Episode 26: Things are changing a bit pt 2

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"So, when are we going to start sending them to you?"(Tiana)
The scouts were back behind the books hiding from Fury and the Guardians.
"Why is she talking about us like we are packages?"(Lita whispered angrily)
"That's when they are going to think it's ok it treat us like packages!"(Mina)
"Mina! Lita! Don't talk like that!"(Terence)
"You know what? I don't care, when it's two of us with them it's easy to ignore them."(Ami)
"Agreed"(Lita and Mina)
"Don't talk like what, Terence?"(Amara)
"Oh, nothing!"(Terence acts innocent)
"Terence, which one of them is in charge?"(Lita)
Terence raises his hand. 
"Yes, Terence?"(Tiana)
"Which one of you is the captain?"(Terence)
"I am!"(Rocket and Quill)
They both growled at each other.
"Oh boy."(Ami)
"I just want to say, if I hear from the girls that you intimidate them, we are only sending them when it's necessary. They are other avengers that could use their help."(Terence)
"We don't mistreat anyone. We are a family. It's just family squabble."(Drax)
"Listen, I believe you, but it seems like you guys usually do things unintentionally. Am I wrong?"(Terence)
Everyone internally agreed.
"Of course, we won't mistreat them. We promise that much. The most we would do is bicker and treat them how we treat each other."(Rocket)
All the giants seemed to think. 
Henrique raised his hand.
"Ok, I know that you spoke about this all the time, but you never told us all at the same time and I have another question after that actually."(Henrique)
"What is it?"(Tiana)
"So firstly, why don't you usually send them together?"(Henrique)
The scouts' ears turned to the conversation and then all tried to climb on to the book stack. Terence helped them all up. 
Tiana looked at the scouts and smiled. 
"It is a shame that Rei isn't here to hear about it."(Henrique)
"See, when they came here, I was super protective of them. I believed in their powers, but I also knew that people are after them. So the idea of sending them out in the first place was uneasy to me. So the idea of two was more hard for me. I knew that people needed our help and that the girls should continue to receive experience. But now, I know that they will be more safe when I send them together."(Tiana)
"My question is, how come we haven't thought about sending them with a pokemon?"(Henrique)
Everyone got hit in the head with the biggest realization. 
"Yea, I haven't thought of that."(Tiana)
"How about that girls? Is that fair?"(Henrique)
The girls got a bit excited.
"I like that!"(Lita)
"That's a good idea!"(Mina)
Everyone looked at them and smiled. 
"I think that's a good idea for being with the trinity, but how about with you guys?"(Tiana asks Fury)
"It would have to depend and we would have to approve the size of the pokemon."(Fury)
"Ok, so I guess this is what is going to happen. When you guys go with the trinity, I'm going to send a pokemon with you guys. When you go with the Guardians, I'm going to send another two of you guys. And with a avenger, it will probably be a case by case basis, but I will do my best to not send you guys out alone."(Tiana)
"But Tiana, are you going to send a dad with them?"(Damian)
"Well, never say never. I probably will some time."(Tiana)
The scouts looked at each other. 
"But that means that one scout will be alone."(Ami whispered)
"But I think this is a good enough compromise. I don't want to bother it because they might change to something worse. It was kind of hard to get to this point."(Mina)
"I agree"(Lita)
Terence lightly pinched Ami's cheeks. 
"And you won't be alone, you'll be with us."(Terence)
Ami had a bit of a nervous expression.
 Ami climbed down the book stack and leaned against the side so that Damian couldn't see her. Pretty much only Terence could see her. She leaned against the stack and sat down. 
"It's okay, Ami. It won't be so bad. You'll probably be out most of the time."(Terence whispered)
"Terence, are you listening?"(Tiana)
"Mostly yes. But I'm also watching them."(Terence)
"What did I just talk about?"(Tiana)
"You were talking about when we are sending them over."(Terence)
"Yes, good. You were listening."(Tiana)
"I think we should start after Rei gets here."(Terence)
"Do you guardians need them now?"(Tiana)
"As soon as possible would be nice."(Gamora)
"Ok, the earliest we should do is when Rei gets here, because I have to ask who Sora wants next."(Tiana)
"I am groot."(Groot)
"Huh?"(Everyone in the conference room)
"He said 'sounds good'"(Rocket)
"I'm probably going to get Rei sooner than I thought I was going to."(Tiana)

Two days later
Rei has gotten back. 
Ami got sent to kingdom hearts. 
Mina and Lita got sent to be with the guardians. 
Now Rei is alone...

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