Chapter 2 - Dust and Horror's backstories. - Page 19.

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Toriel speaks to Dust while wearing an outfit similar to her old purple dress. She says in a calm tone after sipping some of her hot lemon honey tea.

"I am curious and hope you do not think of me as rude. But what are your backgrounds? I am asking this, because you are both allies of Gaster's and I am a part of his goal's am I not? I wish to know everything about you two."

Dust's eye-sockets go black. Horror starts to tap his fingers among the table. His sudden cold expression sends a chill through Chara and Asriel. They are creeped out by him. Undyne grabs Alphys's right hand and they both get a good distance from him, having a bad feeling.

Horror looks in Undyne and Alphy's direction with a glare.

Undyne mumbled to herself. "What the hell is this guy's problem?"

Alphys feels uneasy and frightened, she whispers to Undyne. "W-Why is he staring at us like t-that for? I-its making me nervous..."

Horror chuckled quietly, hearing them both. He looked back at Toriel, with a somewhat calmer expression, but his mood is the same.

Dust replied in a cold tone. "i will start first. It is not something I like to think about. But it comes back to me, whenever I see a human."

Dust glanced at Chara for a moment. Then he thinks to himself. *i wonder how different you really are.*

Dust gets out some matches from his right pocket from his blue hoodie and a cigarette.

Toriel says to him. "I rather you not smoke around my children, please.."

Dust says in a serious voice towards Toriel.

"Listen, if you want to hear anything about my past, allow it lady! Because right now, given how I feel with this subject, I could care less!"
Chara and Asriel look at Toriel and Asgore. "we'll just go upstairs, to your room!"

Toriel replied to them. "Alright!" They walk upstairs and open her door, to close it. They do not enter her room, they quietly sneak and peer hidden above the stairs, to listen in to the conversation.

Nobody notices but Sans looks to see them, but he says nothing. He does not want to cause any possible drama.

Dust takes a few smokes, then he takes out his cigarette from his mouth, now looking at her. He hands it to Toriel. "here, you can put this somewhere."

Toriel grabs it and stares at it for a moment. Asgore says with concern in his voice. "Tori? Are you alright?"

Tori says to Dust, ignoring Asgore. "Why are these small things smoked for?"

Dust replied. "Some do it to look cool, which is stupid! A lot do it to ease their stress or pain. Something like that."

Toriel replied to Asgore in a odd tone, with a sigh. "Asgore, as for your question from before...I feel fine, just fine. . . i am sorry for my delayed response, it was rude of me."

Asgore pats her back. "It's fine."

Toriel grinds her teeth. "I rather you not pat my back."

Asgore replied. "Why?"

Toriel laughed. "You are really asking me that!? I FELL DOWN A LARGE HOLE INTO THE UNDERGROUND! I DIED, I WAS COVERED IN MY OWN BLOOD AND DUST! I am still in alot of pain!...I have kept telling myself it never happened!"

Asgore, startled by her angry response. He says with a saddened expression. "I'm sorry Tori."

Tori replied. "It's fine. I will throw this away now and be back."

She enters the kitchen, to turn the water on from the sink, pouring water over it. She then tosses it into the nearby Trash Can. She enters the living room to see everyone looking at her. She replied feeling confused. "Yes?"

Undyne said with an unhappy expression. "You didn't have to snap at him."

Toriel replied with a frown on her face. "I said sorry, did i not? Let's just talk about their backstories."

Toriel walks over to them and sits down. She looks at Dust and says. "Mind if I have a smoke?"

Dust says with his right bonebrow raised. "you're serious?"

Toriel replied in a cold tone. "If I were not, I would not have asked."

Dust hands her one.

Asgore speaks out with concern in his voice, an expression of worry. "I do not like what this Savestar is doing to you."

Toriel looks at him feeling aggravated. "I fell..Asgore, i went through nothing but hell this month. Coming across My Foreshadow and The Savestar. Meeting Gaster and learning of my possible future...Being in that awful form like my Foreshadow before. To recently fall down a sinkhole and die, my whole body hurts, it is agonizing.

I refuse to think of that future happening. We both just got our children back. I want us to be together again. I am sorry for my rudeness. But all of this together. I feel like I need something to ease this pain. It hurts so much...I came back to life, I have Determination and will not melt. My horns are c-cracked like my foreshadow." Tears start to form.

Her voice starts to break. "Is that future going to happen after all...I-I cannot die. I refuse to-"

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