Chapter 5. - Guilty Conscience. - Page 4.

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He tightened his fists. "I'm just going to go and try to talk with them..."

Heading for the door, to be greeted by Gaster.

"gaster....look, i lost control alright? I'm sorry for what i did. chara is your kid and doing that was a big nope. but the kid suggested a reset. you know how i feel about that!"

Gaster coldly replied. "You didn't have to threaten and attempt to harm them..."

Dust sighed. "you know my unstable nature, reset's is something I loathe...before we met. i was stuck in an endless loop, genocide routes through a evil human, who happens to be a chara possessing a frisk..making the kid murder endlessly."

Dust chuckled. "that is if the kid is possessed, maybe they are both evil."

Gaster shaking his head. "No, i think its something else..."

Dust laughed. "oh and what might that be?"

Gaster coldly replied. "Why did you join me to begin with? If you find my help suddenly useless?"

Dust sighed. "just reality hitting me g, you want to end resets forever across the omniverse and massive genocides on monsterkind. how do you intend to help me and if you manage to help me? what do i get out of it?"

Gaster stares at him in a serious way. "Helping you by ending the resets in your universe forever and getting rid of the human there. Fix or replace the savestar.

If there is a toriel fragment, get her out of there safely.

I hate to say this but maybe one reset...Just this once, might be okay."


Gaster sighed. "Yes and due to overuse of corrupt or bored humans. But what if a monster was to use the savestar? Have good intentions and use Reset? Use it just once and never again. Maybe with my help, i could actually revive your brother and friends."

Dust laughed. "nothing can bring them said so yourself awhile back, that RESETS replace people or erase."

Gaster raises his right bonebrow up. "It didn't with everyone in my universe..."

Dust crossing his arms. "odd luck."

Gaster replied. "I do not believe in luck. Look, using your soul signature, i am sure with help from our allies. you will have your brother and friends back."

Dust shakes his head sideways. "my brother is right there g." pointing to the left of himself.

Gaster coldly responds. "sorry to break it to you, but what you see is a figment of your imagination, that is not your brother. It is all in your mind."

Dust growled. "THAT IS MY BROTHER!"

Gaster says in a serious tone. "You need to face reality sooner or later, your brother is dead. There is no papyrus ghost here."

Dust yells. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" sounding upset, he turns Gaster blue, throwing him out of his room, he hits the wall in the hallway. Dust slams the door with his magic.

Gaster thinks to himself. *he'll calm down, sooner or later...* Brushing himself off. He snaps his fingers, leaving the hallway.

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