Chapter 2 - Assistance delayed, a shining problem reemerges. - Page 10.

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Dust thinks to himself. *what the hell? why is nothing happening?!*

He looks at his hand that is holding it, he presses it again and speaks into it. "hey, gaster! get down here and get me out of this place!" He listens for a reply and gets only loud ear-harmful static. His eye-sockets are black.

He mumbled. "okay, that is not going to work...."

Dust looked towards the direction of the elevator and he mumbled again. "sure I could snap my fingers and leave this lab in my universe easily! but something tells me doing that won't be an easy task here. something feels really off..."

Dust turns around back towards the room where the beds are. He re-enters to see a bright light again, to nothing. His eye-sockets are black. He snaps his fingers and summons a large pointed bone and holds it in his right hand like a sword.

Dust heads for the very top, where the hallway is. He heads to his left going towards the D.T Machine because he heard sudden strange noises and wants to investigate. As he gets closer he hears the noises get louder. He looks to his right and sees a doorway.

Dust enters and sees a strange thing in a shower, moving but its appearance is unknown to him. He mumbled. "what the hell is in there?..."

He walks slowly and cautiously towards it. He quickly opens it to find nothing. He growled in frustration. Cursing briefly under his brief. Believing it was in his head.

Dust leaves the room and heads back to his destination from before. The D.T machine room. He feels compelled to go into the room now. He enters to see a bright light again and this time he sees an Object in the room.

It looks like a Star. Dust says out loud. "oh shit-i see actually it! i see the savestar! what does that mean for me though!?"

He walks towards it slowly and feels a compulsive urge to touch it and wonders what would happen if he did, would Toriel be alright? Maybe touching it will help her, from where she is at. He reaches for it and grasps his right hand around it. He starts to scream for a moment, Seeing and Feeling images of previous events from his universe, things he did.

Seeing himself. Seeing the Human he hates and everything they have done, and are now currently doing-He saw all of it in such a fast and short moment.

Dusttale/Murder!-Sans is sweating and feels like he might snap from the pressure of it all. His eye-sockets are black, his fists are tight,he accidentally crushed the button he was holding. He does not care at the moment.

Everything fades and he sees another Human now. They are being threatened. Yelled out. Lots of emotion is being shown,tears, anger and shock. The Human, their reactions and words sicken him. He has seen similar actions and "emotions'' before.

Note: Frisk from UnderVanquish-Toriel,Gaster and Temmie's Universe. Dust touched a Savestar and is seeing two events at the same time and it's really screwing with his mental state and emotions.

"Frisk: "I truly am sorry! Please give me another chance! I do love all of you! Everything i did was for good reasons! And as for the almost-Genocide, it was a mistake...Im sorry!"

Frisk is crying, alot, their face soaked in tears. Undyne snaps at them again, calling them a liar, Asgore tries to calm the situation, but he has an upset look as well.

Sans looks very disturbed,hurt,shocked and maybe angry as well. Papyrus has an expression of shock and sadness. Frisk says. "Please just hear me out! P-"

Everything fades out, including sound, something is now reappearing. It's Toriel. She looks exhausted and afraid. Unable to sleep. But looks like she is starting to get tired and fast from the looks of it.

Note: Dust can see and hear everything that is going on. But nobody can see or hear him. He is in a ghost-like state, he cannot do anything.

She says to herself with her voice briefly breaking in strong emotion. "I-I remember now...I asked for his help. I asked Gaster for help. My child, they betrayed me, betrayed everyone."

Tears fall from her eye-sockets. She slowly looks down at her right arm and sighs. "My future is coming....But do i even have a say in it, do i not? I do not wish to become his child. Is he going to kill me? or does somebody he knows kill me instead?...Or worse..."

She stopped talking for a moment, feeling like she is being watched. Her eye-sockets tiringly searching her surroundings for a moment.

Speaking to herself again, feeling uneasy. "What if Frisk is the one who kills me....They almost finished a Genocide before. I do not want to be Gaster's child at all! I do agree with his goals, his reasons are good! But me being everybody's symbol of hope? What nonsense! And if I am....I will decide how I help others!

Why would becoming his child be important? What does he planned for me? Can't I be the way I am now? Am I not powerful enough? Does he find me weak? I feel offended! Hmm...well whatever the reasons, maybe he will change his mind. It's my life! My destiny is it not? My path? Me being everyone's Symbol of Hope?

If Frisk is not in the position anymore and I am. That would mean I would have to somehow bring peace to everyone. But right now...there are humans who hate and fear monsters...I am not a Human though, Frisk had the role of being the Human/Monster Ambassador, to somehow bring peace for everyone. But they are failing, am I supposed to be something more?
I do not see how. I was never a good enough queen or a good protector for my people and children. If I were anything amazing at all, Monsters long ago would have never been sealed underground or hated by humans. How am I fated to help anybody? What does Gaster see in me? How was I even smart enough to be queen? Let alone the brains behind anything at all. Sweet Gerson always bragged about me and how smart I was." Toriel giggled at the mention of Gerson.

Dust chuckled for a brief moment.

Toriel's eye-sockets are black. She says. "H-Hello? Whos there?"

His eye-sockets are black. His thoughts. *did she just...hear me?* He sees her start to panic. She puts her hand over the button but decides not to push it.

Toriel mumbled to herself. "I'm just tired and need my rest...The medicine and stress must be getting to me. Obviously there is no way out of this situation! How am I going to handle speaking to Frisk, when I wake back there!? Let alone every frightened human out there, the hateful humans as well. For once in my life...I do not know what to do. I do not know how becoming a different species of monster could possibly change anybody's lives, I want to do things my way first! And if all else fails, at least I tried anyways right?"

Toriel smiled to herself and she thought out loud with a yawn. *Whatever the results may be. I just hope in the end....Everyone I know will be happy and safe.*

Note: Toriel's voice is sad yet some happiness as well?, but she has finally accepted the fact in the end, that everything Gaster told her is true. But Toriel wants to see if she can make things happen her way first. To see if she can make destiny the way she wants it to be/decide.

Dust thinks to himself. *well this is something to talk about later.*

Toriel sighed and she says out loud. "If i do become his child....I just hope i do not forget this life. There are good memories in it."

Her eye-sockets go black. She growled and says very loudly. "NO! I WILL NOT BECOME HIS CHILD! I AM GETTING BACK WITH MY HUSBAND NOW! I HAVE PLANS AND...And, Oh geesh."

She puts her hands over her face and everything starts to fade. Toriel speaks out, her voice is fading out on his end. "Is s-someone there?"

Dust is silent.

Toriel speaks again. "Hello?" her voice glitched and echoed, now fading.

He is in pure darkness now. Dust snaps his fingers from his right hand and summons a blaster, to see a small skele-goat child. They Tilt their head to their right side.

His eye-sockets are black. They make a hmm sound. He said quietly. "what!?"

They stare at him, showing no emotion. He says to them. "tori?"

They look confused and upset. They turn around and start running from him. He runs after them, they disappear. He now hears distorted noises and turns around to see a large disfigured version of The child, only lots of goop and darkness. They roar at him. He jumps back. Ready for anything. They do not attack him, instead they keep pulling at themselves. They are falling apart, mentally and physically. Dust tries to stop them, they disappear in front of him. Hes alone now.

He thinks to himself. *am i inside the savestar or something!?* A bright light appears, flashing briefly before him and he screams,causing him to wake up, only to be back in Hotlands, but not in the lab below. He is back where Gaster,Horror and Unmarked-Mettaton are.

Both Gaster and Horror's eye-sockets are black. Unmarked-Mettaton says. "What just happened!?"

A bright light flickers nearby. Gaster sees it, he sees a different variation of it. He sees this as an opportunity, he snaps his fingers with his right hand and appears to the left of it. He grabs it, he starts to glitch on and off. It's glowing purple now.

Unmarked-Mettaton says. "I do not know what is going on but i must insist you either leave! or leave and let me handle this awful friend of yours!"

Gaster raises his right bonebrow. "I am afraid I cannot let you fight him now, as awful as that was. His intentions was good but careless. He could have handled things without killing. But I can see where he was coming from. Why don't we all go to Asgore and i explain everything."

Unmarked-Mettaton yelled. "I WILL NOT LET YOU NEAR THE KING!"

Gaster groaned. His thoughts. *Of course.*

Horror snarled. "i've had enough!"

Dust snaps his fingers and gets in front of unmarked-mettaton. He pushes them immediately out of the way. Gaster snaps his fingers from his right hand, and appears behind horror. His eye-sockets are black. He speaks in wingdings. "✌︎☼︎☜︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎ 👍︎⚐︎💣︎🏱︎☹︎☜︎❄︎☜︎☹︎✡︎ 💣︎✌︎👎︎✏︎✍︎✍︎" English Translate: "ARE YOU COMPLETELY MAD!??"

Horror laughed and said to him. "nah thats dust's job."

Dust responded immediately. "nah i am more stable than you buddy! atleast i can control myself a little better now!"

unmarked-mettaton is about to speak when the door to the lab opens. Everyone turns to see a small human. It's unmarked-Mettaton's Frisk. Only they are carrying a knife.

Dust,Horror and Gaster all stare at them, feeling nothing but hatred. They see the savestar and tilt their head and mumble to themselves. "Why does the tall skeleton have my save point for? I need that"

Gaster,Dust and Horror all hear that. Gaster says. "Mettaton, mind if you and I go to the castle? My friends can get more supplies."

He thinks to himself. *They can kill the disgusting human!,get any ungathered supplies and we can get its D.T extracted after helping Toriel.*

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