Chapter 1 - The previous encounters and the past. - Page 20.

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Unable to sleep, thinking about earlier. Wondering if it was real or not.

(2 and a half hours later.)

Sans and papyrus check up on her. Sans says. "tori, are you awake?"

She replies. "Yes, I cannot sleep."


Toriel replied with a sigh. "I just want to read a book and be alone, i am really tired. I have some books over there, to the right of my door."

She points to her dresser, her books are neatly stacked on it. Papyrus walks over and grabs one that mentions the life of snails and the life cycle of flowers. He walks back to both Toriel and Sans. He hands it over to her. "HERE, THIS LOOKS NEAT!"

She giggled. "Ah, this is a favorite of mine! Thanks." She opens it, but before she reads it. Toriel says to them both. "This should help me. Thank you both!" They hug her again and leave her room. She reads her book for an hour. Her clock is 12:00 AM.

Toriel closes her eyes and falls asleep, to wake up in darkness. She is on the ground, she looks to her right and sees the savestar and starts gasping in fear and scoots away from it.

She gets up and starts pinching herself. Nothing happened. The savestar glitched,same for her as well. The next thing she knew, she was back in the ally. Toriel starts reliving her previous horrifying events. She is screaming in her sleep.

(Sans,Papyrus and Frisk POV:Point of View.)

Sans and Papyrus immediately wake up from the couch. Sans's left eye-socket is flashing on and off.

He looks towards the direction of her bedroom, he looks at a worried/frightened Papyrus. Sans puts his left hand on his shoulder and snaps his fingers from his right.

Frisk is banging on their moms door. Its locked. "MOM! MOM! LET ME IN!" They start kicking at her door, trying to force it open.

Sans appears to the right of Frisk and he says. "I'll get us in there! hang on!"

They put their hands on his shoulders, they are now in her bedroom, they see her alone, on her bed.

Screaming and crying. All three of them run towards her, Frisk starts shaking her awake. "Mom! Wake up! Wake up! We're here for you! Everything is alright!"

Toriel wakes up, with a gasp, she sees Frisk,Sans and Papyrus but feels uneasy, she can feel her hot sweaty face, her eyes are hot,slightly blurred from her lingering tears with a stinging feeling that feels heavy from her swollen cries.

She embraces Frisk and she says.

"I dreamed about it! I-I dreamed about earlier! My child, it happened didn't it!?" She then looks at Sans and Papyrus with a upset expression, feeling unsure. She says to them both. "Didn't it?"

Sans is silent for a moment. He says. "tori, I believe you."

Papyrus speaks to her. "I BELIEVE YOU AS WELL!"

Frisk sighed and they look at her, with a serious expression. "Mom, I am sorry but I think maybe it was all just bad dreams."

Sans's eye-sockets are black. He said to them in a serious tone.. "i don't think so, what happened to believing that her encounter with that other skeleton being real?"

Frisk responds. "I believed it before, but this is different! It's too horrible! It sounds like a terrible nightmare to me! I refuse to think she went through any of that for real!"

Toriel feels shocked and upset that her child does not believe her. She sighs, saying in a exhausted voice. "I understand, it is pretty intense is it not?...Maybe i am just losing my mind."

Frisk feeling bad now, they respond immediately. "You are not losing your mind! I just think it was all nightmares is all, I do not want any of that to be real! It's too terrible."

Toriel replied with a slight nervous, but brief laugh. "Maybe it was all just nightmares."


Toriel hugs him for a moment and says. "You're sweet. Look, I am tired and need my rest now, we can talk about this tomorrow alright?"

Frisk hugs her, sans does as well. They all go to bed after saying goodnight. Toriel goes back to sleep, but this time she starts dreaming about something different, something personal. Her past. She starts dreaming about her children when they were alive, back when she loved Asgore.

She wakes up in the dream, to seeing Asriel laying next to her, in her old bedroom in the underground. He is smiling in his sleep and holding a plushie in his arms.

She embraces him. Tears falling.

Asriel wakes up and says. "Mom, why are you crying?"

She said. "No reason, just happy to see you."

Asriel hugs her. Everything suddenly flashes around them into a bright blinding light briefly, now she and Asriel are in the kitchen.

Asgore is at the stove cooking something, humming a tune happily to himself.

(Note: This is where the memories kick in, but mixed with twists and turns kicked in, oh and normal dream stuff too i guess! :P You'll find out.)

Toriel places Asriel down and says. "Go and wash up, supper will be ready soon."

Asriel says to herself. "Alright!" He leaves the kitchen and goes to the bathroom.

Toriel speaks to Asgore in the dream. "Hey FluffyBuns!"

She hugs him from behind and says with a smile. "Good morning!"

Asgore replies to her. "Oh hey Tori! Everything alright?"

Toriel responses. "Yeah, just everything is fine."

Asgore replies. "Oh okay, thats good to hear hun!"

She kissed his left cheek and goes to Asriel, to see that he is not in the bathroom. Her thoughts. *Where is he!? Asriel? Hmm, maybe hes in the garden again?*

She returns to the kitchen and leaves a note on the fridge. "Asgore, Asriel is not in the bathroom. I think he went to the garden again, i will be back later with him alright? With love, Tori."

Everything flashes for a moment, to a sudden glitch. Toriel cannot move and she is at the garden, she sees Asriel on his way there. She tries to call out to him but no sound comes out. She is frightened, her body is translucent, yet she can somehow see it.

Both she and Asriel hear a child call out for help very loudly and what sounds like terrible pain, she knows this voice, its Chara's. Asriel quickens their pace.

Asriel says them himself. "It sounds like it came from over here..." He enters the garden, where the pillars are and sees the Human. He sees them and says. "Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you..."

The human child struggles to get up. Asriel says to them with concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"

They shake their head sideways. Asriel says. "Here, get up..."

He helps them up and is silent for a moment. He asks them their name. "Whats your name?" They say. "Chara."

Asriel says. "Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel Dreemurr."

Chara replied. "Your name is nice too. Where are we going?"

Asriel replies with a smile. "My home! My parents can help and would be glad to meet you!"

They walk there together at a slow pace, because Chara is sore and hurt. They later arrive at the castle, to be greeted by his parents, but the moment Asriel looks at his dad and where his mother should be.

Everything glitches around Toriel again, there is another flash of light.

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