Episode 30: 100 acre woods! pt 3

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"Rei. You were right! This is the most fun we've ever had ever since!"(Mina)

Later that night, the second campfire*
The scouts sat in each of their dads' laps.
Ami sat alone between Henrique and Terence.
"Ami, are you feeling better?"(Henrique)
Ami weakly smiled and softly nodded her head.
"Well, that's good."(Hawk)
"But, we want to know, when we go back home, what do you think will make help feel the least lonely? We planned out some options for you."(Henrique)
Ami was a bit surprised that they actually went in and talked about her.
"You guys were talking?"(Ami)
"Well, of course we did. We feel bad about how you feel. Whatever the reason may be."(Terence)
Ami couldn't help but feel touched by that.
There was a moment of silence where everyone was waiting for Ami to think about what to say.
"I'm sorry for feeling this way...I didn't know you guys would think about me this much..."(Ami)
"Well, how can we live knowing that you were so sad."(Henrique said endearingly and tickled her chin)
Ami giggled.
All the scouts smiled looking at how she cheered up a little bit.
"We came up with options but do you know what you want?"(Henrique)
"Well...My ideal situation would be if Damian was here."(Ami)
"Ok, well then we'll roll out our options."(Terence)
"1. You sleep in one of our apartments until Damian gets back."(Hawk)
"2. You sleep with in Serena's apartment or Tiana's Room"(Henrique)
"3. We can try and ask if you can go to Damian and follow him along on his mission."(Terence)
The scouts gasped at the last option.
"...Go...to Earth?"(Ami)
"Well, of course you don't have to. And even if we ask, Tiana might say no. What is in your control is who you want to sleep with. So you have to tell us two things. Would you rather stay in Maho no Kuni or go to Damian, and who do you want to stay with until Damian comes back."(Henrique)
"Uhh..."(Ami looks at everyone to see everyone's expressions)
"Choose whatever will make you happy Ami. We will support you in anything you want to do."(Mina)
"Well, for the Damian thing, I'll go if they ask me to go. Umm, I think I want to sleep with Serena until Damian comes."(Ami)
"Yea! No problem."(Henrique)
"And you know, if any feelings ever come up, you have so many people you can talk to. Serena will be there to help you."(Hawk)
The girls all smiled being proud of her decision.
"Just know, that Amara, Michelle, and Tristan go to her apartment and they hang out all the time. So is this your final decision?"(Hawk)
"Ahhh."(Ami retracts her decision and starts to think some more)
"But it will be ok. Maybe you can get used to them."(Terence)
"I am used to it. I just rather choose someone else then."(Ami)
"Don't you want to be with Luna and Artemis?"(Henrique)
"I do, but I want where I sleep to be a relaxing place... I love my fellow scouts, but I like to be alone at times. But I just want to know that someone is out there close to me. That was what Damian was to me when I started to get comfortable with him."(Ami)
"Then do you want to be with Tiana?"(Terence)
"I guess so."(Ami)
"Ok, that's good."(Terence)

The next morning
Ami woke up first as per usual. But she waited for Mina and Hawk to wake up this time.
Then Hawk opened his eyes and stretched it out, waking up Mina.
"Hey Ami! There you are."(Hawk)
Ami didn't respond. Didn't know how to.
"Are you girls ready for the day?"(Hawk)
"Yes we are! Are we going to decide what to do, or are we going to do something together."(Mina)
"Do you girls want to spend time with me today?"(Hawk)
Hawk is internally excited that they finally got to the point of getting close enough and Mina actually seems happy that she's hanging out with him.
But Hawk looks at Ami's expression about that suggestion.
Which was nothing, she had a more nonchalant expression showing him that she doesn't really care. She was just concentrating on playing with her thumbs.
"Ami, where do you want to go? Do you want to just walk the trail together?"(Mina nudges Ami)
"Sure,"(Ami says calmly)
"Are you okay?"(Hawk)
"Yes I am."(Ami)
"Don't worry, before you know it you'll be right in Damian's arms and he'll embrace you until you can't breathe."(Hawk says cheerfully)
Ami smiled at that thought showing him that she knows. She just misses since she's the only one without a dad, but spending time with Mina sounds relaxing enough.
Hawk puts both of them on the ground and nudges them to go outside.
He puts on clothes and gets ready.
Hawk comes out behind them. He goes to the other tents to tell Henrique and Terence.
"I'm just going to spend time with Ami and Mina today, we are going to spend quality time."(Hawk says to each of them at different times)
"Ok! Me and Rei were thinking about doing the same thing."(Henrique)
"Alright, Lita, I guess, you're stuck with me today."(Terence pats her head)

Ami and Mina
They find a trail to walk through. The scouts run around exploring the scenery. Hawk follows them closely behind supervising them.
"Wah!"(Mina fell into a semi deep hole)
When she fell, only her head popped up.
She tried to climb out but it was too high for her.
Hawk bent down and helped her out.
"Are you ok?"(Hawk)
"Be careful. Watch out for your step."(Hawk)
Hawk gets up and they all continue to walk.
"Ami, are you enjoying yourself?"(Hawk)
"Yea! I like the flowers and the river noise."(Ami)
Ami continued walking.
Then they find a bush. The bush started to move and rustle.
Ami gasped and ran back to them.
She grabbed and hugged Hawk's pants for protection.
"Ami, come here, it's ok, it's probably nothing dangerous."(Hawk bent down and picked Ami and Mina up)
Hawk walked closer to the bush
Then Roo jumped out of the bush.
Ami had a sudden fright and hugged Hawk's finger.
"Don't worry, it's just Roo."(Hawk put Ami back on the ground to greet Roo)
"I'm so sorry for scaring you."(Roo)
"But we are all still looking for the Heffalump! Do you guys want to help?"(Roo)
"Well, I think that would be fun, but today we are trying to spend quality time with each other. If we see the Heffalump we'll give you a holler."(Hawk politely explains)
"OK thank you!"(Roo)
"I see that everyone is spending quality time. I saw Rei at the spring, and I saw Lita at a quiet place and having a picnic."(Roo)
"Oh are they?"(Hawk)

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