Chapter 3 - Hide and side, short lived. - Page 11.

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Underswap-Chara is glitching on and off. "Everyday is exactly the same, you know? Just one little touch of the star that's all it takes! I've never felt this way before or had such knowledge....We need Resets. This world needs a **Reset** maybe even Erase this useless world? There is too many of them..."

They place their hands over their eyes and start digging their fingers in, screaming.


Asriel, now beside Chara, clings to them crying. "Chara i'm scared!!!!" Underswap-Chara places their now blood stained hands away from their eyes. Their eyes are missing, there is only darkness and blood and a twisted smile. "The beast is coming....SAVE US!!!!!! DIE!!!!!"

They laugh a few times and say afterwards, from what now sounds like a frightened cry.

"P-Please stop this....I-I'm scared, where am i? Please stop! Save me! Help me please!"

Chara tried to push Asriel away, but he didn't budge. Asriel says to Chara with a serious expression. "I want us to do this together! I want to help you Chara!"

Chara grabs his right hand, looking at him with a gentle smile, they say to Asriel. "We fought the scary Temmie from here didn't we? I bet we can do this too."

Asriel giggled. "Nah, he wasn't a real Temmie! Temmies are cool! He was just a jerk!"

Chara nods in agreement. They both turn back to face Underswap-Chara, to see them directly in front of them, not even a foot away.

Gaster yelled out. "LOOK OUT!" Tears immediately start falling from Chara's eyes.

(Intense as hell moment!)

Chara screamed out. "ASRIEL!!!!!!"

Underswap-Chara slashed him across his chest with a knife. Asriel falls to his knees.

Chara manages to kick the other one away, making them fall backwards.

Gaster turns Underswap-Chara blue. Chara holds Asriel in their arms.
Tears falling from Chara's eyes. They say to Asriel. "Please be alright! I do not want to lose you!"

Chara hears footsteps from behind. Gaster says to them. "Here, let me check his health." Chara notices his eye-sockets are black. Gaster says to Chara. "He needs medical attention!"

Mad Gaster sighed. "Or maybe perhaps some food will do? I am sure he'll heal from it. Remember our food is not exactly normal. Monster food is made of both normal food-like elements and magic. You know very well whenever we eat or drink something we heal from it, did you forget that?"

Gaster replied. "Get something from one of the food containers and fast!" Asriel coughs blood.

Chara gasped. "W-Why are you coughing blood? Do monsters normally even bleed?"

Gaster says in a confused tone. "Normal monsters do not, monsters are made of magic.

Skeletons are different, even though they were made of magic, for some reason they bled. The same for goat monsters. It is puzzling. Toriel bled from past injuries and asgore as well during the war. Toriel, last year before you two came back to life..."

Asriel looks over to his right and screams.

Gaster yelled out. "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" Underswap-Chara is glitched and standing over Chara and Asriel, bleeding as if they had gotten loose from something. They quickly slash Asriel and Chara.

Chara sees Asriel slowly dust before them, in their arms, Chara is hurt from the attack,bleeding and covered in their brothers dust. Tears are falling still and they are now silent.

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