Chapter 3 - Explanation Situation. - Page 13.

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"It is a day I wish I could have prevented..." He tightened his fists.

"She was in awful pain, suffering from my creation,arguing with herself and in the end saved everyone by using her future abilities..Teleporting what remains of the monster race from our universe, including the humans from the town she lived in below Mt.Ebott. She had my help, along help from my allies.But as for why none of them are here with us and why you're mother did not come back as her original self, is because of your father...."

Gaster's voice changes in tone, chara notices his teeth clench, hearing his knuckles crack. Chara said. "WHAT!?" before Chara could interrupt, he says. "Please, let me explain, child, out of respect for your Mother and friends." Chara remains silent.

Gaster resumes. "I had just gathered up her family...Asgore,Alexander,Lily,you and asriel. I teleported with them in the lab, while Temmie was gathering the other temmie's. Horror and Dust got the others. I did as well. We all managed to safely gather everyone and put them in the lab. In the end...We came back for your mother.

Me,Temmie,Dust and Horror returned to the void and saw her falling to the ground with her soul floating from her body. I teleported us to her, i grabbed her body as she was falling, i told all 3 of them to hurry! Temmie grabbed her soul, only for it to shatter in front of us. Her body immediately turned to dust afterwards."

Chara tears up and latches onto Gaster's right arm. Gaster sighed, he continued.

"Dust was carrying a glass container, in case the worse happened and it did. He gathered her dust,soul pieces and dress and immediately left together for the lab, as our universe was being erased from existence. When we returned to the lab, everyone was stressed,confused,frightened,sad and some angry.

Each had many different responses. Our friends asked many questions, asgore's was that of heartache, your friends were sad.

The other monsters were confused,scared and sad. The humans were confused,scared,sad and the other humans were confused,scared or hateful. It was a lot to take in for them all. As we entered together. Asgore,Alexander,Lily,you,asriel and your friends greeted us immediately and when you saw the glass container and dress.

You and asriel immediately started crying. Asgore was in shock and sat with you two on the couch. Alexander was furious and blaming me for her death, lily was crying. They stayed with Asgore,you and your brother for awhile."

Temmie's top ears go down, he speaks. "The Temmies I saved were frightened and confused. I stayed with them for awhile, to calm them down. The same from other monsters from waterfall."

Horror says. "I stayed with everyone from snowdin, while Dust stayed with monsters from hotlands and the ruins. The humans, they stayed with each other, Mr.marsh visited us and came to see how we were though. He was nice. Teish and Pete were scared shitless, but apologized for the past shit they did towards Toriel.

They were treated badly by other humans in the lab. I stopped that real quick." Horror grinned afterwards.

Chara says in a curious tone. "What did you do towards the humans?"

Horror says, "I told them if they did not stop being so hateful, i would turn them into headdogs!"

Chara replied. "Ew!"

Horror laughed.

Gaster shakes his head and resumes explaining. "Sans was upset and asked if i was going to be able to revive her as her original self or not, his brother was crying and could not even speak. Undyne had to calm him down in another room. Alphys and Mettaton went with them.

I told Sans, there was a strong chance i could revive her as her original self in time, but it would have to be immediate. I had help putting her remains in the tank,same for her soul fragments or pieces. Same thing. Temmie turned on the tank and said it would take awhile, asgore asked how long.

Temmie replied to him, an hour,few hours,maybe even a week to a month. Possibly more depending on the damage. The damage was severe, seeing as her soul was shattered.

The machine also caught traces of D.T in the fragments. We managed to safely extract it. Everyone, overtime adjusted to the lab. Asgore was very quiet and distant from everyone other than his own family. He checked up on her often, asking how she was doing. Me,Temmie,Horror and dust gave him daily updates. It took a year for her to revive.

She was her original self again. When she woke up, the first faces she saw was her family and of course. Me,temmie,horror and dust. Your mother immediately hugged Asgore,then you and asriel,alexander to lily. She was happy and in tears.

She hugged me and thanked me repeatedly, she also hugged temmie and these two here. Both of their reactions were that of anti-social.

They pushed her away but were friendly about it. She accepted her destiny as Symbol of Hope and asked if our universe was still intact. I told her and she was sad about it. I told her that the lab was everyone's new home until something could be done about the situation.

The hateful humans adjusted to us and strangely became nice to us, well decent in behavior. I am not so sure they ever actually grew to like us. Figures as much. Mr.Marsh and what humans that did truly did care are ones I truly respect and think of as allies,not to mention friends. Never thought I would think of humans as friends. You chara are different of course. You're the child of the king and queen, adopted but truly and genuinely love everyone.

Both you and Asriel played happily with other children often in the lab, humans and monsters. I even made a section in the lab for you all inside the lab. I made a playroom for the children and well anything that would make this lab a suitable place to live in. Asgore and Toriel were going to remarry a few months after her revival, but it never took place..."

He growled. "One day, everyone was in the main room eating together, talking and socializing. Me,Temmie,Dust and Horror taking a break from work. Toriel still needed adjusting to being alive again. Sometimes she would loose her balance and have dizzy spells. It caused concern and worry."

Gaster sighed. "After everyone had eaten, Toriel and Asgore were going to remarry,they were even both dressed in their royal traditional clothes. I was going to be the one to make the wedding be so. It never happened, because when they joined hands and were saying their vows. Asgore and Toriel got sick. Asgore worse then Toriel. He started speaking an odd language i did not understand in the slightest.

He looked at Toriel and snapped at her. He said in a loud and booming voice. "YOUR NOT TORIEL! YOUR A SKELETON! A SKELETON GOAT CHILD! YOUR NOT MY TORIEL! WHERE IS SHE!?"

His voice was violent and sounded hysterical. Tears started to fall from his eyes, he started to breath heavy, we all saw and heard it. It was not a pleasant sight.

He grabbed your mother's shoulders and started shaking her. He said. "WHERE IS TORIEL!??"

He threw her to the ground. I got in the way and told him this. "Asgore what in the name of monster kind is wrong with you!? She is Toriel! Here, why don't you lay down, maybe i can help you..." He snarled at me and said. "You caused her to die! You are evil and a traitor to us all! You must die!"

He summoned his trident. Horror and Dust both said. "HEY BACK OFF! have you completely lost it!!? tori is right there!"

Asgore looked in her direction and smiled. He said. "This is for Tori..."

That confused everyone and the unexpected happened, he threw his trident at her and it went through her gut. It made many monsters scream leaving the main room, her family members and friends stayed. I was in shock over what had just happened, i snapped my fingers and teleported to her. She was coughing blood, while in tears.

She started to glitch. She told me this. "H-Hes not himself, hes...The star, i can see it, feel it! I-It's back! I think my Determination is back and hes...Corrupt! Please save everyone."

I tried to help her up, she started to dust, but surprisingly stopped. She walked towards asgore and fell against him. I saw his face return to that of normal. Toriel started to glitch more, i saw her sweat and act strange. The next thing i knew, she was melting and puking up black goop like substance and clawing at asgore. To screaming and crying in his arms.

She was unstable again. I immediately went back to her, to free your mother from him and I managed too, by kicking him away.

I had help from Horror and Dust keeping him at bay while i put her in the tank. Her soul was nearly gone.

I managed to get it to regrow back and stabilize but it was too fast. How it came back that fast was concerning. Yet somehow stable. Me,Temmie,Dust,Horror,You,Asriel,Alexander,Lily and close friends did everything we could to stop your father."

Chara cannot believe what they are hearing.

Gaster says in a serious tone. "You both tried to stop him, running to him and telling him to stop, he did not hear you while firing fireballs at me and knocked you both hard against a wall. You were hurt emotionally and psychically. The impact made you forget the events in the lab, you both only remember seeing her alive in the void with your father when Temmie found you.

Undyne and Alphys joined in on helping me, Undyne nearly died, she almost burned to death but i saved her in time. What really got her the most was the fact Asgore was insulting Alphys and firing her as his royal scientist, calling her a traitor for helping me. He called them both traitors and tried to kill them.

Horror and Dust were at the tank guarding it while i fought Asgore. I told Undyne to take you and asriel out of the main room, alphys followed.

Oh and Mettaton was ignored by Asgore. He was not seen as a threat. He nearly died and had to be knocked out by Dust.

Dust took him quickly out of the main room and returned. Temmie tried to talk sense into Asgore and was only snarled at by him.

Asgore looked back at the Tank and only saw her as her future self. But for some reason seeing Dust and Horror made him snap even more, i can only assume because they were guarding the tank.

Papyrus almost calmed him only for Asgore to shove him aside and knock him over to the ground. He resummoned his trident and tried to get both Dust and Horror away from the Tank. I tried again to stop him, he threw fireballs at me multiple times and hit the tank, the computer started going on about alerts, about her stats, she had died before my very eye-sockets to reform again and quickly too, the tank said her recreation process was finished, her soul had reformed again somehow.

Only for Asgore to quickly get to the tank and take her from it, she died and dusted in his hands. I could not see any fragments.

I snapped and started fighting him out of pure anger." Gaster tightened his hands even more.

"When Undyne returned, I had Asgore by his neck, how i suddenly had such strength is beyond me but enough was enough! He went too far!..."

Chara stopped latching onto Gaster and was terrified. Gaster says in a serious tone. "I said this to your father."

Gaster stops talking for a moment and resumes. "I will send you far away from here. Far as possible. You killed her and almost everyone here, endangering their lives. You are now unfit to rule as our king and as a parent. Your children will be in my care for now on. I can only assume your actions were not 100% your own, it must be that of my creation, but mixed with the star. You are a danger to us. I am sorry, but you cannot stay. You are one to save in the future, but for now. Farewell." Gaster looks down at Chara, tears are falling from their eyes.

They say to him. "You did not kill him did you?"

Gaster shakes his head. "No, i put him in the void and far from here as possible....You do not think ill of me do you?"

Chara shakes their head sideways. They hug him, while feeling upset.

Gaster sighed. "After i returned, everyone came back to the main room, only to suddenly disappear before my very eye sockets, Asgore,Toriels friends. Sans,Papyrus,Undyne,Alphys,Mettaton and many others. Not to mention family members. Lily and Alexander. Everyone who was disappearing said they would somehow find a way back here.

Mr.Marsh said that he would return as if he was sure of it. Such an odd human. The Temmies were frightened and said they would try to return. Temmie told them he would find them. One Temmie was talking to him and was dressed differently from the others.

They were also upset. Temmie is very serious about finding all of them, we have been doing our best to find them all. The humans also slowly disappeared, some either disappeared or were erased. I could tell the difference.

But anyways, after cleaning the lab, we searched for any remains of her dust and found all of it, surprising a soul piece. I revived her and in a very painful process. Doing so took awhile, the machine messed up the first time causing her to melt before me, but the last and final time. I had to take one of my ribs, a piece of my soul,her dust and soul piece and a drop of my blood. Shes back now and as my child. Most likely forever, i will not risk her dying again just to see if it can be reversed.

As for her memories returning? That is uncertain.

Just be glad shes back with us, her soul i believe is possibly scattered across time and space...Another reason for traveling other universes, it is just simple belief, might not even be true. But if it is, then it is something worth doing later on." Chara nods. "Yeah! Bring her soul back! But first, my brother! How long will it take? I do not remember if you told me or not..."

Temmie says. "A month..."

Chara says. "A Month huh? Great...Sad news of the past,losing friends and my best friend. I feel alone."

Chara gets up and walks past them.

Dust mumbled. "You're not alone kid..."

Gaster says to Dust. "Lets give Chara some time to themselves."

Dust nods.

Gaster looks at Temmie. "Lets check her medical status shall we? and get some sleep."

Mad Gaster says. "Well that was sure cheery!"

Gaster looks at him with a stare, mad gaster says. "What?"

Gaster and Temmie walk over to the tank and check Toriel's medical status, everything is fine.

Everyone heads to bed. 1 month later.

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