Chapter 3 - The new home. - Page 2.

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Chara and Asriel, now run over to a table far off from everyone else, it is near the coffee machine. Asriel mumbled quietly to Chara. "Chara, want to talk about mom later? Our memories we had with her?"

Chara crossed their arms. "I would like to think this could be reversed somehow..."

They look to the ground, with a sigh afterwards. Asriel puts his right arm around Chara. "Look at the bright side, she's here in a way right? Maybe when she gets older, she will remember us!"

Chara replied. "And if she doesn't?"

Asriel replied. "Then maybe we could find a way to make it happen or just be her protective friends!"

Chara looks up at him with a smile. "Yeah protective friends!"

They go over to the fridge and get out milk and a box of chocolate cereal. Chara sees a note on the fridge.

"To the children of the royal family, or do i call you by your names? Chara and Asriel. I bought everything you enjoy in the taste of food, including snacks. I have the snacks put up for now, so you will not go running amuck in my lab. I have the drinks you enjoy as well. Here are the lists of everything."

Note: Just remember the food fight page from earlier Chapter 2 XD you'll get an idea of what Chara and Asriel enjoy.

Chara and Asriel get out some bowls,spoons and put the cereal into the bowl, milk last. Chara puts the box up.

They sit down together feeling lonely, wishing their parents were with them.

Asriel says. "I suddenly lost my appetite..."

Chara says in a concerned voice. "You have to eat though."

Asriel sniffled. "Could you eat it for me?"

Chara gets off their seat and walks to Asriel. They help him off of his seat and they hug each other.

Chara says. "I'll ask the sans who has a hole in his head, if he wants our cereal. I do not want to eat now either.."

Chara cautiously walks over to where Horror is at. Horror is getting some water from the cooler, he looks tired. Chara says. "Um other Sans or whoever i call you....My brother and i, we were going to eat but lost our appetites, would you like to have our cereal?"

Horror says in a grouchy voice. "food is something you should treasure kiddo, everyone here to my dismay calls me horror, i guess it's fitting..."

Horror closed his eye-sockets briefly with a chuckle. He opens them and says with a smile that makes Chara feel uneasy. "sure, i'll eat the cereal. It's not everyday someone offers me their meal.." He laughed.

Horror walks to the table were Asriel is, Asriel sees Horror and backs away abit. "I'll just go over there.."

Horror says with a grin. "is something the matter kid?"

Asriel shakes his head, feeling uneasy of horror but sad about his mom at the same time. "I just want to be with Chara."

Horror says in a cold voice. "Your mom is not coming back kid...she will never be the same old toriel you remember, she's going to be a new person now and will never remember you, just accept it."

Aerial grabs his bowl of cereal and throws it in horror's face. Aerial yelled at him with tears now falling. "YOU ARE A LIAR! AND A JERK!"

Horror gets up immediately and glares at him. Chara runs to Asriel and stands in front of him. "Back off or ill-ill"

Horror snaps his fingers and is even closer to them both. "And you'll what?"

Chara gulped. "I'll throw lots of things at you! Annoy you or something! Just leave my brother alone! We're heartbroken! We want our mom back!"

Temmie's right ear twitched, hearing what is going on, he quickly runs over. "I heard everything from here, Horror what the hell is wrong with you!? Leave these two alone..."

Temmie shakes his head, he looks up at Chara and Asriel. "Toriel might remember you, but it's not a 100% guarantee alright?

even if she does not remember you, She's here in some form, shouldn't that be enough for now? She's safe and alive. Gaster and I will not let anything bad happen to her. Dust will help protect her too, as for Horror. I am not sure at the moment..."

Horror ignoring them, walks over to the sink, and washes his face, dries it and then his hands. He snaps his fingers and grabs a thing of ketchup and leaves the main room.

Temmie mumbled quietly under his breath. He speaks to Chara and Asriel. "You two need sleep...I will make you two a bed in here for the time being, i can see you both wanting to be near her right?" Chara and Asriel both nod.

Temmie looks at Dust and he says. "The extra blankets and pillows are in the storage room..I need to stay here with them."

Dust replied. "alright, i'll be back in a moment." Dust snaps his fingers and shows up in the storage room, he looks around until he sees a large box labeled. "Blankets and Pillows. Sheets." Dust walks on over and opens it. He reaches in and grabs the pillows and blankets, the pillows are thick and are made of memory foam.

The blankets are comforters, they are thick and have feathers inside them, dust happens to notice a few feathers sticking out.

He chuckled. He grabs them all for Gaster and the children.

He snaps his fingers with his free hand and manages to leave with everything. He shows back up teleports near the tank.

Temmie walks up to him. "Good, help me setup everything...They all need a lot of sleep."

Chara and Asriel cross their arms. "You mean Gaster and our mom! We're not babies!"

Temmie grumbled. "You look exhausted, i found you in a cold room shivering, besides it is actually late now."

Dust raised his right bonebrow. "time exists in this place?"

Temmie says to dust. "Dust, Gaster told you before this is a pocket universe, his own personal universe, yes time exists here. We can go over this later or you can read it in the earlier written entries."

Dust says. "i will just read it later."

Temmie says. "Good, now help me fix up the beds."

Both Temmie and Dust make up Gaster,Chara and Asriel's beds. Gaster looks at Chara and Asriel as he walks over to them. "I am sorry for Horror's behavior earlier."

Chara feeling confused. "Why are you sorry for? You are not that creepy jerk!"

Asriel says. "Hes smelly!"

Dust laughed. "Yeah he does stink doesn't he?"

Temmie says. "He's revolting..."

Chara and Asriel laugh.

Chara says to Gaster. "What do we call you?" Gaster says. "Well, you are both not related to me, and I am sorry to say not related to your mother anymore either. But seeing as you were the children of my past friends, who were also my employers, whom I will always be loyal too, including the monster species. Would you consider me to become your guardian?"

Chara and Asriel look at each other in confusion and then back up at Gaster. "What do you mean by guardian?"

Gaster says. "I would become your parent, without being related to you. Well at least someone who takes care of you in their place. Seeing as your parents cannot take care of you anymore, I feel I am responsible for you and should step in their place, care for you and tend to your needs."

Asriel gets teary-eyed. "I am not sure I want that....Does that mean they won't be my parents anymore?"

Chara is silent. They grab his hand and turn away from Gaster.

Gaster sighs. "I know I can never replace them, but at least let me take care of you two."

Gaster looks over at Toriel for a moment, he says. "Um Asriel..."

He shakes his head for a moment, with a quieter sigh. His thoughts. *How can these two not understand yet, she is no longer their mother? Although yesterday she was just that...So if i were in their shoes, i would be confused too. Their time of realization of the whole situation and healing is going to take awhile.

But i am sure they'll be fine afterwards and accept me as their guardian. I mean, they will be living with me for the rest of their lives...I might as well become just that. I promised toriel i would protect her children, and that is exactly what I will do. So they will have to accept me as their guardian at some point, but for now, it's best to leave them be.*

Asriel looks back at Gaster and he says. "Yes?"

Gaster shakes his head. "It's nothing, let's just go to bed."

Asriel shrugged his shoulders. Both he and Chara walk over to their beds, a few minutes have past and everyone is in bed, but Temmie,Dust and Horror.

Temmie checks on the computer again, the stats are the same, she has no soul yet somehow exists in a psychical form.

He taps the tank and gets a response. He jumps back. She heard Temmie tap the glass. He goes through the computer for awhile. Dust goes over to the coffee machine and gets Temmie a glass.

Dust gets himself a beast-energy drink and they work together in the lab, Horror is cleaning and every now and then helping with adjustments. He is tired and best to be avoided at the moment.

A few hours later, nothing has changed on the results. Temmie yawned. He looks at Dust. "It seems she was only responding to my tapping at the glass and that was all. Interesting but that's it. Let's get some rest, we can check up on her in the morning." Dust nods.

1 Year later.

UnderVanquishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora