Chapter 2 - Preparing for The Trip to Mt.Ebott. - Page 15.

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The next day, the start of the two countdown weeks. (1 week left after this one.)

Heavy rain is heard from outside, thunder on and off. Toriel is woken up by loud lightning. She looks around in a panic. Asgore already awake, still laying next to her. He says to her. "Tori, are you alright?"

She looks at him and says. "Aren't you supposed to be at an important meeting?"

Asgore replies with a confused expression. "With who?"

Toriel replies. "Frisk..." Remembering, she suddenly tears up.

Asgore holds her close. "Ill fix you some coffee."

Toriel replied. "I want to be right here for a bit."

Asgore raised an eyebrow. "You are normally very active."

Toriel replied, sounding downhearted. "I do not feel very active today."

Asgore puts his hands around her face, lifting her head up to his face. "Tori, we'll get through this together. Now eat up, you need your strength. I am here for you. Besides, we have that trip to plan out, don't we?"

She sighed. "It's something to get our mind's off this awful mess. Not to mention visiting them, our children."

Asgore says in a reassuring tone. "Just think about the bright side of everything. Not the bad parts. We're back together again, we know of our past mistakes and know how to prevent new ones! We can bring back the royal guard! Enhance it if needed!" He smiled.

Toriel slightly smiled, she says to Asgore. "Our friends know about my frightening situation, you do as well. I have this whole symbol of hope thing, that only makes my role as queen more important than before, does it not?"

Asgore nodded.

Toriel spoke with a sudden sadden expression. "Again, i am sorry for running out on you awhile back. I was such a coward!"

Asgore replied. "It's old news Tori, what we have is the future and it will be bright and wonderful! Just like the person I see in front of me!"

Toriel smiled really big. "You will always be my fluffybuns! Sweet and a real goofball! Will you not?"

He nodded. "Always."

He gets up from the couch and looks at her. "Now, do you want the coffee?"

Toriel replied. "Sure, get me a spider donut while you are at it." Asgore goes into the kitchen and later comes back with Two cups of coffee and small plates with spider donuts on them.

Toriel speaks to him with a big smile. "Muffet shared her old recipe with me awhile back. I shared with her my old snail and butterscotch pie recipe's. She was a wonderful friend."

Asgore says to her. "Lets eat these toward a better future and for Muffet!"

Toriel replied with a laugh. "To Muffet!" They lift their donuts, bumping them against each other for a moment. They now dunk them into their coffee together. Toriel and Asgore read books together, talk about past happy memories and long gone family and friends. To ones of recent.

Time has passed. Its been 5 hours. Toriel looks at her closest Clock. It is 5:00 PM. She looks at Asgore and says. "Asgore would you like to start preparing for the trip today?"

Asgore replied with his left eyebrow raised. "Today are you sure?"

Toriel nodded. They start preparing immediately. Toriel goes into her hall and finds her old Canteen. Still perfectly intact, surprisingly no signs of decay at all. It is big as her right paw. Holding it, she walks up to her room for a moment, and changes into her clothes of old. Just for memories sake. Memories of when her children were alive.

Asgore calls up from downstairs. "I will be back in a few. I need to go home and get ready myself. When I come back, we can pick some fresh flowers alright?"

Toriel leaves her room and calls from down the stairway. She says. "Alright, see you soon."

Asgore waved and leaves the house. Sometime later, he returns in his original king outfit. Toriel walks down and Asgore gently grabs her left paw with his right one. They leave her house together, after shutting off all the lights inside her home. Toriel locks her front door.

Both Toriel and Asgore head for the bottom of M.T Ebott. It has plenty of fresh flowers to pick. While on their way, they are greeted by everyone they know. Everyone knows of this day. They bow in respect after greeting them.

Undyne speaks to them and says. "If you need anything just ask!"

Asgore speaks to her and says. "Yes, Undyne...You are The Captain again."

Undyne replied with a confused expression on her face. "Excuse me?"

Asgore repeated but with more detail. "You are The Captain again. Captain of The Royal Guard!" Undyne astounded, she says with a salute and proud smile. "Yes sir!"

Toriel speaks to her. "You don't have to be formal. We are your friends."

Undyne replied. "It's only me showing my respect."

Toriel smiled. "Thank you, you're sweet!"

Undyne waves to them as they leave. Asgore and Toriel wave back. Both now at the bottom of the mountain. Go to the nearest patch of Buttercups. Picking some together, a few minutes later.

They both leave the patch of flowers, and start walking up the mountain. It is a bright and cloudy day. Toriel speaks to Asgore. "I was not expecting it to be this hot, normally heat does not bother me. In fact it never has before! You and I can summon fire!" She laughed.

Asgore speaks out of concern. "Maybe its because of that Star! It might be messing with you."

Toriel replied. "I do not think so, I mean I do not see why it would now, they fixed it."

Asgore replied in a concerned tone. "I hope so. Drink some of your water before we resume walking up the mountain."

Toriel does just that. They resume walking up together. Toriel has this sudden odd feeling, she feels nervous but decides to ignore it.

Maybe it is because she's walking up The Mountain. M.T Ebott. The place that she,asgore and their people were sealed in for so long. Maybe climbing it, is why she feels the way she does. She decides to think that is the reason for why she feels so strange.

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