Food and drinks, Temmie and i will work on the Gear and tech. Just relax while you are here. It is more then a lab, but a home. It is my own pocket universe."

Razzledazzle smiled. "So i have been told, how fascinating! See you in a few hours!"

Walking over to the kitchen, humming to himself.

"HELLO! What is your serial code number?"

Temmie looks over to see a Robot Temmie, looking him up and down. "I do not have one and you are?"

"I am Eimmet."

Temmie replied, feeling tired. "My name is Temmie."

"You look like me, but you have flesh, why is that?"

"Because i am not a robot."


"Yes, in appearance. But a robot."


Temmie shrugs. "Unless you have the soul of a Monster inside there, you are just a mechanical body with Advanced AI programming."


Temmie shrugs. "That could be checked, but for now just explore the main room and relax with your friend while waiting for your supplies."


"Yes, see you later, Eimmet."

Emmet walks over to RazzleDazzle.

Some time passes, Razzledazzle has a large sack of supplies,a belt and a small remote, Emmet, is shiny and cleaner in appearance, hair brushed.

He makes a pur noises through his speaker. He quietly says. "It was nice meeting you all! Sorry i was loud on and off earlier..."

Gaster pats his head. "It is alright, you just needed some help is all. Safe journeys."

Razzledazzle grinning. "If you need anything, we can get it easily. Just ask, but know we might ask for favors in return."

Mad-Gaster walks over and he says. "Its perfectly fine! Now be off!" waving.

Razzledazzle and Eimmet leave the lab. The portal closes behind them.

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