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A seductive and empowering voice calls out to the crowd. "Ladies and Gentleman, People of all ages! Welcome to the Circus of Never-Ending! The Best Traveling Circus across The Void!" A young male goat monster is sitting on a red velvet throne.

He has 2 humans to his left and a much larger monster to his left.

A young goat monster wearing a face mask similar to his. Male,built and has two other goat monsters with him also wearing masks. One is female and one is a child.

The Main goat monster on the throne is wearing red and crimson sleeves.

He is wearing a crown of sorts and fluffy blond hair. His cane has a glowing red object in it.

Looking at his crowd. He smiles. "I see, we have new people here...welcome friends! May you enjoy the show!"

He bows, he waves his cane and more curtains raise. Music starts playing and dancers show up on stage.

Wearing unusual dresses. Faces showing no emotion, dancing perfectly and bowing at the same time.

Two more show up and they are both female humans.

Gaster's eye-sockets darken.

"What in the name of monsterkind is that?"

Their necks,faces and limbs start to crack while they dance.

Once the show ends, they fall apart like glass. Chara and Asriel scream over it and hide behind Gaster.

Multiple people laugh at their reaction towards the broken up female human dancers.

Lori starts crying quietly over the sight of them.

Leaning against Gaster. "I wasn't expecting that and want to leave now..."

Horror sighs. "looks like something that would exist in my universe, let's go."

Dust growls quietly. "it's sick..."

Mad Gaster stands up and claps. "Bravo! Love the show!"

The Ringmaser laughed. "Thank you, i have more to come and before resuming...i see there is upset guests. I can ease such upset. It was all staged, none of it was real. I mean, nothing at a circus is real children, you have nothing to fear here."

Asriel sniffled. "It looks so real though."

Chara nods.

He chuckled. "That is what makes it great, look if you really want to go that badly then fine..But atleast stay for the animals."

Chara and Asriel gasps. "Animals!? Can we pet them?"

The ringmaster nods. "Of course you can! Anything for my upset guests!"

Lori says in a upset tone. "It looked frightening..."

The ringmaster smiled. "It is staged, there is nothing to fear here madam. I will resume now alright? The animals will be here soon and perform lots of unbelievable miracles and tricks!"

Lori says shyly. "Oh alright."

The ringmaster turns away from Lori and the others, facing the rest of the crowd. "Anyone want the animals or the clown today?"

Most of the crowd shouts out. "CLOWN!" repeatedly, 5-6 Times.

He nods. "Clown it is!"

Snapping his fingers. A small figure walks onto the stage, it is a Temmie dressed as a clown.

"Hoi! Boi's and Grrl's it ts i! Tezzie, The amazing Clown!" They squeeze their red noise a few times, squeaky noises come from it. Chara,Asriel and other children laugh over it.

Tezzie says. "Would anyone want some balloons? I make the best balloon animals and real ones will be here soon enough!"

Chara shouts. "YEAH! BRING IN THE BALLOONS! I WANT A DOG!" Feeling excited.

Asriel replied. "Same!" sounding happy about it.

Tezzie, makes balloon animals at a unusual speed. "Here you go."

Handing Chara a dog shaped balloon that is red and green for Asriel.

Tezzie bows. "I will dance now! Afterwards, wanna see me throw pies at my friends over there?"

Pointing at the 2 humans, near the ringmaster.

Chara nods.

Tezzie starts dancing, he is acting very goofy. He gets out some pies from his pockets, crumbs are falling from his sleeves. He laughs crazily. "WHO WANTS ME TO THROW THE PIES STILL?"

Everyone shouts. "THROW THE PIES!"

He perfectly aims them at the Human assistants.

Mad Gaster is laughing alot. "Throw more! This is great!"

Tezzie grinning wider then his makeup. "These pies are fresh and still very warm, soooo BANZAI!!!!!" Throwing hot steaming pies at the humans, they fall to the ground.

Lori cried quietly. "Gaster, is this really acting?"

He replied in a concerned tone. "I don't know..."

Chara and Asriel go silent.

Horror cheered. "MORE!"

Dust laughs. "nice acting!"

Mad-Gaster laughing harder, then the others. "Love the performance!" he claps.

Lori growls, she whispers to him. "I'm not so sure any of it is acting...Something about it feels off."

Mad-Gaster pats her head. "Relax, it's a circus and nothing ever bad happens at a circus!"

The humans slowly get up while parts of the pie is still covering their faces.

Tezzie, runs up to them and sprays them in the face with water from his outfit.

The water won't stop hitting their faces, its almost endless.

The ringmaster, says to Tezzie in a calm tone. "Enough, now for our next act. Animals then we shall have our friends here dance. To ending everything with music."

Tezzie silently nods. He bows before the crowd, before leaving the front stage, entering the back.

The ringmaster says to the crowd. "This will take some time to set up. Maybe an hour or less? In the meantime, my musicians will entertain you." He bows with a wide smile.

The curtains close half the stage. Musicians walk onto the stage and start playing music that is hypnotic to the ears, sounding like something that would bring you into a trance. It is very inducing.

Unusual, yet pretty Female-backup dancers monsters that look almost human but have pointed faces, playing anything you can imagine, calm to suddenly unusual in sound.

Playing music and instruments of many types, that keep you in the area.

Singing as well.

Time passes and they bow.

The main backup-dancer says. "My lord & Ringmaster will be with you all shortly, hope you enjoyed the music and will continue loving the rest of the show!"

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