Chapter 6. - Startled awake, Sibling comfort. - Page 8. (Short Page.)

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Chara gasps awake, their face covered in sweat,swollen with hot tears. Looking around to see they are on the floor.

Looking up to see a concerned and worried Asriel over them.

"Chara, are you alright!?"

Chara lowers their head. "Do I look alright to you?"

Asriel sighs. "Stupid question, it's the nightmares again isn't it?"

Chara slowly nods. "I have not had these particular nightmares in awhile, only this time certain things were different and it bothers me. . ."

Looking up to see Asriel worried even more. "Please just tell me already, we are best friends right?"

Chara nods. "Yes, we are best friends but...It's just so horrible."

Asriel chuckles. "So was being Flowey and losing our parents. This whole thing is messed up.

I miss them, i mean we still have mom but she is not the same, you know?"

Chara slowly gets up and hugs him, nearly pushing him over. He pats their back. "If you can't tell me anything, then how can we trust each other?"

Chara hesitantly says. "It's really serious stuff Asriel, it might scar you for life..."

"I am sure I can handle it!" sounding sure of himself.

Chara takes a step back, taking a deep breath. "Okay, but if i am going to tell you...Then it is best we sit down on my bed! This might take awhile and i do not know how well i remember this now...It is all so very confusing to me now."

Asriel nods. "Aright." Both getting on the bed.

Few hours later.

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