Chapter 5. - A traveling Circus...In the void!?!?? - Page 24.

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Dust gets out a cigarette, leaning against the tank. "glad they left, anything we need to do?"

Gaster walks up to him. "Yes, you can start smoking away from the children...Toriel, it won't bother since she has no lungs like you and i. But the other children have lungs and that is just bad for their health breathing that in."

Dust shrugs. "alright, i will go over to the bar then."

Gaster sighs. "Dust, wait...look, i failed to help you and ill make up for it somehow. While i was making some high end tech for Razzledazzle, i learned of a traveling circus, maybe we could all go and enjoy it."

Temmie says. "Where is this circus? I would investigate it first.

Horror chuckled. "oh relax, not everything is bad."

Gaster replied. "This circus is oddly enough in the void, so maybe we should be cautious, I wouldn't block out the possibility of danger completely.

But it might be safe and perfectly fine, we won't know until we go and see for ourselves."

Chara running up to him. "Can my brother and i go? Please???"

Gaster replied immediately. "No, not until we learn if this circus is safe or not."


Gaster looks to see a angry looking lily.

She throws a rubber glove at him. "Go to the circus! Have fun you worrybones!"

Mad-Gaster gasps, teleporting in between Horror and Temmie. "Aw, time off from work and going on a peaceful trip to the circus, what fun! Just us...together seeing clowns and stuff! Isn't that great?"

Looking down at Temmie and Horror with a wide grin.

Temmie groaned. "Swell."

Horror laughs. "sounds fun, will there be food? I could take some stuff back to paps and my friends."

Gaster nods. "Lets all go together..."

Mad-Gaster says happily. "One big happy family!"

Toriel's fragment giggled. "You're sweet!"

"I'm sweet!? Who are you talking too exactly?"

She chuckles. "You, mad-gaster. I care about you and think of you as sweet!"

"Okay, but i think you have the wrong skeleton."

Dust laughs. "mad-g, sweet? more like sour."

Gaster shaking his head sideways. "Let's go shall we? Ill lock down the lab."

Alexander says to Gaster. "I want to stay...same for LIly, we had 2nd thoughts."

Gaster tilts his head to the side. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, we both want to stay here if its alright."

Gaster sighs. "Alright, we'll see you later, my friends."

Waving to them both as he leaves the lab with the others.

Mad-Gaster holding Toriel's soulless self. "Do i call them both Toriel? Or call one Toriel and one soulless Toriel? Or one Toriel and the other fragment Toriel?"

Toriel's fragment sighs. "We are both Toriel, my soul is scattered alright? Takes the form of psychical bodies and stuff.

Maybe other forms as well perhaps.

Who knows, but just call me something other then Toriel, to make it easier. Infact call all the fragments by a different name or just one iconic nickname!"

Horror grinned. "lorraine, but for short lori. old joke being listerine, it was like this with a different fragment."

She giggled. "Alright, i am now known as Lorraine, but call me Lori."

Horror nods. "that works."

The portal closes behind them, walking through the void together, to later come across lots of colorful lights, tents everywhere, a large forest of some kind. Trees everywhere suddenly.

Gaster says to everyone. "Stay close and which one of you is holding Toriel?"

Dust replied. "Mad-Gaster hand her over to me."

He hands her over.

Lori points, smiling happily. "Look at those colorful lights, my children! Let's go!"

Chara and asriel both cheer. "Yeah!"

Gaster sighs. "I rather we wait and investigate first."

Lori scuffed. "Not everything is dangerous, relax. Besides, as powerful as everyone is here. The frightening threat or threats would be gone faster than the dimmest star from what Dust told me back in Underfell. You guys are strong!"

Mad-Gaster chuckled. "So true! Lovely child!"

"I am not a child sir! Well..." Looking at her soulless self. "That is complicated."

Mad-Gaster laughed. "I can call you a child then!"

Lori groaned. "Guess so. Hmm...are those two really my children?"

Dust nods. "yes, one adopted and one was yours by dna and soul."

Lori frowned. "Do i even count as his mom anymore?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, but let's not get depressed or think about the past and think of now, alright? Let's go and enjoy this circus together!"

Gaster says to everyone. "I see a crowd ahead, get closer to me and stay together!"

Lori groaned. "You worry too much! No way something so pretty and neat can be scary!"

Horror chuckled. "innocent as a babybones."

She growls. "Hey! I know lots of things!"

He pats her back. "alright, i was just messing with you."

She smiles. "Hey, look! Their giving out free drinks and food!"

Horror immediately says. "let's hurry, before everything is gone!"

Temmie responds. "With you Horror, there will be nothing left at all.."

Gaster snaps his fingers and they show up at the front.

The creature before them is wearing some odd mask. "Excuse me sir, but you cut in the line...You will have to go back and wait. I assure you there is plenty of food for everyone. So please wait."

Gaster sighs. "I apologize, forgive my rudeness." He bowed. Snapping his fingers and teleporting himself and the others back.

15-20 minutes later.

Gaster says. "My my! You have a much larger variety of drinks and food, for just a simple Circus."

The food stand person before him starts laughing.
"Heh, i see you are all new here, i will give the adults, the best drinks we have and the children, whatever they want. Just behave and don't make any loud noises, watch and enjoy the show please."

Gaster nods. "Thank you, that is very kind of you."

The food stand person hands Gaster,Mad-Gaster and Temmie their choices of Drinks.

Same for the Children.

He looks over at Toriel. "What about her?"

Gaster replied. "She can't speak yet, why not a small vanilla icecream cone?"

The food stand person tilts his head to the side, then shrugs, handing it over to him, Gaster feeds Toriel.

Lori silently sips on her Monsterade.

Horror and Dust grinning. "uh, we'll have the ketchup if thats alright."

The food stand person says. "You're kidding right? That is disgusting! and not a food or drink. But my boss says the customers are always right, so here." handing them both their ketchup bottles.

"Oh and before entering, it is advised to wear special masks, handcrafted just for you or normal ones with painted designs of your choice. The styleish is over there. It is 100% recommended, otherwise, you won't fit in the place otherwise."

Lori smiling widely. "That sounds neat! I want a painted mask! I love yours! You look like a mysterious dog!"

He chuckled. "Here, ill bring you all to the tent. My shift is over with anyways, the show starts in a few hours. This mask stylish is so fast and great, they can make masks for anyone in less then a hour."

Gaster says in a curious tone. "I don't see any harm in having masks to wear during a special event and place, it sounds fun...Like celebrating a holiday of sorts."

Temmie replied. "Duh."

Horror laughed. "someone seems a little tired, are we alright g?"

Gaster replied, sounding tired. "alittle, guess this break sounds nice."

Going through a path together, seeing trees of all shapes and colors, the grass is changing colors slowly but is mostly black.

It's like something out of an odd dream.

Entering a strange tent together, to be greeted by a woman wearing a cat mask, who walks up to them from a chair she was sitting on.

"Hello and welcome to my little shop of mystery! I am the mask maker! What would you like today? Shopping for masks? Homemade ones? Or painted?"
Gaster looks at everyone. He replied. "I guess painted for me."

Mad gaster grinned. "Painted!"

Temmie shrugged. "Crafted."

Lori smiled widely with excitement. "Painted!"

Asriel shyly says. "Crafted..."

Chara lowering their head. "I guess painted?"

The mask-maker giggled. "What a lovely bunch! Aw, i see another child...What is your choice?"

Gaster replied. "She can't speak yet..Ill choose painted for her."

The mask-maker replied in a happy tone. "So many customers, i will work on your masks immediately! Follow me over here and i will begin, free of charge."

Gaster raises his right bonebrow. "Why is everything free in this place?"

The Mask-Maker giggled. "Almost everything is free in this place, let's say our little home is special and seeing as you are new here. You are worthy of experiencing everything the best way possible! No fees are needed for newcomers. Now let's get started shall we? What masks designs do all of you want? Tell me!"

1 hour later.

Gaster wearing his mask. "This feels nice. You madam are a professional."

She giggled. "Ah, thanks."

Chara staring at their mask. "My mask frightens me..."

Asriel shudders. "Mine reminds me of Flowey."

Horror and Dust staring at their masks, put them on.

Mad-Gaster laughs. "Oh its amazing!"

Lori shuddered. "Mine is spooky!"

Temmie replied in an odd tone. "Let's just go. Thanks.."

The Mask-Maker bows. "Enjoy the show!"

Gaster waves bye, same for Toriel.

"Aww, shes adorable!"

Gaster nods, leaving the tent with the others.

The food stand person gasps. "You all look marvous! I will take you all to the main tent and get you seats! I was told the show is starting alot sooner then planned for some reason! You won't regret coming here, my friends, have fun!"

Bringing them to the tent and leading them inside and giving them some comfy seats.

"Have fun!" He bows and leaves. Temmie could have sworn he heard a quiet chuckle of sorts but decides to ignore it.

He immediately turns back to the direction of the stage. Temmie says to Gaster in a concerned tone. "Not sure, i like having these masks..."

Mad Gaster chuckled. "You worry too much and now weirder!"

Horror laughs. "you're one to talk!"

Mad Gaster ignoring one, sips on his drink. "They have wine, how nice!"

Gaster nods. "I am drinking mint tea, what about you Temmie?"

"Just coffee, hey look, the curtains are lifting!"

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