Chapter 2 - Forgiveness,Love and Telling The Tale of Horrors. - Page 4.

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Toriel speaks now in a stressful sounding tone. "It was not a normal star, not the type you see in the sky. No those are wonderful! This thing is something out of nightmares! Asgore i for some reason wanted to touch it, i could not control the feeling to do so! I found a note under it and it said."

"Touch the star and you shall see all the choices you will receive. Pick them wisely and pick them well, they will determine your fate and others as well. Dark or Light. That is your Decision. May The Star shine upon you all, be careful of what you choose, not all fates end well."

Her eyes start to tear up. She speaks more.

"This child wanted me to touch the star but before doing so, they wanted me to pick up and read the note. After I read it. I touched the glowing star. Then we both went through something awful! Asgore we both ended up somewhere else! Darkness was surrounding us both! There was nothing anywhere at all! Just us and the star!

We went through unspeakable pain, our bodies even changed shapes, the child's face was revealed and they were a Skeleton-Goat monster child! They looked like me but as a skeleton with damaged horns! Our bodies melted alot,jaws dropping, they grew in size and i shrinked.

Their face got distorted and twisted with a frightening smile! But they were in pain and crying,screams. I cannot even explain the sounds! When i shrinked, i actually turned into a child, my skin melted off and I saw what i l-looked like, they turned out to be my future self! Asgore in the future, i end up turning into a Skeleton-Goat Monster!

What i went through was awful. I met somebody, you and i once knew and forgot. Our original royal scientist. His name is Gaster, He showed up after my younger future self left. She and i were both back to our normal selves before she left me alone with him. You want to know what my other self said to me?"

Asgore speaks out of concern while trying to process all the information he is receiving.

"What did they tell you?"

Toriel says. "The child told me that Hope you love new experiences! Asgore after they told me that, they disappeared in front of me and thats when Gaster reappeared, i saw him twice in the same day! Once when i took a nap, saying my time was ticking and running out! And saying they was a old friend and ally, and would see me again soon! Later I told Frisk,Sans and Papyrus! But my child did not believe me, which hurts me still.

Asgore, gaster explained to me what the star is called and that the child i saw was not of my imagination, that she was my future self and that in the future i would become his child! That i was going to become the symbol of Hope for Monsters, the symbol of hope hes been looking for, for awhile now! He said the star is called a Savestar. He created it to help out Monsters, it gave us Determination and the ability to Manipulate Matter and time. He told me that the settings on it are like a game. But when he went through this terrible accident. He got erased from our universe and when that happened, he was scattered across time and space, forgotten by everyone and that when that happened.

Monsters no longer had Determination and that only Humans did and that The Savestar gained new Settings, terrible ones, called Reset,True Reset and Erase. He said i had a few weeks until he was going to come and get me, to turn me into his child and to start on his goals.

He mentioned to me that he was looking for allies. He claimed hes going to save the multiverse from breaking down? That there are other universes and that he plans to travel them all and take them over,fix or replace the savestars because they got corrupt.

How did they get corrupt because fallen humans kept using them for Resets and Genocides, He mentioned something to me called Routes as well. Pacifist,Neutral and Genocide.

Asgore i'm scared and ever since that ordeal. I realized there are worse things out there and people."

Toriel looks at Asgore. "I forgive you and i had dreams on and off of our past and i've been reliving that horrible experience in nightmares. Not to mention our past with our children. I even dreamed of everything they did and said. Gaster mentioned to me recorded audio tapes of ours and even ones they made. Chara poisoned themselves, Asriel absorbed their soul and that's how they got outside to the surface, the goal was to kill the humans on the surface and free us, only to end up killed by them.

Now we have humans hating us again, like the past before our children. Gaster hates humans and mentioned how hes forever loyal to us. He hide the tapes from us to keep us from feeling even more pain and made me realize how selfish and awful i was, as a queen and a wife.

Again i am sorry and hope maybe we can visit our children a week from now. Visit them together. Again i am so sorry, do you believe me Gorey?"

She looks into his eyes with hope and with so much info. He somehow managed to finally process it. He doubts she would ever lie too him.

He loves her and he nodded.

Its alot to take in and to think another monster would want to harm his wife. He won't let that happen and has full intentions on protecting her and going through with their visit to MT.Ebott to visit their children's graves and place flowers upon them. They embrace once more.

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