Chapter 4. - The Bounty Hunter! - Page 32.

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Horror puts his right hand over his belt and starts to press on the bottoms until a voice yells out to them. "At Last we meet, the trouble makers of the omniverse, the mass murderers of both Human and Monster.

I was paid to end all of you."

Horror,Temmie and the Toriel's look in the direction to see a brown reindeer monster wearing glasses, he has a fancy looking suit on but a black leather jacket over it. Jeans? An odd looking outfit.

His eyes are red, he looks in the direction of the Toriel's.

"I am also being paid to save this lovely person, but I guess I'll get double pay seeing as she has scattered versions after all. Heh lucky me."

Horror mouthed to Temmie. "Who the hell is this guy!?"

The soulless toriel is asleep and in the arms of the bigger one. "zzzzzzzzzz...."

Feeling nervous she says. "Uh, hi...These are my friends mr, they're not bad. Mind leaving us be?" (Toriel's fragment.)

He shakes his head sideways. "Sorry dear child but no, they are a threat and must be killed off...While you are clearly confused and must be brought to the one who paid me. You are of the missing and wanted by someone who misses you young child."

Shaking her head. "No, you're confused...I live with this Temmie here and this skeleton is my friend. They are not baddies!"

The reindeer quickly gets something out from his shirt, it's a cigarette. "Kid, I know confusion when I see it." He lit it with a lighter.

He smokes a few puffs and throws it to the ground. "Now, who to end first...The edgy looking Temmie or The weird looking skeleton?" (Hes mean towards his bounties sometimes XD)

Temmie raises his right eyebrow up. "Excuse me, but you are being rude and who exactly paid you to end us and why?"

The reindeer before them grinned, raising his glasses up for a moment. "Oh me? they call me Blitz and this will be the very last day of your life."

Horror laughed. "yeah, I doubt that very much!" he reaches for his axe that is behind him, only to suddenly feel an unspeakable pain going through his right hand. He is screaming in agony. "AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Looking to see multiple small blades in his left hand. It is dripping with strange liquid from the blades.

His eye-sockets black. "what the hell is that!?"

.He attempts to snap his fingers with his right hand, only to suddenly feel a hand around his throat. Toriel screamed in terror. "S-STOP! PLEASE LET HIM GO!" He looks to see both of the Toriel's crying. (Yes even soulless Toriel is feeling emotion at this moment.)

Blitz says to them both. "I wouldn't want to bring you both as a crying mess, alright ill spare these two for now....But you are coming with me or they die right here and now!"

Temmie hissed. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE THEM!" He starts summoning his fire attacks only to get his paws frozen in place by Blitz.

Toriel cries even more. "I-I'll go with you, just everyone please stop fighting..."

Blitz lets Horror go,walking away from him, turning towards Toriel. "Let's go shall we?"

Toriel laying her head to the ground.

"Who are you taking me to see?"

He pats her head. "His name is Asgore."

Her eye-sockets darken. "NO...NOT HIM! HE'S NOT A GOOD PERSON BLITZ! GET AWAY FROM ASGORE!" tears are falling.

Backing away from Blitz, he shakes his head sideways. "I won't let you change your mind now."

He heads her quickly on the back of the head before she could get away.

Everything goes black.

waking up in a large room, it looks like a throne room. "Huh? what? This looks like my old throne room..."

She looks to her left and sees her soulless self unconscious and laying against a lifeless corpse.

Trying not to scream over the sight, she gets greeted by a familiar voice. "I missed you..."

She growled. "Asgore if this is you, then bring me back to the lab. Keeping me away from my new home is wrong...You've lost your mind!"

He has tears in his eyes and a large scar across his face. "Tori, i brought you here so i could find a way to reverse what was done to you..."

Toriel snarled. "IT WAS YOUR FAULT I ENDED UP THIS WAY! YOU LOST YOUR MIND AND KILLED ME!" tears forming. "You killed me multiple times..."

Asgore sighs. "I found someone who can reverse my mistakes..."

Toriel raises her right bonebrow, she replied coldly. "Reverse how?"

Asgore replies with a emotionless look on his face. "By killing Gaster,Temmie,Horror,Dust and anyone else who gets in the way....I must reverse what was done to you! I want our life to be the way it was going to be! I want us to be happy again!"

She starts crying. "That will never happen! You killed me and now i'm a child! The only would never happen asgore and even if you could...I would die, would you really want to kill me again?"

Asgore shakes his head sideways. "No, i don't want to lose you again tori...But this bounty hunter and friend i met, they will help me make things back as they use to be...Our lives will be wonderful again. We won't need gaster, i bet we can even achieve his goals without him! I mean i am the king! You would be queen again once that awful skeleton-goat form is reversed!"

Toriel feeling upset. "Do you even hear yourself? you want to kill your own friends...You are not even the same person anymore! I hate what you've become!" crying again.

Hearing a voice from behind her says. "Shhhh, it's alright child. I brought you here and now things will be fine. This guy has alot of money but uh hes kinda creepy..."

Asgore growled. "I was married to her in a former life."

Toriel looks to see a confused Blitz. "Yeah, sure...well, about my payment."

She thinks to herself with a smirk. *I'll find a way to get out of this by acting...*

She suddenly acts terrified of Asgore. "B-Blitz, he's very scary! A real crazy goat! He thinks we were married before!"

Blitz raises his right eyebrow up. "You're kidding right?"

"No, he's insane!"

Pointing at asgore, acting afraid.

Blitz stares at Asgore then back at her. He laughs at her. "Child, i know acting when i see it...Yeah, he's crazy but he told me everything. Do you think I would do all of this and not know the details!?"

Toriel cries for real. "But i don't want to die again! Where are my friends!" getting upset, starting to glitch.

Blitz grinned. "Being held prisoner."

Toriel snarled. "Release them or you will die!" Her voice sounding demonic in tone.

Asgore gasped. "Tori, w-what.."

Toriel repeats her words. "I SAID RELEASE THEM! DO IT NOW!"

Blitz shakes his head sideways. "No."

Snapping her fingers and reappearing closer to her soulless self. "I just hope I don't regret this..." She wakes her soulless self up and stares deeply into her own sockets. "I will do this and hope it works...."

"TORI...WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Asgore yelled out to her.

She ignored him. She glitched again, disappearing before him, her soulless self starts screaming, her eye-sockets dripping black liquid now and foaming from the mouth the same thing..

Blitz says to Asgore, sounding disturbed. "Shit..."

Asgore runs up to her, only to suddenly have hands around his neck.

Toriel's fragment is gone. It is just Toriel. That soulless expression is cold and full of anger.


Asgore is feeling his air leaving him.

She hears blitz say. "ILL RELEASE THEM FOR YOU! JUST LET HIM GO, RIGHT NOW!" releasing her grip around his neck, jumps away from him.

Asgore is gasping for air.

Blitz sighs, leaving the room.

He says to her, sounding sad. "I am so sorry tori...." He summons his trident.
"BUT YOU ARE NO LONGER SAVEABLE IT SEEMS!" his voice was cold and his face crazed, her eyes look as if they are glazed over.

Toriel's cold and blank expression turns into a twisted smile. "Oh, are you wanting to fight?"

She snaps her fingers and summons large balls of fire.

Blitz later returns with Horror and Temmie to see Asgore's armor dripping with blood.

His hands are covered with blood and dust. He is laughing, tears are falling. "How many times must i kill you!? Y-You fake! YOU FAKE!"

Toriel is soaked in her own blood and dust.

Her eye-sockets filled with her own dust and blood.

She coughs dust in his face. "Is that all you got, old man? I'll keep coming back for more!"

Her horns are more cracked and chipped. Some teeth are missing.

Both of Asgore's horns are now gone and his face is burned in multiple places, bleeding and has signs of being clawed at severely.

Snapping her fingers that are aching in pain, impaling him in the gut and skull.

They both quickly put their hands over something appearing before them. A purple glowing star.

Horror says to temmie. "oh shit, is that tori?" his eye-sockets black.

Temmie nods, he says in a disturbed voice. "asgore is insane still and he has determination!

Her fragment is gone but she's acting like he is! God he looks awful!"

Horror points, quietly replying. "look, its the savestar and its purple!"

Blitz says to them both. "I have no idea what is going on right now, but it looks like payment from him has gotten delayed and you both know how to tame insane people, so good luck with that. I still have yet to end you guys. You're lucky she saved you."

Horror growled. "oh lay off rudolph!"

Blitz raises his right eyebrow up. "I find that offensive."

Horror grinned widely. "good, well we'll handle this so go and play with your other bounties okay?"

Blitz replied coldly. "If you're referring to your friends, then I will."

Temmie growled. "I rather you don't..."

Blitz laughed. "Too late, bye."

He starts chanting some words and disappears before them.

Horror yelled out to Asgore. "hey crazy king! come here and stop picking on a kid!"

Asgore roared, throwing his fire attacks at horror. Horror dodges easily.

Having a healed Asgore distracted, Temmie runs in Toriel's direction. She is healed from the savestar and glitching on and off. Sitting by its purple glow.

Temmie says to he in a cautious tone. "Toriel? Are you okay?" slowly looking over at him. Her eye-sockets showed no emotion at all. She looks like she is in a confused daze.
She tilts her head to the side. Temmie sighs, he walks over to her and presses a button on his necklace. "Let's go home."

Horror throws multiple bones at asgore, he grabs the savestar and starts glitching. "l-lets go before he catches up...gaster can use this."

Temmie nods. "How are you able to touch that?"

Horror shrugs. "beats me, but hurry!" Temmie quickly summons a portal and they run into it and closes behind them.

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