Chapter 2 - Chara and Asriel's Past. 2nd Subject, The Future. - Page 21.

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Asriel says in a distressed voice. "I was on my way to the flower garden again to gaze at the light above, wondering what the surface was like and confused on why humans started the war with us so long ago. But on my way there I heard a thud and what I could have sworn was a call for help. So I ran faster. I said this to myself on my way there.

*"It sounds like it came from over here..."* I entered the Flower Garden, it is outside the ruins, it has pillars all around it. I entered slowly having this weird feeling come over me, telling me to be careful. I went towards to garden to find Chara, i was afraid at first, I had never see a human before.

Only in drawings my parents drew, humans they remembered and was once friends with, before they were betrayed long ago. Anyways, I walked on over and to see they were in pain and them calling out for help.

I did the stupid thing and said. *"Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you..."* They didn't reply so i did the nice thing and said. *"Are you okay?"* Chara shook their head sideways at me. I helped them up and said. *"Here, get up..."* I slowly and carefully helped them up. I asked them what their name was. Chara replied. *I said Chara.*

Asriel speaks more. I said. *"Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel Dreemurr."* Chara said to me at the time while feeling weak, because they were hurt pretty badly. *"Your name is nice too. Where are we going?"*

I replied to Chara and said. *"My home! My parents can help and would be glad to meet you!"* We walked there together at a slow pace, We both arrived at the castle, to be greeted by my parents.

They were shocked to see Chara and alarmed to see them alive, because of the shape they were in. Chara told them that they fell down from above. Chara's clothes were torn in many places, cuts and bruises. A pretty bad bump to the head.

They were fine later on, i do not remember when. But we became best friends. My parents adopted them and we became siblings. I have no idea how long they were underground but...*

Asriel tightened his fists, he closes his eyes and his mouth quivered. He says. "We both found this camera. We recorded our voices on it and played with it on and off.

Chara doing their scary face, which was funny at the time but it also scared me too. One day we decided to bake a pie for our dad. Only to mistake part of the recipe and it got our dad sick. It was butterscotch pie. It needed butter but we added buttercups instead.

Our mom was upset with us for a few days. He recovered but during that time, we heard them talking about the surface and how they wished everyone could go free. So Chara created a plan on how to do that." Tears form and fall from his face. Chara gets close to him, they hold hands. Only assuming the worst. Asriel speaks more. "Chara told me to get lots of flowers. So they could eat them, eat them and then d-d-die. Then once that happens, to have me grab their soul and have our souls fuse.

Then both of us go to the surface and kill a village of humans,get their souls and free everyone. Chara did die....It was awful. I told them more than once it was a bad idea. But i did it anyways, i did it for them and for everyone in the underground. I-" Asriel sniffled.

Both he and Chara look down to the ground. Chara says. "When we entered the village, after both of our souls fused. Asriel became a large and powerful monster. It's something we knew and felt. Asriel was holding my body. I wanted my body taken to the village. It was the village I came from. I do not remember why I wanted it taken there. But I wanted the humans dead." Their voice went cold for a moment in the end.

Chara's voice went back to normal when they spoke again. "We needed the souls, but Asriel was too afraid to attack anyone. They are too kind, I-we shouldn't have done what we did. We both died that day.

Asriel was attacked by them multiple times. How it happened is really gruesome. I hate humans, they are awful! They did not even give him a chance to speak or anything.

They only assumed the worst. He managed to escape only to die when he returned inside the underground. Our parents saw him die holding me. Well seeing as we were fused, we both died that day. I only remember asriel falling and then everything went dark.

The next thing i knew we woke up to see our mom all hurt,covered in bandages and having those two skeletons near her."

Toriel decided not to speak during this, why she does not know. But now she only wants to hug her children, who look like they are about to cry any second now, they look afraid. It's tearing her apart inside seeing such a sight and hearing what she already knew and hates that the facts are indeed real and confirmed as such.

She gets up and walks over to them, Asgore does as well. She sees her children embrace in a hug, they start to cry. Toriel and Asgore lift them up and hug them. Toriel says with tears falling. "Oh my children, my poor babies. You did not have to do such a thing."

Chara spoke and said. "Do you hate us?"

Asgore said. "We would never! We are just glad to have you back in our lives again!"

Asriel starts to cry even more. "I have more to say!!! Its-I....I- This is not the first time I came back. I was too afraid to mention this part but it has to be said! Its important! Please forgive me for what you about to learn...."

Toriel and Asgore look at each other with concern. They let their children down and look to see shocked faces. Gaster's expression is unreadable,same for Temmies. Dust he looks like he has an expression of pity.

Horror his expression is also unreadable. They are sitting near each other. Temmie on the other hand is a good distance from Horror.

Both Toriel and Asgore sit back down onto the couch, Chara sits in Toriel's lap, very upset. Undyne feels bad for them badly. Alphys, she has this sudden expression that caught Toriel's attention. Toriel pays close attention to her and at the same time her child.

Asriel sighed. He says while moving his thumbs, tears still falling. "I...I originally woke up as a Flower, I woke up in the garden, the one i died in. I was scared and alone. I called out for help multiple times but **Nobody Came.** I decided to take a nap and the next thing i knew i woke up in a cold room, a place i learned is called a Lab. I had weird red strange stuff injected into me. Called **Determination.** It messed with my mind, I suddenly had the ability to do things, things i could not do before.

I had the ability to **Save**,**Continue**....Even...**Reset.***"

Asriel looks to see a scary expression on Horror's face, an upset one on Dust,Temmie sighed and shook his head. Gaster's expression has Asriel worried. Toriel growled for a moment, she noticed their expressions and continued to listen.

Asriel says. "I was not myself, I realized I had no soul. It was gone. I did terrible things. But not at first. I was very nice at first and did all sorts of things, learned things and did fun stuff, anything I was able to do anyways. Then I got bored and that was when I changed.

I turned bad, I decided to do awful things. I started to do **Resets** I started to harm others or mess with the lives of everyone in the Underground. I even manipulated the lives of Others. I was very cruel, i was what you would call-" He started to cry again. "I was evil....A evil flower. I called myself, Flowey!"


Asriel sighed and said. "When I was Flowey, I was very tricky and lied alot to get my way. I could not be trusted. I did genocides for fun, but the moment Frisk fell everything changed. My save file was gone. The same for the Determination i had was gone too. I wanted to mess with them, they were new to me, I did my best to ruin their journey to free everyone. Only to learn they did multiple resets, they were awful. A real spoiled brat and did a full genocide! Well almost full, they stopped the moment they got to Asgore's Castle.

Sans killed them and said to them to never come back if they were really his friend. It was a gross and scary sight, it will always be in my nightmares. How I remember past that True Reset is beyond me. But i am truly sorry and i remember something else...."

Asriel looks at Gaster and says. "I remember my mom mentioning you before and the things she said live while that human was recording live. She said you were attacked by Vines.....I-I attacked you as Flowey. ITS MY FAULT THIS IS ALL HAPPENING!" His crying gets worse.

Chara gets upset now and gets up, they start to cry and say in a loud voice that has Temmie's ears twitching more than once. "NO! IF IT WAS NOT FOR ME! WE WOULD HAVE NEVER DIED! ITS MY FAULT! NOT YOURS! ME! I'M THE EVIL ONE!"

Chara says. "I am sorry! I am just as awful as the other humans....I hate humans all of them. I wanted to free everyone but got Asriel hurt in the process! I did not mean to hurt all of you! To cause this! To cause that skeleton there to get in my moms life! Or his savestar thing to break and scatter from what i remember her saying live before....We are awful. No, not we....Me! I betrayed you all and should be punished! Im sorry!"

Their voice is breaking and sounds genuine.

Toriel feels like her heart is about to break any moment, same for Asgore. They get up again and once again embrace their children.

Toriel says to Asriel. "You are not evil my child."

Asgore says to Chara in an emotional tone, loud voice. "You are not the cause of any of this awful madness and sorry! It is the humans, you both only wanted to help and were blind and scared, you wanted to be heroes and did not know about Gaster. We both did not know about his goals."

Gaster replied. "Excuse me but I told you before about the savestar and you both approved of it and it was in the underground for a long time."

Toriel replied. "Then something went wrong even then! Before you were scattered or the stressful events with our children made us forget one!"

Toriel sighed. Gaster decides not to speak and thinks about that.

Chara and Asriel cry for a few minutes more. They calm down after drinking their favorite drinks. They look at everyone expecting expressions of hate or anger but instead see something else. Nothing awful at all.

Undyne says. "Chara you are one of us alright? Cheer up! We're here for you as well as your parents!"

Sans sighed. "everyone makes mistakes kiddo, you and asriel are their kids and one of us. what happened, was not not your fault at all. your victims."

Papyrus has tears in his eyes. He wants to hug them but thinks maybe it might be a bad idea.

Mettaton says. "Your children are sweet dears and if you need any cheering up, i am here for you!" He makes a pose that causes Asriel and Chara to laugh a little bit, but barely.

Their mood is still upset. Gaster walks up to Chara and Asriel.

Both Toriel and Asgore stare heavily at Gaster, seeing what he does. Gaster looks at their parents and says. "You have nothing to worry about. Like i said to your wife before. I am a old friend to the both of you, an ally and that i am forever loyal. I will not harm anyone here. I have no intentions on such. Your children, they are indeed victims. I must admit I was upset towards them at first. But i immediately thought about it, they are victims and because of the real threat. Humans.

They are our enemies and always will be. Because of them, we are in this situation when you get down to it." Asriel speaks to him. "But i am the one who attacked you as Flowey."

Gaster said. "You were not yourself, the reason behind it all was the humans."

Chara said with a frown. "But I am a human."

Gaster laughed. "Only on the outside! But on the inside you are one of us! Truly and all the way, You are unique!"

Asgore sighed. "Seeing as all of this is said from those two other there and knowing of the past stressful events from our children. We will talk about your goals and things involving my wife?"

Horror grinned and said. "you forgot his story!" He points at Temmie.

Temmie did a small growl. He enters the portal and says to Gaster, with a cold expression that is towards Horror. "I'll see you later." He presses the button on his necklace and leaves.

Gaster looks at Horror and shakes his head.

Toriel says to Gaster. "What was that all about?"

Gaster says. "The former events of his life are personal and something he rather keep between me and himself. Others he will not tell."

Asgore says. "That sounds understandable. Well, hope he is alright. I guess we talk now about your goals and Toriel's future?"

Gaster smiled. "Yes, let's do that shall we?"

Toriel feels uneasy. Her children stare at Gaster feeling nothing but distrust. Everyone is focused on Asgore,Toriel and Gaster now.

Toriel speaks to Gaster with her arms crossed. "They already know everything about your goals, I also mentioned it on live Television. Teish and Pete recorded it and even before that I told Asgore,Sans,Frisk and Papyrus information about you and your goals."

Gaster raised his right bonebrow and he said. "I am fully aware of this. I was there, remember?" Asgore says to gaster in a serious voice. "Why did you come here?"

Gaster replied. "To see if she was alright, the recorded signal from her necklace and their belts were cut off. Everything seems to have been recorded but I cannot access anything at the moment."

Toriel feels faint, she says. "You see me do you not? I feel fine, just a few bruises, n-nothing serious."

She gets up to nearly fall head first onto the floor. Asgore catches her, he says in a loud voice of panic. "TORI!"

Gaster is now near asgore. "I can heal any injuries she has."

Asgore replied. "Knowing your goal, I would rather attempt to help her myself."

Gaster replied. "I truly mean no harm towards her Asgore. Just give me a chance and let me help, her wounds are severe."

Toriel's vision is starting to blur. Chara and Asriel are frightened for their mom. Sans and Papyrus do not know what to do. Undyne is ready to offer any help she can and will gladly give.

Alphys is afraid for Toriel and hopes Gaster is sincere. Mettaton is speechless and worried. Asgore is horrified and worried, hoping Toriel will be alright and safe. Her horns are bleeding through the bandages.

Gaster thinks to himself. *Shit!* He looks at Asgore and says. "Give me a chance, you can all come with me and see that I mean what I say, I can be trusted."

Asgore says. "But you plan to-"

Gaster snapped in frustration. "Forget about the future events for the time being! She needs to be hospitalized in my lab right now!"

Gaster pushes some buttons and a portal reopens through the TV. Horror and Dust jump into it.

Everyone else starts doing so as well. Chara and Asriel stay close to Asgore and Toriel. Gaster is leading the way. They arrive at a strange tall gray door. He opens it and they enter into a large lab.

Alphys says. "I-it looks like my old lab.."

Gaster thinks to himself with a brief raised bonebrow. *You mean my lab.....I wonder how good you are in our profession. I will not judge, the more help, the better. I wonder if you are close to my skill level. Temmie is decently close enough and improving as time goes back. He is rather impressive.*

Gaster leads everyone to the Tank.

Temmie sees them and he says. "The signals from the necklace and belts came through, we can listen to the recordings later if you want. The recording devices are working fine again, I heard everything. Here."

He walks up to the Tank and pushes the button to open it. Gaster leads Asgore and his children to it.

Gaster says. "Hand her to me and I will put her in it."

Asgore said. "I will put her in the tank."

Gaster sighed. "We both will, Dust needs to put the medical wires on her. Both me and Temmie will give her the medicine she needs and turn the tank on. She will be in a sleep like state. I will run some diagnostics and you check up on her often. You might be here awhile."

Chara replied. "How long?"

Gaster replied. "I have no idea. Possibly all night. I will get some beds set for all of you. Please just don't touch anything, unless it is the dining area and kitchen, that is fine. I will be back later. Temmie will be with her, so do not worry. Just try to relax, there are also books nearby you can read."

Asgore,his children and friends all go and sit together in the dining area. Gaster turns around and heads off into another room.

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