Chapter 5. - IT'S RAZZLEDAZZLE! - Page 22.

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A robotic Temmie walks onto the stage. "Hello everyone! Welcome to the greatest concert ever! This is a experience..." He stops talking for a moment, his eyes turn to a hearts. "WILL NEVER FORGET! INTRODUCING THE GREATEST SINGER IN THE VOID! EVER! RAZZLEDAZZLE!"

The lights shine upon a monster that walks upon the stage, a black llama, wearing purple shades. Holding a mic. A monster screams out. "IT'S RAZZLEDAZZLE!"

More hyped screams. He bows to them all, smiling. He waves and then winks at some fans, more cheering.

"Hello, how is everyone doing tonight?"

A group of fangirls scream out. "WE LOVE YOU!"

He chuckled. "Good to know, hope you enjoy the evening and because of your lovely words, i will toss this spare mic!"

Tossing it in there direction, they start fighting over it to the death.

Some fans try to stop them.

Security-Guards come in.

Razzledazzle sighs. "LET'S GET THE SHOW STARTED!"

He starts singing to everyone, a pop mixed with metal song.

Note: RazzleDazzle can sing any music genre, Very talented in music and uh secret talents of sorts. Hes just that great with music & doesn't like any Mettaton at all.

Few hours later the concert ends, he throws a few guitar pics at people as they leave.

Now starting to depart with the robot temmie.

Mad-Gaster and Dust run up to him.

Dust says to him in a serious tone. "Hey, mind if we talk to you? we heard you have something really unique and wanna talk about it."

Razzledazzle raises his right-eyebrow at him. "Not interested, bye..." turning around away from them.

Mad-Gaster calmly smiled. "But we're salesman and just wanna talk..."

"Salesman you say, huh you don't look like it...alright, well what are you selling?"

Dust turns him blue. "Information for the info you possess and your survival because of it!"

Razzledazzle replied in a confused tone. "Excuse me what?"

The Robot-Temmie growled. "LET HIM! YOU JERKS!"

Dust sighs. "Kid, we only want the item he possesses is all, in return we have info to sell and it will save his life by telling him."

Razzledazzle and the temmie look at each other, then back at Mad-Gaster and Dust.

Razzledazzle says. "Explain to me before i decide to give away this item..."

Dust says. "Alright, look 16 years ago..."

Few hours later.

The Robot Temmie's eye's on his screen, turned into a hourglass spinning repeatedly, he says. "Rebooting. . . . .Recording complete! Conversation and info is now in my memory banks for Future use!"

Razzledazzle groaned, looking over at the Robot-Temmie. "Are you alright Eimmet?"

Eimmet sighs. "Yeah, that was alot of Info, it made me crash, but atleast i managed to record it all...Let's give them that savestar thingy! Don't want to go insane in the mainframe!"

Razzledazzle replies with a frown. "Yeah, guess you're right. Let's hand them the stupid star, it looked like it was worth a lot of gold too! What a shame it had to be such a danger to us!" getting out the purple savestar fragment.

Looking at them. He hands Mad-Gaster the savestar, frowning.

"Ah well.." looking at the savestar for a moment then back at Mad-Gaster and dust.

"Want to be allies? My small friend here and i are the best for anything."

Dust shakes his head sideways. "Not sure we need musicians as allies."

Razzledazzle laughs. "Oh, i am more then that...Much more!"

Mad-Gaster grinned. "Explain."

Razzledazzle. "My friend and i, find ways of getting whatever we want by saying,doing things in just the right fashion. We would be perfect, I assure you!" he bowed.

Dust mumbled. "con-artists. great..."

Mad-Gaster crossing his arms. "What's in it for you?"

"Your Gaster creating amazing travel gear for me and my friend, so our travels can be easier. Maybe we could help you get things, wouldn't wanna get erased now would we? Who knows, maybe we could find those lovely fragments and toriel fragments in no time! I mean, my my! The queen herself? Sounds lovely! The thought of fixing her! Count me in! Heh heh heh, just give me and Eimmet some gold and gear and we'll do whatever you want."

Mad-Gaster looks at Dust.
Dust mumbled. "I don't trust them! they are both con-artists! It is a bad idea waiting to happen!"

Mad-Gaster whispered. "If they try anything, ill end, lets shake hands and be on our way."


Dust sighs. "Alright, so allies then?"

Razzledazzle gets out his hand with a wide-smile. "Yes, allies."

Shaking each other's hands.

Mad-Gaster then shakes Razzledazzle's left hand.

Then Eimmet's right paw.

Dust shakes his paw.

They start to part ways.

Dust says. "Wait, here you can take my belt, it will give you access to the lab. Mad-Gaster already has a belt, so he can just take me there."

Razzledazzle shakes his head. "You could just take us there instead."

Mad-Gaster nods.

"Let's go."

Departing the building and later back to the lab.

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