Chapter 3 - An unexpected encounter. - Page 5.

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Before passing the bridge they hear footsteps behind them. Asriel clings tightly to Chara frightened.

Temmie says to them. "Stay close!"

A voice behind them says. "Human and other monsters...Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand."

Temmie thinks to himself. *This voice sounds familiar and i have a feeling this is going to be something annoying...*

Temmie turns around and gets out his right paw, chara and Asriel get out their main hand as well. A tall skeleton grabs theirs. A gross sound is heard. It's a whoopie cushion.

The skeleton is Papyrus? Only he is wearing an orange hoodie. He says to them. "heh heh heh, that was priceless! You two should have seen your faces! Ehh, your Temmie friend does not laugh huh?"

Temmie replied. "I do not find puns funny, i hear them almost all the time back home!"

Underswap Papyrus laughed. "i bet you know a lot of knock knock jokes then!"

Temmie groaned. "Look, we are traveling together and on our way to snowdin, looking for birthday supplies."

Underswap Papyrus says with a curious expression. "oh for who? maybe i can help!"

Chara says. "Just a friend of ours...Its a private birthday party. I hope you don't mind."

He gets out a cigarette. "nah i don't mind, but my brother sans. he would want to know everything! unless you mention it's private, then he will do his best to help you the best way he can! so if he offers his help, please say yes. I would appreciate it."

Temmie sighed. "Sure."

Chara and Asriel smiled widely. "Can't wait to meet him!"

Papyrus raises his right bonebrow. "chara and goatkid are you both feeling alright?"

Chara and Asriel look at each other then at Underswap Papyrus. Then at Temmie.

Chara says. "Can we atleast tell him?"

Temmie groaned in annoyance. "I guess...."

Temmie thinks to himself. *Where to begin with explaining all of this? Hmm..The very beginning would make sense, but i think it would be best if i mention me,Chara and Asriel being from another universe first. Explaining Gaster,his goals,Toriel and her rebirth...The savestar. This should be real fun.*

Temmie shakes his head for a moment. Underswap Papyrus says with a raised right bonebrow. "tell me what?"

He crosses both of his arms with an expression of interest.

Temmie says. "Me,Chara and Asriel here are from another Universe..."

Underswap Papyrus says to Temmie before he can speak more. "excuse me? another universe? know, i forgot for a moment, you're a temmie, most temmies are dangerous and cannot be trusted, why are you being kind?"

Temmie feeling annoyed. "As i mentioned a moment ago, we are from another universe, i am not like your Temmies here. Me and these two are just looking for birthday supplies as i mentioned before."

Underswap Papyrus says with a confused expression. "you had to travel another universe to get birthday supplies?"
Temmie nodded.

Underswap Papyrus says with interest. "Who are you getting the supplies for?"

Temmie replied. "Toriel from my universe..."

Underswap Papyrus says with a serious expression. "here is more to it then birthday supplies, i can tell."

Temmie sighed. "Its not just to celebrate her birthday, but her rebirth, she died. But was revived...You see-"

Underswap Papyrus interrupts him. "your toriel died why exactly? how was she revived?"

Temmie grumbled to himself. "Can't he just stop interrupting me!?"

Temmie replied. "Toriel came across a savestar a year ago, it was not a normal one. It was corrupt. The moment she saw it, it changed her life forever, it changed her destiny, her role in life. It swapped her role with the humans, only more complex. She became the symbol of hope, a monster meant to be the protector of all monster kind,

her future was also to become a child of a powerful monster, it was not her choice, the other monster tried to prevent it, out of respect for her. They are old friends and allies. The monster is W.D Gaster. He created the original savestar, he created it to help monster kind, it gave monsters Determination and the power to save, continue and even manipulate reality at will. Monsters could not dust and would come back to life, they would not melt.

But when Gaster died from his accident, the savestar scattered across time and space when he did. Toriel came across his savestar, it became corrupt because of resets and genocides that have been happening in mine,gaster and her's universe and others as well and for awhile now.

Resets replace monsters,sometimes erasing them or the universes themselves if enough resets happened. My universe is gone, because of the savestar messing up, toriel went through some ordeals because of the savestar. When she was revived, she became Gaster's child. It was a last resort, there was no time for any alternatives. Her memories are most likely gone, as for them being gone for good, i am unsure about that. That is a focus for later in the future-"

-Skipping to:-

Temmie explaining Gaster's goals and his other allies.

Underswap Papyrus snaps his fingers and turns Temmie blue. "I do not trust you and feel bad for your toriel and her children. taking over other universes? seriously? unless, you are going to be peaceful about it and do not intend to rule over our lives or anything unnecessary. just a mission to watch over and protect, fix your savestars as you claim. I might be alright with it, is that all?*

Temmie nods.

Underswap Papyrus growled. "I do not trust any of this, it is a lot to take in bud...but if your gaster is serious about protecting everyone and ending resets and genocides forever, then i will consider being chill with you."

Underswap Papyrus looks at Chara and Asriel. " is all of this true?"

They nod at him. He pats their heads. "i'll bring you three to snowdin, but i am keeping an eye socket on you three. my brother will be there, get the supplies and go."

Temmie nods. "Alright." Temmie thinks to himself. *Great, trust issues...Hopefully he eases down.*

Temmie,Chara and Asriel follow Underswap Papyrus to Snowdin.

Chara and Asriel see before them, snowdin and start to have more flashbacks only to have them interrupted by a familiar voice. "HELLO BROTHER! WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS? OH IS THAT CHARA AND GOATKID? HI! AND A TEMMIE? DIDN'T YOU SAY TEMMIE'S WERE AWFUL? SO IS THIS TEMMIE NICE?"

Underswap Papyrus nods and says to his brother. "yes a friendly temmie, this chara and goatkid are different you see-"

Underswap Sans says with a confused expression, interrupting him. "DIFFERENT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?"

A voice behind from Underswap Sans greets them all before Underswap Papyrus could speak to his brother. "Hello! Um...Why do i see another me!?" Asriel is silent.

Chara looks at Temmie and mumbled. "We need to leave..." The monster before them is the actual Goat kid.

Temmie greets them. "I am a friendly temmie, i am from another universe."

They tilt their head in confusion. Temmie groaned and he says to Chara and Asriel. "Let's just get the birthday supplies and go."

Underswap sans says to Temmie with a happy expression and loud voice, ignoring the fact Temmie just mentioned he was from another universe. "BIRTHDAY SUPPLIES? CAN I HELP!?"

Temmie's right ear twitched from his loud voice, he nods. "Um, sure."

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