Chapter 5. - Another Toriel fragment retrieved, more progress! - Page 20.

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Giggling at Horror and Temmie, she runs on over to them. "What are you two doing?"

Horror grinning. "oh, just mentioning to temmie about christmas, it was fun! right temmers?"

Temmie groaned. "mind not reminding me of that and why are you suddenly calling me temmers?"

"what everyone had fun and you sure as heck did! I am only calling you that because mad-g does and i find it funny! ha ha ha!"

Toriel notices temmie's tail twitch for a moment, seeing them both walk off.

She sees her soulless self, playing with Chara and Asriel and decides to see what they are doing, only to stop and notice Gaster and Mad-Gaster talking near the computers.

She stopped for a moment, shrugs and resumes walking towards Chara,Asriel and her soulless self.

Gaster sighs. "Again, thank you for what you did, but fusing the fragments first? She already has some fragments purified and fused with her Mad-Gaster...Do you have any idea how long that will take?"

Mad-Gaster chuckles. "Heh, how large is this place anyways?"

Gaster glared. "You are easily sided-tracked, i've said more then once, my lab is it's own pocket universe, i am sure i can fit all the fragments here...Possibly."

Mad-Gaster laughs. "But they are scattered across time and space, the omniverse too! Multiverses inside it, with the universes inside each...These goals of purifying savestar fragments and toriel soul saving. It will take forever at that rate. We should find Ink and that doodlespeare! With his help, we could gain these goals faster then you could blink!"

Gaster sighs. "He does not trust me and we've fought before...Sadly Error is a ally."

Mad-Gaster laughed. "Error sans? An ally? Yeah right! You are being Played G! I mean he is the destroyer of AU's! The very thing we are supposed to be against! Save the omniverse, end RESETS and GENOCIDES! Fix or repair savestar and save and fuse toriel fragments, blah blah blah! Whatever reasons he is our quote on quote ally, i doubt it is truly for peaceful reasons, let alone for real! Just whatever benefits him, then at the end backstabs us. Did you even think it through?"

Gaster glaring at him. "I was disparate at the time and didn't want him destroying me,dust and horror..."

Mad-Gaster shrugs. "Fair, but you didn't really believe him did you?"

Gaster shaking his head sideways. "I did at first, i was not exactly in the best state of mind before she got reborn, but yeah he wouldn't truly care..."

Mad-Gaster nods. "Yeah, he'll be playing along as our trusted ally, maybe the reason he is even doing so. Is so he can keep an eye-socket on us and make sure we achieve our goals, so he does not get Erased himself, The destroyer not getting erased, so he himself can be the one who does the destroying...How bizarre!"

Gaster crossing his arms. "It is rather strange, anyways thanks again for getting her from underfell and i will think about the fragment fuse concept.

I have a new mission that came up and want both you and Dust to go on it.

He told me that you both had some issues in the past. I am hoping maybe if you two go on some missions together, maybe you can become friends?"

Mad-Gaster gasps. "FRIENDS!? HOW LOVELY! Sure! I will go and get my old friend!"

Snapping his fingers, gaster sees him near the bar. Dust flips Mad-Gaster off.

Mad-Gaster turns around from dust and reappears near Gaster.

"I would love to go on more missions and i am sure he would love too as well!"

Dust groaned. "missions with that nutcase? no thanks..."

Gaster sighs. "I would like it if we could all get along better, not just as allies and possibly be friends or atleast the getting along."

Dust replied. "ugh, alright fine."

Looking at where Toriel,her soulless self,asriel and chara are. "i will do this for the kids and tori. Plus i am sure it's what my brother would have wanted me to do if he were here right now..."

Mad-Gaster says in a up-beat tone. "you made a wonderful choice today and will not regret it!"

Dust thinks to himself. *i already regret my choice.*

Gaster says in a serious tone. "My mission is finding a savestar fragment, i learned that some monster has one that is traveling through the void. A singer of sorts. If you come across this monster, please try to peacefully get it from them, alright?"

Mad-Gaster grinned. "Sounds fun! Alright!"

Dust shrugs. "sounds kind of interesting, hand us our belts and we'll be on our way."

Gaster walks over to where he keeps his belts and hands them to both Mad-Gaster and Dust.

They both put them on, now leaving the lab together, waving bye to everyone.

Mad-Gaster grinning. "This will be fun indeed."

Dust replied. "you're not going to be an ass towards me are you?"

"No, i've decided to be nice to you and unleash my true emotions on someone else...So no worries." Looking down at dust with a kind expression.

Dust thinks to himself *yeah right...*

Traveling through the void together.

Dust groaned. "so far, just massive emptiness and no signs of anything mad-g."

He sighs.

Mad-Gaster grinned. "There are places here, it is a matter of searching. I assure you. The void is not as empty as you may believe, my friend."

Dust shrugged. "alright, well..HEY LOOK! A BUILDING WITH LIGHTS!" shouting and pointing to the front of them, no longer looking at Mad-Gaster.

"Do you have to be so loud Dust? Huh, this building sure came up at the right time...let's see what is in here, shall we?"

Both entering the building.

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