Chapter 6. - New year, New beginnings!?? - Page 6.

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An alarm clock sets off near Temmie's head. He turns it off. Falling from his computer chair. Ignoring what Horror is saying to him, walking over to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge, to grab his salad he saved from last night.

Using telekinesis, in a similar way to a skeleton monster, by slighting raising his left paw. Bringing his food over to the main table in the kitchen area of the main room.

He quickly gets his silverware from the sink, then cold tea from the fridge.

Sipping his tea quietly, only to get interrupted abruptly hearing Horror's voice to his right side.

"hey bud, want company while you eat?"

Temmie groaned. "horror, go away. I am trying to eat my breakfast and you are ruining that."

Horror chuckled. "geeze someone is grumpier than usual, alright. I'll go."

Seeing Horror leave the kitchen and reappear next to Toriel, She looks up at him and playfully pulls at his jacket.

Temmie turns back to his food, taking small little bites.

Sometime later. Putting away his dishes, cleans his paws after climbing his small latter that is near the sink, cleaning his paws. Then drying them with a folded towel that is nearby.

Looking over to his left, grabs a pair of fresh clean gloves of his and disinfectant wipes, cleaning his paws again, putting the gloves on.

He is later at the Computers while Mad-Gaster is cleaning the dishes.

Hearing a teleportation noise, he grumbles. "Who is it now? I am trying to research something important here."

Hearing Horror speak. "you have been very tense since you woke up, are you alright?"

Temmie looks over towards Horror with his right eyebrow raised slightly. "What has you caring so much, this morning?"

Horror crosses his arms. "temmie, i know that i've been tease and annoying towards you, even rough sometimes or kind of harsh. But i do not hate you. we are best pal's right?"

Temmie blinked for a moment. "Is this a weird fever dream?" looking up at Horror with concern.

Horror looks down at him with a wide smile. "why i always cared friend." he glitched, he slowly morphs into the dragon. "Caring is sharing! Just like lunch!" laughing evilly.

His voice now loud and terrifying. "AND YOU ARE THE LUNCH! LITTLE TEMMIE!" laughing again. It gets more intense by the second.

Temmie wakes up screaming, his face sweating.

Falling from his computer desk.

Teleportation noise. "Temmie, what is wrong?"

Temmie looks up to see Gaster, Temmie's top ears are down. He says to Gaster quietly.

"I am having the dream's again..."

Gaster gets down to his level. "Need anything?"

Temmie shakes his head. "Only reassurance that the dragon is gone, that maybe my family is still alive somehow. We need to find them, the surviving Temmies from our universe! WE MUST!"

Gaster sighs. "Temmie, our universe is gone. I do not see how the creature could have survived."

Temmie glares at him briefly. "We survived didn't we? I do not think it is impossible!"

Gaster nods. "You are right, any info on this creature?"

Temmie laughs. "You summon dragons all the time, which i find disgusting and you ask me that question?"

Gaster crosses his arms. "They are just Blasters, I doubt they are even real dragons. Besides, if they were real ones, they would have acted in the same behavior as the one that attacked you."

Temmie shakes his head sideways, he laughed coldly and very briefly. "Do not be naive, of course they are real dragons! Why they follow the orders of skeletons is beyond me. But i am sure there is a deep history behind it. Just do me a favor and only summon them as floating Heads! Their full bodies is something I find revolting!"

Gaster replies. "I will, look Temmie...Don't you think that the others should know about you more sooner or later? They have lived among you for awhile now."

Temmie replies in a cold voice. "No, you know how i feel about the subject. I am still not ready to share that infomation." Looking at the ground. "If ever. Where is everyone?"

Gaster replies in a calm tone. "Everyone but the children are on mission or training, or make plans for. Some are still in the lab but asleep.

Dust we are going to visit later on.

Mad-Gaster and Horror are gathering fragments together. Alexander and Lily are training in Underfell with Fell-Asgore there.

Our Sans,Undyne and Papyrus are safely gathering fragments in some universes together.

Mr.Marsh is surprisingly a heavy sleeper.

Teish and Pete take sleeping pills every night, due to issues sleeping without them.

I have a theory they are a couple or just odd friends."

Temmie says in a sickened tone. "I do not care to think about it. How come none of the kids came running through?"

Gaster looking towards the hallway. "They have been having nightmares lately as well. Which is understandable, given the life we've all had. This whole group."

Looking to see Temmie with a sour expression. "Yeah, well i doubt Mad-Gaster has anything tragic to speak of."

Gaster replied. "Well, there is the usual shattered across time and space for a Gaster or those similar, but aside from that. I do not know."

Temmie yawns. "Yeah, for something so awful. He is pretty mellow about it."

"Sometimes i think he enjoys his Erased existence." Gaster briefly growled.

Temmie sighs. "Let's not think about his mental state, I suggest you check up on the children. Then make plans on when we visit Dust. I will just resume plans for our next Travel."

Gaster smiled. "Well, if there is anything you need."

Looking up at Gaster. "No, just go and Thanks."

Gaster nods, now snapping his fingers, disappearing from the main room.

Temmie's ears still lowered. Resumes his work, now alone at the desk.

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