Chapter 6. - The attack on Temmie Village. - Page 2.

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His eyes slowly opened and with a yawn he slowly got out of bed. He walked to a mirror and blinked out of sync while staring at himself before remembering he had plans with her. His eyes shot wider as he got ready, he looked at the time ... He was late! He threw his sweater on and ran out, going to the location as before. He took time to admire his village, enjoying the calm and peaceful atmosphere.

He looked over and saw her. Once he finally got to her, she glared at him, "Same time, eh?".

She squinted. "Sorry! I'm so, so sorry, again! I didn't realize I slept in, haha.."

He averted his gaze to the ground. She chuckled and waved her paw, signaling that it wasn't a big deal. He sat down and looked at her, he opened his mouth to spea- BOOM

What was that ... ?

He tilted his head behind him, he couldn't see much from a distance. The girl got up and walked next to his seat, "What the hell was that...", her voice was shaky.. She was nervous. He stood back up and warily walked towards the sound. The closer he got... The louder the... screams...?

Another explosion happened, the ground beneath them shook. Smoke was forming everywhere and it was getting hard to see, within the dense smoke there was a huge silhouette. Fire came out of the smoke, revealing what it was... The dragon. It was attacking the village.

The two Temmies gasped softly, the slightly smaller girl ran to action. She didn't even think about it, she just knew she had to help. He panicked as he watched her run down, after a minute of watching he finally decided to run down too. But he didn't see her anywhere... As he got to the main part of the village, there were dead Temmies everywhere. All gored, gashed, crushed, burnt... Whatever you could think a dragon could do... The screams didn't stop, his eyes were burning through the smoke. "Mom?!", he called out. No response.

The true panic was sinking in, as he continued to run through the dead Tems, some of which he even knew. Other Temmies that were alive would sometimes run into him, almost knocking him over to escape. He continued to search for his mother, unknowingly getting closer to the dragon. Tears started forming in his eyes, yet he couldn't get them out. He heard a loud roar and looked up, the dragon was about 30 feet away.

So was his friend... The dragon was slowly walking towards her, about to strike. She was slowly walking back, eyes wide and legs trembling. She stumbled and fell back, almost just accepting her death. A sudden rage surged through him as he saw her about to die, the adrenaline kicked in and he started running towards it.

Not thinking about his actions he jumped on the dragon, climbing up it with unsheathed claws. He got to its face and started clawing at its face with all his might, he wasn't trained in fighting however, so he wasn't that powerful. It was enough to distract long enough for his friend to run away.

The dragon flung him off his face using its claw, scratching him across the eye. He hit the side of a house and fell to the ground, everything was ringing.

Blood dripped into his eye, it burned... He could barely see, only blurs of movement. He tried to stand up again but fell back down, pushing all the air out of him. He put his paw on his face and looked at it, more blood. With one more look at the dragon, his head collapsed. 

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