Chapter 2 - Food fight!!!! And strange happenings!? - Page 18.

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Sometime Later everything at the table is cleaned and instead of buying anymore food its being cooked and chilled. In the meantime.....Horror is munching on some leftover deserts Chara and Asriel could not finish. He waits for the Food Fight.

An hour later.

Toriel and Asgore enter the living room with multiple trays of Cream Pies,Chocolate,Peanut Butter Fudge,Butterscotch,a good variety of flavors. Horror drools at the amount they have.

Dust mumbles to him. "don't lose control during this alright?"

Horror replies. "alright mom!" Horror chuckled afterwards, he says with a grin towards Dust. "I won't, with all of that i'll be just fine!"

Toriel handles her children and the first two pies. Chara throws a pie piece at Undyne. It lands right in her face before she could dodge. Horror starts laughing.

Chara says. "Mind if i throw one at you?" Horror grinned. "i welcome it! throw it!"

Chara throws the banana cream pie and it lands strike into his face. Everyone starts throwing and dodging pies. Dust starts throwing pies intensely at Horror with a large grin, hes having...Fun!?

Toriel smiled happily and mumbled for a moment. "Glad those two have some kindness in them."

She ignores her possible future, all that matters to her is what is happening now. Her family and friends. Her Children and that maybe everything will be fine. She even hopes these two Sanses will be her friends two, they seem fine to her. Horror she is concerned about, she'll ask about his story later on.

Dust she is unsure on asking about it. For now she is enjoying this moment of happiness. Toriel throws a pie at asgore and he starts laughing, he throws a pie towards her and she dodges at a unusual speed.

Chara and Asriel both say. "Whoa!!! Cool!"

Asgore spoke in a concerned tone.

"When did you get that fast?"

Toriel feeling confused. "I am unsure, maybe its my Determination or maybe experience as a boss Monster."

She laughs with a smile. Asgore laughs in response. Chara tackles Asriel from behind, and shoves a pie in his face, they fall on the floor laughing.

Mettaton says in a dramatic tone. "Darlings prepare for the most amazing food fight yet! Grab some Sandwiches! Mashed Potatoes! Peas! Anything really! Extra cooked or left over food uneat! THROW! AND ENJOY! OOOOOOOOOOH YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!"

Chara and Asriel laugh even harder. They run for the table and start grabbing food. Horror snaps his fingers and starts grabbing food, some food he eats for a moment.

Horror then throws food at Undyne intensely. He is grinning very big, to the point of it looking like a smirk. Undyne yells out. "HEY CUT IT OUT! NGAHHH!"

She throws mashed potatoes at him. Horror dodges at first, he is now attempting to have it land in his mouth, only for Chara to charge in and throw a half cut lemon at Undyne's face. It slowly falls off.

Toriel at a odd impulse suddenly. Hearing only her heartbeat. Snaps her fingers from her fingers from her right hand, she **teleported** towards the table that has the food on it, picking up the biggest pie, her freshly baked snail pie. Everyone noticed her **reappearing** at the table.

Dust and Horror's eye sockets are black. Same for Sans. Chara and Asriel both say. "What!?? How did you do that!?"

Toriel looks and realized shes at the table. She was unaware of what she did until now. "Huh? How did I get here?"

Dust brushes off pie crust from his shoulders, then wipes off pie from his face.

Dust walks up to her, sounding astonished. "tori, you just teleported..."

Horror spoke out, with a surprised expression on his face. "yeah, only skeletons can do that!" Toriel gets very silent and almost panics until Asgore says in a calm voice. "I am very certain it's The Savestar's doing, everything should be just fine. I am certain of it." Toriel walks up to him, they embrace. "You big softie!"

Dust and Horror look at each other briefly. Sans watches them closely for a moment and thinks to himself. *these two know something...* The next thing Sans knows, a pie lands in his face. Chara yells out. "SCORE!" Changing the mood of the whole room.

Sans wipes it off his face, only for another pie to land in his face from Dust. It lasts for another hour.

Toriel and Asgore clean up everything.

Everyone takes turns showering in Toriel's bathroom, along with having their clothes cleaned and dried.

Note:Sans went to his house for backup clothes for him to lend to Dust and Horror while their clothes was washing. Everything is clean now, everyone sits together in the living room having tea. Chara and Asriel are drinking Ice Cold water. They are both tired now. But determined to listen to what Dust and Horror have to say, they wanna learn all about them.

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