Chapter 3 - Intrusion. - Page 8. (Huge Page.)

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Chara sighed. "Temmie, did we really have to go so soon?"

Temmie replied. "We were there longer then we needed to be."

Asriel says with a frown. "We will give them food later right?"

Temmie replied. "Yeah, I did not lie about that."

Asriel replied with a smile. "Cool, um do you think my mom will remember me?"

Temmie does not reply.

Chara speaks to him in a concerned tone. "Why are you not talking for Temmie?"

Temmie replied. "I think we are being followed..."

Chara laughed. "That's silly. I see nobody else and hear only us."

Asriel tilts his head. "How do we even see each other anyways? This scary place is completely dark..."

Temmie says. "Because of the belts that Gaster created and this necklace of mine. We can see and hear each other. Your belts are powered through the energy of the savestar. Mine is powered through something as well, as a reminder they are locators and recording devices. Not to mention a way back to the lab....Oh and next time, try listening to me alright?"

Chara and Asriel look down at the ground for a moment. They both say. "We're sorry."

Chara says. "Didn't you say this before or something?"

Temmie responds. "Yes, but I was seeing if you both remembered and you do. Nice to know."

Temmie presses a button on his necklace and they enter through it.

- - - - -Where Gaster,Dust and Horror are at.- - - - -

Gaster is sitting near the tank, reading a book. Horror is asleep on a chair nearby.

Dust is dragging something into the main room.

Gaster immediately looks in Dust's direction. "What are you doing!?"

Dust sounding tired. "dragging in a Piano, i got this from my universe. don't you like music? Cleaning,playing cards or reading is boring after a while. why not some music to lighten things up a little?"

Gaster chuckled. "You are doing something to lighten things up? everything seems fine to me, but sure nothing wrong with a little extra content of things to do in this old lab."

Dust laughed. "sooo...You are old after all."

Gaster closes his book in mid read. "That is rude."

Gaster gets up and walks towards Dust,

he says. "Here I will help you with the piano. You look like you are struggling with it."

Dust growled. "do not touch..." Gaster touches the piano, to help him anyways.

Dust grumbles.

Gaster says to Dust. "Where do you want this thing?"

Dust replied. "In the old abandoned room full of those old beds."

Gaster shakes his head sideways. "No, we will have it here...I will make some room. Although this is the work area, yet it also has a fridge and dining it might work."

Dust looks at Gaster and says in an angry tone. "so were do we put it?"

Gaster sighed. "Relax, we can have it near the reading area. It seems rather fitting, don't you think?"

Dust replied. "i agree." They carefully walk towards the reading area and place it down.

Horror wakes up at the right time, making a disturbing sort of snort noise. "what is with the piano, are we having some sort of musical?"

(Proceeds on something similar now XD

Dust immediately looks in Horror's direction with a cold glare. "heh heh heh, no but if you say another word about the piano, i might have to get out my secret weapon."

Horror walks over to Dust. He says with a twisted grin. "stupid piano."

Gaster does a brief facepalm. "Horror, why are you doing this?"

Dust reaches into his right pocket and gets out something small. It looks like a weapon. (XD)

Gaster raised his right bonebrow at Dust.

Horror says to Dust. "What the hell..." Dust is holding a Glock. Dust says in a loud and crazy voice.

"WANNA HAVE A MAD TIME!?" Dust loads the gun and starts to shoot at Horror.

Gaster growled and said to them both. "Stop! Are you trying to wake and upset her? or worse accidently harm or kill her!"

Gaster quickly grabs both of Dust's shoulders, turning him around with a tight and firm grip, now staring directly down at him, eye-sockets black. "Do not start attacking Horror in the lab or show any form of violence, self defense is fine but not when it is around Toriel...You were going to attack Horror because he insulted your Piano, get a grip! It is an inanimate object, it will not be hurt if Horror insults it. It is physically fine. So relax and ignore anything Horror says about it, if his words bother you so."

Gaster lets go of Dust.

Dust responds. "It is very personal to me."

Gaster shakes his head. "Your actions were reckless, he was just trying to mess with you. The piano is perfectly fine."

Dust sighed. "okay...." He looks at Horror with a glare.

Horror chuckled. "all that over a Piano..."

Dust speaks to Horror. "i am basically you, you know, well in another form...what the hell is your problem?"

Horror responds. "a mean streak...I do not play well with others. I haven't in awhile, but hey that is the same with you right?"

Gaster says to them both. "Get along you two..."

Dust replied. "we both have our bad days and you know it, my universe with its genocides and his being starvation with a insane ruler! tell me we really have to wait 8 long years to have your help? because if so, i am out of here."

Horror crosses his arms. "same, I was not expecting to wait, maybe you could speed up her aging process?"

Gaster replied in a serious voice. "you both need to be patient! I will not speed up her age, that will most likely harm or destroy her! Look, she has the role of Frisk now, only more complex. Give it time, I can try to help with your Universe Horror, but as for Dust. That will need extra work, someone who can handle savestars and has handled them before ...." His voice changed in tone.

Dust smiled. "you're thinking of the kiddos aren't you?"

Gaster has his hand under his chin, he is in deep thought for a brief moment. "Maybe, you two do not have to wait...While Toriel rests and grows over time, we could find a way to reawaken Chara's determination and see if Asriel has any. But to be honest, I'd rather wait...They would not be as powerful as Toriel, I am sure her boss monster-like strength still exists somewhere...Chara has a gentle heart, same for Asriel.

Yet Chara hates humans as much as we do, that still has me befuddled. I will never think of Chara as a Human. Asriel will always be the Prince. He deserves special attention. Chara as well, sure they were adopted but they became Asgore and Toriel's child. Loved by them both. Dust, horror, I cannot risk their lives...Even if it did cause my goals to speed up somehow, I will not risk their lives because of your impatience.

I created the savestar, I know how it works, I even told Temmie about it. We can take turns traveling, without any extra help for now. Trust me on this alright?"

Dust and Horror both grumble. Dust walks out of the main room. Horror shrugged. "alright, I have plenty of time. not sure about dust's universe though."

Gaster is silent, he cleans the mess dust made with his weapon. He starts walking back to Toriel, only to hear a noise behind him.

Both he and Horror look to see a portal opening up. Temmie,Chara and Asriel walk out of it. Temmie looks at the floor for a moment then back at gaster, he says. "What the heck happened to the floor?"

Gaster replied. "Just a little scuff between Dust and Horror. Everything is fine now, I will tell you later after the birthday celebration."

Temmie replied. "Alright."

Gaster says with his arms crossed. "A travel to Underswap huh? Your adventure sounded very engaging."

Horror says with a grin afterwards. "Yeah, Temmie is a father! Isn't that lovely?"

Temmie stares at Horror.

Horror says to him. "Your wife before was Toriel? I wonder how Gaster feels..."

Gaster looks in his direction and he says. "Horror, do me and Temmie a favor and stop." (lol XD)

Chara and Asriel both start to giggle, they both say very loudly. "GRANDPAL GASTER!" They start laughing.

Gaster looks in their direction. "Shhhh!"

Chara says. "Aww, someone is being a father!"

Gaster says with a frown. "She is an infant now, please be a little quiet."

Chara and Asriel both sigh. Asriel says. "We're sorry, hey can we give our new friends leftovers later?"

Gaster nods. "Sure and to make things easier this time around, Both Me and Temmie will take turns, he can stay here in the lab and i will bring you back to that Underswap universe to see your friends."

Temmie says in a curious tone. "How? There are multiple Underswaps."

Gaster smiled. "Our belts mark the locations of the universes and put them in the computer database. The last location visited, we can save it off as a personal location for these two."

Horror says. "What has you feeling all these emotions?" Gaster crossed his arms. "The process with bringing back their mother did something to me, what i do not know...Hmmm, maybe because I gave part of myself to recreate and revive her."

Horror replied. "okay and?" Gaster shakes his head side ways.

Gaster sighed. "I could have possibly accidently touched her remains, a monster's remains will have some of their magic and essence left over after death for a short while, maybe even longer. It is longer with Boss Monsters."

Temmie says. "You know this, how?"

Gaster's expression turns cold. "The human and monster war, I remember past monsters dying before me and those around me going through this as well. We experienced side effects that lingered, making us feel the emotions and personality traits of those who died."

Gaster looks to see Dust. "When did you return into the main room?"

Dust replied. "Just now and I heard everything you said...."

Gaster says to Dust. " With you, the side effects are different....I can only assume the resets keep these side effects from ever happening."

Dust replied with an odd smile. "glad I never experience them....."

Dust turns back around and starts leaving the room.

Gaster says. "Look, let's change the subject with a calm party alright?"

Dust says. "I am not the partying type."

Horror says. "same."

Gaster says to both Dust and Horror. "It is just a calm time together, talking about Toriel, memories of her former life and celebrating it and her rebirth. There is not going to be anything loud or annoying. Just conversation, food,drinks,some gifts and that is all."

Chara sighed. "Too bad, there is not going to be any music for the birthday."

Dust snaps his fingers. Everyone looks to see Dust at the Piano. "I could play some music."

Temmie says. "You play piano?" Dust nods. "want a music sample?"

Temmie looks at Gaster with a raised eyebrow. Gaster says. "Sure, i do not think the pleasant sound of a piano would bother her."

Temmie says. "She's not even an infant, she's a skeleton-goat fetus. I do not think the sounds will bother her."

Gaster says with a raised bonebrow. "She is not a fetus, her body is just in a slow growing process."

Dust says with a chuckle. "heh, sorry to burst your bubble old man, but she is a fetus!"

Chara and Asriel both say to Gaster. "Gaster, how did you hold her?"

Gaster says to them both with a smile. "Magic."

Horror laughed. "your answer was pretty lazy, how?"

Gaster replied. "Natural instincts of a Skeleton Monster I presume, that is the only way i can explain it, there are ways to handle a babybones."

Horror and Dust both say. "gaster...were you a father before?"

Gaster shakes his head sideways. "No, but I remember years ago, seeing how children of our species were held and remember a little bit of how they were cared for. I have a small amount of parental books left over that survived from the war, and these children help me with guidance on child care."

Horror laughed. "You're going to have guidance from kids?"

Dust says to Horror. "hey horror, what has you extra moody lately?..."

Horror replied in a cold tone. "my thoughts lately of queen undick and my universe....lets get this celebration over with."

Temmie shakes his head. Chara and Asriel, start handing Gaster the shopping bags. Temmie unties the small shopping bag he has around his waist. He hands it to Gaster. Gaster places them on the floor, he walks over to the largest table near the coffee machine, he wipes it off and then washes his hands and then dries them.

Gaster now dries the table with some magic hands he summoned.

Chara and Asriel look at it with awe. Asriel says. "That's amazing!"

Gaster looks at Chara and Asriel. He slightly smiled. He says. "Thank you, now how about we fix everything up and start this shall we?"

Chara and Asriel start going through the shopping bags and get everything out.

Horror sighed. "need my help with anything?"

Gaster looks in his direction with a raised bonebrow. "Sure, why are you asking suddenly?"

Horror says. "I just remember the times Paps and i did similar things like this and seeing as we are allies now, i guess, i should start being nice huh?"

Temmie says to Horror. "are you drunk or possessed?"

Horror, ignoring Temmie. Waits for Gaster's response. Gaster says with a concerned tone. "You can help with the decorations, i do not see why we need them. This is Toriel's birthday and she will not even see them."

Horror shrugged. "atleast, her kids or uhh...well previous kids? can enjoy it."

Chara and Asriel stare at Horror for a moment, they resume going through the bags.

Dust gets out the paper plates and cups. Temmie goes through his bag that was not moved, he gets out a beautiful old looking Victiorian table cover. He looks up at Gaster and says. "Could you put this on the table for me?"

Gaster walks up to Temmie and carefully picks up the decorative table cover/cloth. Heading back to the table. Chara and Asriel get the bags off the table.

Gaster places the cover/cloth on the table, spreading it and looks at Horror. "Seeing as you want to help. Here are the wall decorations, a rug? Hmm and some food to put in the fridge. Please do not eat it, we are sharing this together."

Horror glared, he thinks to himself. *you hand me food to handle? oh big mistake...i might eat it. ehh. i will try to control myself."

He shakes his head. He walks to the fridge and puts the food in. Horror turns around and snaps his fingers from his free hand, he places the rug down from under the table somehow. (Magic! XD)

Some time passes, Gaster gets the food out of the fridge and prepares the food and drinks. Chara and Asriel help. They walk back over to the table and place it down.

Horror stares at his plate. He says to them all. "I will just eat this alone....Hunger and I do not go well together, i might turn violent." He closed his eye-sockets with a sigh.

Gaster says to him. "The couch is over there, you do not have to leave the main room."

Horror shrugged. He walks over and starts eating his food before they do. Temmie neatly starts eating his food, Chara and Asriel eat their food.

Gaster begins eating his food after checking on Toriel again. 10-15 minutes later? After eating their food.

Gaster and Dust carry the plates and cups to the sink.

Gaster cleans the dishes.

Temmie is sitting at the computer going through the files.

Gaster looks in Temmie's direction with his right bonebrow raised. "Temmie, toriel is not going anywhere you can relax."

Horror chuckled. "yeah , relax, you're a father after all."

Temmie picks up something from the desk, he turns in horrors direction and throws a stapler at him.
Gaster snaps his fingers and turns it blue. "No!"

He says to them both. "Get along alright? Or at least for today, act as if you are friends?"

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