Chapter 4. - Plans for fixing the core. - Page 30.

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She is greeted by Horror and Horrortale-Papyrus.


He holds her close.

Horror says in a calm tone. "yeah, glad to know."

Horrortale-Papyrus places her down and walks over Asriel.

Toriel's fragment looks up at Horror, she says in a kind tone. "I hope everything works out!"

He raised his right bonebrow. "You don't mind that human children are dying and being used as food?"

She shakes her head sideways. "They are genocidal and only want to destroy us all...So no i don't, to be honest i barely feel much of anything. My only focus and care is mostly towards Monsters more then anything!, my children are here. My father and friends. I just hope i can find my other friends..."

He pats her head, unsure how to respond at first. He says. "you'll get help from me kid. even if i have help from your dad and he somehow achieves his goal with me.

I'll stick around until the end, i mean we're allies right?"

She nods, laughing for a moment.. "Were more then that! We're friends!"


Horror nods. "you couldn't get me away from this place..."

Hearing the gaster's voice speak in both his and Toriel's fragment's direction. "Nice to know!"

Horror looks at Gaster. Gaster smiled. "I think we should talk about fixing the core."


Gaster nods. "I am not leaving anyone out."

Temmie is standing next to him, his top right ear twitching.

"Yes, well this is going to be a long conversation and alot of planning out. Lets go over to the living room area." he points with his right paw over to the direction of the living room in the main room.

Everyone heads there.

Gaster puts out chairs for everyone from Horrortale. He,Chara,Asriel,Toriel's fragment,Horror,Dust,Mad Gaster all sit near each other. Gaster is holding Toriel. She blankly stares at everyone, she gets shy and covers her face with her hands.

Toriel's fragment sighs in a stressed out tone. "That looks strange to see...."

Aliza says to her baffled. "It does look kind of weird, it's like seeing into a mirror!"

Horrortale-Flowey says. "Yeah, very weird."

Gaster sighs. "Let's start shall we?" looking at Horror.

He says to Horror. "I think you should start the conversation."

Horror nods. "yeah, I had plans before on fixing the core...It would have taken some time originally and well alphys from our universe didn't approve so she decided it was best to kill me off for my soul and use it as an energy source instead.

enraged, I temporarily lost it and well you all know the rest." tightening his grip on his pants for a moment, he sighs. He resumes talking.

"my new plan is that we go into other universes, look for replacement parts for the core. use the parts to create a new core. to rebuild it and find a new power source of some kind.

That should bring back our power to the underground, but in the meantime we'll have this meat factory and go on au raid's for food sources as well. Plus finding,replacing the savestar if necessary somewhere and toriel fragments if we come across any of them."

Mad Gaster grinned. "I love the idea! Its genius! Hope we get battles out of it!"

Horror growled. "I rather not."

Gaster shaking his head sideways. "There is no avoiding that, the development of that meat factory, i am sure we have enemies and a bad reputation. Most likely wanted posters in many places."

Dust says in a upset tone. "yeah, we have wanted posters..."

Horror grumbled. "great..."

Everyone stares coldly at Mad Gaster.

He says in a confused tone. "What!?"

Toriel's fragment sighs. "There is no way of undoing it now, if we come across a problem we face it head on and get rid of it.

Our goals are important and must be achieved!"

Everyone nods in agreement.

Dust sighs. "Well, mad gaster wasn't alone in this...i helped him."

Gaster looks at him. "You did not want to be a part of it."

Dust looking up at him. "still helped, so he shouldn't be alone with the glare down." he shrugs.

Gaster pats his right shoulder. "It's been settled alright?"

Dust nods.

Temmie says to Horror. "Who do you think should go on the first raid?"

Horror grins. "both of us on the first au raid for looking for parts and food, mad gaster and dust on the 2nd,gaster and you on the third-"

Mad Gaster interrupts. "How many AU Raids is there going to be?"

Horror's eye-sockets darken, he stares coldly at him. "I don't know yet but that was rude."

Mad Gaster grinned widely. "Sorry, that was rude wasn't it? You know we could all go on raids at once perhaps?"

Gaster shakes his head sideways. "There has to be people here at the lab."

Toriel's fragment says. "Maybe there could be two people on raids at once?"

Horror grinned. "that could work..."

Mad Gaster smirked. "You did mention me and dust as a 2nd raid, oh the fun this will be!"

He quickly turns around, facing dusttale-sans and picks him up. "WE GET TO BE AU LAB RAIDING PARTNERS! HOW LOVELY IS THAT?"

Dust replied with no emotion in his voice. "swell."

Mad Gaster grinned widely. "Oh don't be a sour babybones! this will be fun!"

He looks at Gaster. "When do we leave?"

Gaster raises his right bonebrow up. "Everyone just got here, why not wait a day?"

Mad Gaster frowned. "Oh, you're no fun! Fine tomorrow it is then!"

Everyone leaves the chairs.

A few hours later.

Gaster,Temmie and Horror shows everyone from Horrortale to their rooms that was arranged/setup for them.

(Gaster,Temmie and Horror fixed up these rooms <3)

Gaster walks up to Toriel's fragment who is leaning against the tank. He sighs. "I do not think you are ready to be fused back, ill bring you to bed." picking her up.

Yawning, deciding not to talk, she falls asleep.

Gaster arrives in her room and tucks her in.

There is a quiet knock on her bedroom door.

Gaster turns to see Horror. "when do you think she'll be ready?"

Gaster sighed. "I don't know yet...Maybe after the AU Raids and some time has passed a good bit, maybe she'll feel alot better and maybe fusing her back to her body will be alright then."

Horror nods. "yeah probably."

Both leaving her bedroom, get greeted by both Chara and Asriel, who look worried.

Chara says. "Is she alright?" asriel leaning against them, tired.

Gaster replied with a reassuring tone. "She just needs rest, give her some time. your mom will be alright."

Both of therm hug Gaster.

Asriel says. "Well, we are off to bed now...we just wanted to see how she was."

Chara crossing their arms. "Is her soulless self okay?"

Horror nods. "they are both the same person you know. just say your mom."

Chara smiled. "Guess things will be less confusing then?"

Horror's bonebrows lowered and slightly tilted downward. Giving off a frowning impression.

"yeah but tori feels unsure about it. so if she asks to be alone, respect what she asks of you alright?"

Both Chara and Asriel nod, feeling bad about earlier for how they acted.

Asriel says to Horror with a slight smile. "Goodnight!"

Horror replied. "goodnight kiddo."

Chara waved. "Goodnight horror or uh sans.."

He sighed, sounding unhappy. "kid, given the fact there is another sans here, the nicknames are necessary. but seeing as he's not nearby, being called by my name sometimes from you guys would be nice."

Chara smiled. "Goodnight sans."

Horror replied in a much chipper sounding mood. "Goodnight to you kid, ill help you to your room in case anyone is awake."

He leaves with Chara, teleporting away with them.

Gaster looks down at Asriel. "Ill bring you to bed and see if Temmie is awake, tomorrow is a big day for everyone."

Asriel nods, reaching for him. Gaster chuckled, picking him up. He snaps his fingers and brings asriel to his room and is later back in the main room to see Temmie at the computers.

Gaster walks over towards him. "How is everything going temmie?"

Temmie looks over in his direction. "Everything is secure and everyone is asleep. We should be too, we have a big day tomorrow."

Turning off the computers. He jumps off from the chair, putting away the gloves he was wearing and his lab coat. "See you tomorrow."

Gaster replied. "I will shut off the lights, they will turn on automatically though if any of us comes through but shut off again if anyone leaves."

Temmie yawns. "Alright, how long will that last?"

Gaster replies. "Just until morning."

Temmie replies in a tired tone. "Alright, see you tomorrow then."

He leaves the main room, gaster is alone, he goes through the settings for the lights and then leaves the main room. He heads to his bedroom and goes to sleep.

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