Chapter 4. - Knock Knock! - Page 15.

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Temmie says to Horror. "Is she always this silent Horror?"

Horror replied in a concerned tone. "no, normally she answers back. let's just go inside. the old fashion way. . . . ."

Temmie sighed. "Yeah, maybe you should teleport us in, to avoid possible attention. Horror, can you even move that door?"

Horror chuckled. "what attention would we get? other monsters? unless you count that creature who attacked toriel, i see no problem, fight it and kill it."

He looks down at Temmie with his arms crossed, to notice Temmie looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

Note: i am not always good at explaining expressions.

Temmie says to him, feeling annoyed. "Not unless we have others with us. It might be more then we can handle. We do not know anything about this creature in the slightest!"

Horror sighed. "all of this agreeing is really weird, lets continue on but before we do..."

Horror walks towards Temmie and gets on his knees, right in Temmie's face. "do not let queen undick stay, her and her sick crew!. . . . . i strongly advise against it! we all get rid of this freak that tormented tori, bring my friends back in this hellhole and go on au raids for food and that is it! fix the core! repair whatever you can here! but if i find out that she is getting any help in any way i will-"

Temmie hissed. "CRAM IT! Nobody is truly helping her, not for real anyways, ever heard of acting!? now let go of my tail! gaster said we should learn to trust each other, shouldn't we? lets go and find your toriel! tell her the good news!"

Horror puts his right hand against his chest. "yeah, suddenly i feel sick.."

Temmie says to Horror in a bewildered tone. "You feel sick? how?"

Horror replied in a serious voice. "starvation is my only guess and i refuse to eat until everyone else does."

Temmie replied sounding alarmed. "That is selfish and no offense life threatening! you have to eat something!"

Horror snarled. "i deserve nothing! I had food while everyone here was starving! I should be a pile of dust for what i did."

He stares at the ground. "i feel like i've backstabbed them all..."

Temmie sits by horror. "Look, you were hungry, it was not your fault-"

"I COULD HAVE ENDURED." He snapped his fingers and destroyed some nearby trees, summoning bones from the ground.

Temmie sighed. "Look, if you think starving yourself will make you feel stronger for the rest then okay. I respect your thoughtful intentions, but aren't you going to put your life on the line constantly doing that? It is reckless and could be handled differently. I am sure they would understand if you just told them."

Horror pats temmie's head. "not everyone. let's go, we wasted enough time. hold on tight temmie!"

Temmie says to horror. "I have to touch your jacket?"

Horror chuckled. "is there any other way?"

Temmie raised his eyebrow up at him. "You will never change, will you?"

Horror laughed. "nope, only the perfect work buddy for you."

Temmie responds while frowning. "I lean more on the worst."

Horror grinned. "nah, that is mad g's job!"

Temmie slightly smiled. "I agree with you on that!"

Horror laughed. "the cheshire cat shows an expression at last!"

Temmie ignores him, he looks up at Horror. "are you carrying me or something?"

Horror sighed. "It will only be for a moment until we enter the ruins. you can get teleportation built into your devices later on. I do not need it but toriel,chara,asriel and you do. well, lets go."

Horror snaps his fingers and they start appearing in the ruins.

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