Chapter 3 - A delay to Underswap. - Page 9.

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Gaster sighed, as he,Chara and Asriel leave the lab and enter a large Portal, that he just summoned through a small device he was carrying in his right pocket.

The device looks similar to a pocket watch. They walk through and enter the void. The portal closes behind them. Chara and Asriel sigh.

Gaster holding the food and drinks, looks down at them both. "Is something the matter?"

Chara nods. "Yeah, we are still upset about what happened earlier...."

Asriel nods.

Gaster says. "Look, everything is going to be alright, trust me. We'll get through this."

Chara and Asriel hug him.

Gaster still feeling unsure how to respond to their acts. "I will put the food down for a moment.."

Chara says. "Huh? Why?"

Gaster replied. "You'll see."

They watch as Gaster places the food and drinks down. Gaster then looks at them both, he gets on his knees and says. "I will try this hug thing you both do."

They tacklehug him. "YAY!!!!"

Gaster falls backwards. Gaster sighed. "I have never hugged anyone...Do not expect it to be anything special. I have never had enough time to do such." He puts his arms around them, patting their backs. Gaster suddenly feels something, but cannot explain what it is, it feels new to him.

Gaster carefully gets them off, they help Gaster carry the food.

Gaster says to Asriel. "I have an idea to make this much easier." He stops walking, putting the food down again.

Chara and Asriel look to see Gaster snap his fingers and he summons a skeleton dragon, it has a blaster for a head or looks similar to one, or the dragon itself is the blaster. (heh it is.)

Chara and Asriel look at it amazed. Asriel says. "Whoa, that looks cool!!!! Um, what are you going to do with the dragon?"

Gaster says. "I will have us sit together on it, carrying the food and drinks."

The dragon makes a grumble like noise. Gaster looks at it with a raised bonebrow. "Look, i know it will be new, it will be new to us too, so get over it...It is just this once, alright?"

The skeleton dragon/blaster groaned in response mixed with what sounded like a sigh at the end. It lays down and waits for them to get on its back.

Gasters thoughts. *Oh, the belts, Temmie....This was a bad idea."

The skeleton dragon starts to growl suddenly. Gaster raises his right bonebrow. "Hmm? What is it?"

Gaster suddenly hears an awful high pitch static like noise coming from behind him,Chara,Asriel and the skeleton dragon. Gaster says in a cold voice. "Whoever is here, leave..."

There is laughter all around them. A voice similar to Gaster's speaks. "Oh and why should i?" They laugh.

Gaster feels the children clinging to his sides. Asriel says. "Gaster im scared!"

Chara says in a scared tone. "I'm scared too, but i won't let this whoever they are do anything to my brother!"

Gaster says with a slight smile. "Full of determination or bravery, either way it is much needed."

Asriel tugs at Gaster. "I am scared, but i will be brave..."

Gaster looks down for a brief moment to see both Chara and Asriel no longer clinging to him, they are staring at the front. Gaster immediately looks back up to see another Gaster and at that moment, the children gasp.

The gaster has a twisted smile, it looks crazed. "Oh a human and the prince! My my! And another me! How interesting!"

Gaster growled. "Who are you or should i say, what universe did you reside from?"

The gaster smirked. "They call me Mad Gaster."

Gaster thinks to himself. *Oh no, not this lunatic, I have read all about him in the database..*

Mad Gaster looks and notices the food and drinks. "Oh, are we going on a picnic or party? Can i come?" He laughed.

Asriel shakes his head sideways. "No, i am sorry but this is for friends of ours."

Mad Gaster chuckled. "Oh, i am sorry...How rude of me, maybe i should just depart then or....."

Chara says in a confused voice. "O-or what?"

Mad Gaster snaps his fingers and he says in a cold voice. "Kill all of you and take it for myself..."

Gaster raised his right bonebrow. "Excuse me? Kill us over food? If you want it that badly, i could just hand some to you and leave."

Mad Gaster laughed. "What fun would that be? I love the brutality of my victims!"

Mad Gaster smirked at all of them. "I wonder who to shoot first...eenie meenie miney mo, shoot a human by their toe! If they cry, make them scream! 50 gold everyday! And my dead mummy said you are IT!!!!"

He points at Gaster. Gaster mouthed quietly. "What in the name of Asgore is wrong with this lunatic!?"

Mad Gaster snaps his fingers and summons not blasters but guns!? Mad Gaster smirked. "HAVE A TASTE OF LEAD IN YOUR HEAD!" He laughs crazily at Gaster.

Mad Gaster starts to shoot at Gaster, Gaster quickly snaps his fingers summoning blasters and tells Chara and Asriel. "CHARA! ASRIEL! GO TO MY SKELETON DRAGON NOW! AND STAY WITH THEM! THEY WILL KEEP YOU SAFE!"

Chara and Asriel both shout out. "WHAT ABOUT YOU!?"

Gaster says. "I will be fine! NOW GO!"

Chara and Asriel start running towards the large skeleton dragon, leaving the food and drinks behind. (XD hello darkness my old friend....poor food and drinks.)

Mad Gaster sees them and says. "After I kill my loser self, i will kill you three and take off with my food and drinks!" He laughed.

Gaster says. "You're insane!"

Mad Gaster says with a frown. "No, just bored,hungry and want some people to kill, my guns are lonely and have not had anyone who play with in soooo long!"

Gaster says in disgust. "You are mentally ill and disturbing!" Gaster is dodging Mad-Gasters attacks, while Chara and Asriel are safe on the large skeleton-dragon. Clinging to it in fear, from both sides.

Asriel says to the large creature. "Could you attack this jerk? If i asked you?" looking up at the large skeleton-dragon. They blink their eye-sockets and strangely enough nod.

Chara gasps. "WHAT!?? B-But hes not Gaster!"

Asriel smiled. "I am the prince!...I think." He frowned. "I might still be that."

Chara says while feeling Determination. "Brother! Don't ever doubt that! You will always be the prince! Our dad is somewhere out there!"

Asriel sighed. "I do not understand it....Didn't Gaster save him too?"

Chara looks in Gasters direction. "Dragon, will you listen to me too? Please help gaster! Attack that meanie! SHOOT HIM AND BLAST HIM!"

Asriel says in a happy tone. "THE SKELETON DRAGON NODDED AT YOU! IT WILL LISTEN TO US BOTH!!!!" They start charging their energy from within and fire at Mad Gaster, firing multiple times with demand given.

Gaster says in a startled voice. "Who is firing-Oh my g-" He looks for a brief moment in their direction and gets grabbed from behind. Chara and Asriel scream. They see gross goopy like hands wrapped around Gaster. They are from Mad Gaster's back.

Chara and Asriel start to cry. "T-TAKE THE FOOD AND DRINKS AND GO AWAY!"

Mad Gaster chuckled. "Oh, a gift for me? Thats sweet, but no, not until i've had my fun!" He reloads his gun. The skeleton-dragon does nothing, they do not know what to do at this moment.

Gaster growled. "L-Let them go, i am the one who has been fighting you!"

Mad Gaster laughed. "But my interest is in all three of you, besides a human and the prince traveling with another me? How interesting! Mind telling me why?"

Gaster says in a cold voice. "It is none of your business.."

Mad Gaster starts to crush Gaster's body. Gaster does his best not to scream in agony.

Mad Gaster sighed. "How stubborn, not even one little scream? You're no fun at all! TELL ME NOW!"

Chara looks at Asriel and whispered. "S-Should we say anything?"

Asriel says in a frightened voice. "I do not want Gaster to die, maybe if we tell this Gaster everything about Gaster's goals and our mom, just everything Chara!, this gaster will be nice and go away kindly and say sorry as well?"

Both Chara and Asriel standing close together, shout out to Mad Gaster. "HEY! OTHER GASTER!"

Mad Gaster looks immediately in their direction. "Yes, what is it?"

Asriel gulped. "we have something to tell you, it's important."

Chara nods. "Yeah!" Mad Gaster smirked, looking at them both with an expression of interest. "Do go on, tell me this important message."

Asriel says. "Gaster...Well, Gaster from our universe, he created something very powerful and if he dies. We all die. It's called a Savestar! Without Gaster, these savestars will disappear forever and that would be bad, they are scattered across time and space! He created the original savestar, it manipulates time and space, well...i won't explain how it works, humans, in other universes are using it to cause Resets and do Genocides. They have been doing it for so long, it is causing the Omniverse to slowly die. If it dies, there will be nothing left. No more universes! Please do not kill our Gaster, we need him!"

Mad Gaster, astonished, blinked his eye-sockets for a moment. He frowned. "There is more, i can tell! What is it?"

Chara sighed. "There is a symbol of hope...My brother and i's mom, when she came across the savestar from our universe, it choose her as its new Symbol of Hope, our Frisk was no longer needed, our mom's life and theirs was switched in roles. Only our moms became more serious, more important. She gained Determination and is going to help save everyone,

she died though to save everyone from our universe but was..."

Mad gaster says in a cold tone. "And?"

Asriel sighed. "She was revived as our Gasters daughter..."

Mad Gaster is speechless. He looks at Gaster, then back at them. He suddenly laughs. "Oh this is interesting! and i thought i was a loon! Is this for real? Well! Well! Your mom's life really got screwed over huh? Bye bye life as the queen! But becoming a babybones? A child of another me? That does sound ecstatic for sure! I bet she looks pretty strange."

Asriel growled. "Thats mean! She does not look strange!"

Mad gaster snickered. "I decided I won't kill you three, but that does not mean I won't annoy you...I mean, no more Omniverse? That means no more victims for me! No more jolly screams or nice-cream! and my sweet Susu!"

Gaster says in a confused tone. "Who is Susu?"

Mad-Gaster says. "Another me but beautiful! Her eye-sockets are the most devine in the darkness!"

Gaster feels disgusted. "Are you in a relationship with this Susu?"

Mad Gaster says in a proud voice. "Yes and you can't have her!"

Gaster replied immediately. "You have nothing to worry about, i have no interest in the slightest."

Gaster says to Mad Gaster. "I have allies whom live with me, other then the children and my daughter. Two sanses and a Temmie. A sans from the universe called Dusttale and the other from Horrortale. The Temmie is from my Universe. Hes very intelligent. I am hoping to redeem the two sanses. This savestar repair, it requires traveling other universe, repairing or replacing them. Taking over other universes and protecting them, destroying or preventing any threats or problems. Fixing any that are not humans or similar. Not to mention ending the resets and genocides."

Mad Gaster crosses his arms. "That sounds interesting and all, but being a protector of universes? Where is my fun at? Do you have enemies? I would love to end them! Or better yet, maybe I could be your pal and destroy all of your little problems!"

Gaster thinks to himself. *Oh, interesting, his skills are quite handy i might say, but as an ally? Hmmm...Well i have Dust and Horror. But can this other me even be trusted? I will not have him in my lab! Not to mention he almost killed me and the children! He does seem interested in the cause though...I guess, he can join, more allies the better but my mood towards him is sour. I will hide it, i do not want any more problems.*

Gaster says to Mad Gaster. "Mind releasing me, i have something to tell you that will have your complete interest." Mad Gaster carefully releases him. Gaster turns around and faces Mad Gaster. "How would you like to Join me on my cause?"

Mad Gaster grinned, his expression with that of excitement. "Oh I would love that! The idea of crushing your enemies and seeing them tremble slowly before me and bleeding! Screaming in terror!"

Mad Gaster smirked. "I gladly accept."

Gaster says. "There is something i might add, no harming anyone in the universes, that i travel into and intend to help. Enemies you can do away with as you please. I do not want any problems from any possible threats. If any of my allies or in the future, my child were to get in danger, would you help us?"

Mad Gaster groaned. "Killing others, yes, but protecting? Eeeeh...Fine i guess, but could i teach your kid how i fight?"

Gaster feels surprisingly uneasy and does not want anymore problems from Mad Gaster. "Sure, just do not overdo your teachings...."

Gasters thoughts. *I will be watching the whole time...*

Gaster gets his right hand out. "Allies then?"

Mad Gaster gets his left hand out. "Allies! Oh this will be fun!" He smirked. They shake hands.

Chara and Asriel are speechless for a moment. Asriel says to Mad Gaster. "I am still upset at you, you tried to hurt us before..."

Mad gaster chuckled. "Oh i was just having fun! It's no big deal anymore!"

Chara crossed their arms. "You tried to kill us, i am not sure we can be allies....You're scary!"

Mad Gaster laughed. "Oh yes, I am scary aren't i? It's marvelous and i love it! look , get over it, we are allies now, so that means we can become friends i guess."

Chara says. "Um, if you still want any food, we could share..."

Mad Gaster says with an excited voice. "REALLY!?"

He quickly runs over and looks through the food and starts grabbing some chocolate cake. He looks at Gaster and says while eating. "Allies, means free food!"

Gaster shakes his head. "Well, we are on our way to underswap to visit some friends, i guess we will see you later?"

Mad Gaster frowned. "Fine, but i want one of these food containers."

Gaster replied feeling annoyed. "Alright." Mad Gaster grabs one of them and some drinks.

Gaster thinks to himself. *Did i make the right decision? I mean he is completely mad...Oh wait, nevermind. My taste in allies is questionable.* He shakes his head.

Mad-Gaster grins at all of them. "I guess, i will go now. Hmmm..." He grinned even widered. "Or maybe, i can tag along, i would not mind seeing your lab and meeting your other allies and child. A gaster with a Toriel as his child, how interesting!"

Gaster sighed. "I do not mean to sound rude, but i planned out originally for just Me and these two traveling to another universe and back to my lab. You could wait for us or-"

Mad-Gaster's face turns sour. "Wait here? and be alone again? No thanks...Why not just bring me to your lab? Look if i come along, i will not harm anyone."

Chara whispers to Gaster. "I think bringing him would be a bad idea, hes scary!"

Asriel says to gaster with a frown, talking quietly. "Hes crazier then Horror and Dust i think..."

Gaster shakes his head, replying quietly back to Asriel. "I would not go that far, this Gaster is indeed unstable but he said he would only harm enemies of ours. I will keep an eye-socket on him if he is to come along."

Gaster looks at Mad Gaster with serious. "You can come with us, just don't harm anyone please."

Mad Gaster chuckled. "I'll try, but don't completely count on it."

Gaster gets out his device and presses some numbers. "We should be there within 15 minutes." Traveling together, they later show up in front of a large portal. Above it, it says. "Underswap."

Gaster sighed. "Let's so in shall we?" Gaster looks down at both Chara and Asriel. They reach their hands out to him. He holds their hands now.

Mad Gaster shoves all three into the portal and follows behind, the portal closes behind them.

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