Chapter 2 - The Lab Raid! - Page 9.

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(Where dusttale Sans is at.)

Dust appears down below, everything is dark,musty,water dripping in a corner to the right, in front of him. Wires are along the ceilings and large monitors to his left. He turns around and decides to walk instead of teleporting around, mostly because he feels too lazy.

He starts to hum a tune to himself while looking at his surroundings. He later turns to his right and continues to walk forward and suddenly sees a bright light ahead. He snaps his fingers with a grin.

Feeling ready for anything. He enters the room ahead to see nothing around, the light he saw before is gone.

He thinks to himself. *what the hell? i know i saw something here.* He looks around his surroundings to see a snack machine, two nearby plants, another monitor and a large door.

He walks on over to the snack machine and looks to see what snacks are inside. Chisps,M.T.T Cola,Ketchup Flavored Cheestos,an energy drink called Beast-Energy. (It's the Monster Energy drink but with a different name.)

Dust punches the glass,breaking it and reaches for the Ketchup Flavored Cheestos. He grabs it with his right hand, carefully tears it open. He then snaps his fingers with his left hand and blasts the glass away, but not the snack machine. There is nothing remaining of the Glass. He sits down and starts munching on the Cheestos. (Based off Cheetos XD)

Few minutes later he throws it onto the ground and blasts it. He hums another tune and heads to the right of the machine. He sees another monitor and yawns out of boredom. Dust enters a room that has 3 lab beds in it with a monitor above,3 sinks and two large dressers and once again wiring above the ceiling.

He walks towards the beds and gives off a wide grin and says to himself, while thinking about her. *tori, you're on one of these right now huh? heh! well, after it's said and done, you won't have to worry about anything stressful in your current life anymore! believe it or not, your life is going to get better!*

He looks up and heads towards the three sinks to wash his hands.

(Cheesto powder, like Cheetos XD)

He walks towards the sink leaning against the wall, Dust turns the knob and water comes rushing out. He rinses his hands, dries them off by shaking his hands to rubbing them on his shirt. He turns around, heading towards the two dresses to suddenly hear distort noises from behind him. He snaps his fingers and summons his blasters.

Dust turns around to see some distorted creature he can only assume is a type of amalgamate.

He says to himself. "what the hell is that!?"

He snaps his fingers with his right hand and summons his bones and throws them at it. They go right through. The creature says. "J-J-Join us" Dust laughed. "no thanks pal!" He hears a voice suddenly, nearby. Making him stressed yet happy to hear in a way.

His eye-sockets black and tears fall, his voice stutters as he speaks to his "Brother." "b-brother!? it can't be...i-k killed you!"

Phantom-Papyrus Speaks. "OH, I DID DIE, BUT I CAME BACK AS A GHOST! WHICH IS CONFUSING" His expression looks confused. Phantom-Papyrus looks back at dust.


Dust snaps. "STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE NOT HERE! Get! LEAVE!" Dust snaps at the air. Nothing is there. But in his mind, there is someone there.

Phantom-Papyrus says. "BUT I AM HERE BROTHER! PLEASE LET ME STAY WITH YOU! I DO NOT WISH TO LEAVE!" Dust laughs crazily. "so, this is what it's like to go even more insane!? I do not know which would be worse, you being here or not! but It's more punishment for me, nonetheless!"

Phantom-Papyrus speaks in a calm voice. "Why is it punishment?"

Dust replies to him. "because i killed in an endless loop, to get stronger to kill an evil human, killing everyone we-I knew and no matter what i did! they would reset! and when you died...they stopped resetting for a long time! i was alone...then they did it again and again! AND AGAIN! YOU CAN'T BE HERE! I KILLED YOU! I'M JUST AS HORRIBLE AS THE HUMAN! I AM EVIL! I SHOULDN'T EVEN BE HERE! YET I WANT TO BE! JUST TO KILL THEM! BUT WHAT THEN!? ANOTHER RESET AND EVERYONE IS BACK? THE GUILT WILL STILL BE THERE! I MIGHT KILL EVERYONE AGAIN! I CAN'T STAND IT!"

Phantom-Papyrus places their hands against him with a hug. They say in a calm voice. "shhhh, look brother, I do not care if you think i am fake. i just want you to be happy again! i want to be with you during your travels and be there for you! Anyway I can!"

Dust sighs. "i do not know what to think right now, so i guess i'll accept you being here. just be quiet for now. I need to get rid of this thing and resume my mission." Dust tightens his fists, feeling unsure about the whole situation with his "Ghost-Brother"

The amalgamate is now closer to him and He jumps backwards. He speaks to it. "what the hell do you want!?" They speak to him again and say. "Be one with us!" He raises his right bonebrow and assumes the worst and he says. "if you mean fuse with you, no thanks! back the hell off! i came here on a mission to gather medicine and equipment! I need to save a old friend! so get away from me!"

They back away from him and go back into the sink.

He tilted his head and he mumbled. "that was easy? huh, i guess. well there seems to be nothing here."

Dust thinks to himself. *oh yeah, the dressers!*

He turns back to them and walks on over. He opens them and sees medical supplies of sorts and grins with satisfaction.

Dust says to himself. "yes!" He starts grabbing medicines of sorts,syringes,empty bottles, anything he is able to fix into his pockets.

He turns back to the entrance of the door and leaves the room. He enters back into the room with the snack machine. He sees a corner and walks on over and sees another door. He enters to see another light, only for it to disappear again.

There is beds everywhere. 8 of them, a bowl two plants and nearby clock on the wall and two doors leading to other rooms. Another Monitor on a wall. He heads for where another Monitor is and enters the door, into a hallway. He heads to his left and continues walking to see a large machine and a large hole in the floor below it. He sees what Gaster described as the D.T Machine. His eye-sockets are black.

He mumbled. "so this is where Gaster died."

He sees another monitor, but nothing he can get. He sees a door to his right and walks on over.Dust enters the room to see a large old fashioned TV with shelves holding lots of Tapes. Yet again another Monitor. He walks on over and starts playing the tapes, out of curiosity. His eye-sockets are black after playing them all.

He says to himself. "so that is how tori's children died!? no wonder she is depressed all the time." He sighed and mumbled more. "that and her recent events, she's a real wreck! If i could, i would kill her Frisk!" He growled.

Dust walks out of the room, feeling bad for her. He has not felt anything towards anyone in awhile other than guilt and hatred towards himself, and Inner sadness. He walks around to find nothing at all. He heads for the room where the snack machine is and presses the button he has with him.

He is stuck inside the hidden lab and needs assistance out of the hidden Lab. This Unmarked AU's (True Lab.)

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