Chapter 3 - Revival of the prince. - Page 14.

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Chara is shaken awake, they look up from their bed and see Gaster over them.

"Here is some Hot Chocolate,Bacan and a few buttery biscuits by your bedside table. Eat up alright?" Chara startled almost falls from their bed.

Gaster catches them before they fall. "Oh, im sorry i startled you."

Chara chuckled. "It's fine...So after breakfast, we'll wake him? He'll be truly alive again?"

Gaster nods. Chara tacklehugs him. "You're the best!"

He replied. "Thank you for the kind words, i will go and leave you to your breakfast, ill come back in a few alright?"

Chara looks up with a smile. "Okay!"

Gaster leaves the room. Chara starts eating their breakfast while thinking about Asriel. *I've missed you so much brother! Those first few failed attempts was scary!, but this time Gaster has truly done it! Your body and soul is back! Why you didn't come back though at first?" They sigh.

10 minutes later. Chara runs into the main room with their empty plate and cup.

Gaster says to Chara with annoyed sigh. "How many times must I say not to run around the lab? you could get hurt..."

Mad Gaster says with a odd laugh. "Aww someone is acting like a real dadster! Ah ha ha ha!"

Gaster gives him a brief stare and looks back at the tank.

Temmie says to Gaster. "Opening hatch doors."

Water starts leaving the tank, fans start blowing on the inside.

A female Computer sounding voices speaks. "Opening hatch doors in 10!....9!....8!...7!...6!...5!...4!....3!...2!...1!"

Gaster immediately runs over to the tank, the doors open and he carefully lifts Asriel out of the Tank, after removing the small medical cords from him and mask.

He looks at Dust. "Help me dry him some more, get his clothes from the dryer if you will. Chara is in the hall, so lets hurry."

Dust snaps his fingers and leaves the main room. Appearing in the washroom. He walks over to the dryer and opens it. He sees Asriels clothes and grabs them.

He closes the dryer and snaps his fingers from his right hand and returns to the main room. Gaster and Temmie are finishing drying Asriel off on his head.

(Extra fluffy looking! XD if that's possible!)

Dust walks over and hands Gaster the clothes, he dresses Asriel.

(Note: Asriel is not naked. He's wearing underwear. I mean Gaster has the title Dr.Gaster, so why not also have experience in medical stuff besides scientific things? He was like the best and what not canon wise. Being super smart, science stuff, I mean he could have done other doctor things too? XD anyways.)

Chara re-enters the main room to see Asriel on a medical bed and runs on over, he starts opening his eyes. He sees everyone around him, one of the first people he sees is Chara. He says with a tired smile. "Chara?"

Chara hugs him. "ASRIEL! You're back! Gaster did it!"

Asriel starts to cry but it is a happy cry. "I am happy to be back!"

He looks at Gaster with a big smile. "Thank you."

Gaster smiled. "You're welcome."

Asriel attempts to sit up. Gaster says. "I am not sure you should be doing that so soon."

Asriel ignoring him. He says. "I want to hug you too!"

Gaster gets down at Asriel's level, to be hugged by him. Chara joins in. He does something he thought he would never do. He embraced them.

(Hugging them both at the same time! :3 Just that one sweet moment!)

Mad Gaster says. "Awww! Can i join!?"

Gaster frowned. "No." Chara and Asriel giggled.

Dust says to Asriel. "welcome back kid!"

Asriel grinned happily. "Thanks!"

Horror gives Asriel a thumbs up.

Temmie says. "Welcome back to the crows nest." (wheeze, i had too.)

Gaster chuckled.

Asriel smiled at the unopened tank. "I can't wait til shes walking around."

Gaster nods. "I agree, well who knows how long it will take."

Asriel gasped suddenly. "Wait! Underswap! Our friends! What happened!?"

Chara turns around. "Gaster you tell him...."

Asriel says to Chara. "What happened?"

Chara feeling upset, thinking about it. "Why don't we talk about it some other time? You just came back..."

Asriel says. "I want to know now..."

Chara replied with a sigh. "When you died, i lost control of myself and fought the other Chara, they did a reset and in the end asked me to kill them, i didn't so they did instead. Our friends do not remember us Asriel...The people we knew, were replaced."

Asriel says in a upset voice. "No...NO! That can't be!"

Gaster sighed. "Asriel, it happened." Asriel starts to cry. "We got to go back for them! We have to reverse that reset somehow!"

Gaster raises his right bonebrow. "Far as i know Resets cannot be undone, although i am working on it."

Asriel grabs his coat from his right side, looking up. "Will your goals of stopping these resets, also reverse them? Please fix this somehow! I do not want to lose anyone else!"

Gaster says in a sincere voice. "I have full intentions on ending these Resets forever and all Genocides. Events like that will never happen again..."

Horror laughed. "there is endless au's and toriel's soul is scattered across time and space, how exactly do you intend to achieve these goals, old man?"

Gaster growled. "Ye of little faith! Not to mention lack of respect! look, sense toriel is too young at the moment to do anything. Ill start with your universe first Horror, No Resets so it should be easier to help."

Horror laughed again. "You have no idea what your getting yourself into and these kids wouldn't last a second there! Especially Chara there! Shes a human and humans are prime meat were i am from...Mention that."

Horror sighed, turning away. "I am a real asshole huh?"

Temmie replies instantly. "Currect!"

Horror not teasing him in the slightest, his mood is suddenly serious. "returning again to my universe, i feel as if i've backstabbed everyone i know there. I have eaten food while they are starving to death or dying. eating like a real glutton. I mean my ketchup was fine, but continuously and to the point of raiding fridges without a 2nd thought.

I should have taken some food and returned to my universe with it, instead of returning those times empty handed. I should just have my head chopped off at the closest block or rock. I've decided to stop eating again.

I deserve it as much, hell i'll even ease off of you temmie. returning to my universe? there is nothing but bitterness there. oh but know this, be nice to the human there. aliza. shes the only human worth being nice too other then chara here.

after the good aliza has done so far and the fact they gave me Ketchup before, i've decided to be nice to them. I do not understand why they kept showing me kindness, strange kid. I don't deserve it from them. so how are we gonna handle traveling universes with the kids here?"

Gaster rubbed his chin. "Temmie and I will think of something, in the meantime we need to make sure Toriel grows up healthy, look for her soul pieces, revive her soul. In the meantime, we will tend to your universe. After her soul is formed, her true potential will be awoken. Handling the problem's in Dust's universe should be less a problem once her soul is formed, or formed enough. Not to mention learning her powers and abilities,relearning emotions again,everything about herself and adjusting to life again.

We will get through this together."

Dust growled. "Why not try to multitask?"

Gaster replied. "The savestar is-"
Mad Gaster interrupts, showing a serious expression. "Tell me everything and I could help. I mean we also have Temmie here,the kids,yours when she is ready or half. These too.

I am sure multitasking in both their universes shouldn't be a problem, as for all of them. That is something to think about after our own problems are settled. Well i have none. Just you guys!"

Temmie glared. "You are a real charmer aren't you?"

Mad Gaster smiles. "Yes, yes i am! so shall we begin with the plans for the future?"

Gaster nods. "Yes, to the plans for the future." They all walk together to a large table and sit together.

Temmie is sitting by Gaster, Dust and Horror are near them. Chara and Asriel are next to Mad Gaster.

Gaster says in a serious tone. "Now we begin planning for the future, shall we?"

Everyone else nods and starts talking.

Note: Their future plans for the moment will be known in Chapter 4 and more details
coming up soon in Chapter 5. I may or may not decide to post future chapters while they are a work in progress. So far it is only finished ones i post.

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