Episode 17: Alright, it's Ami's turn pt 4

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They arrive at the Gorilla Territory.
All the Gorillas become weary and get defensive.

Conversation between Kerchak and Tarzan
"Kerchak, they are not bad guys. It was only that man that had bad intentions. But I trust the rest of them. They need help looking for something."(Tarzan)

Ami was still hiding in the pocket.
Terk goes closer to the group and sniffs that ground.
Ami peeks over the pocket because she recognizes that sniffing sound.
She ducks back into the pocket hiding. For the first time in a while, she becomes extremely scared and cautious.
She doesn't want the gorillas to feel threatened but she doesn't want to be touched by that gorilla.
"Goofy, I'm scared"(Ami whispered)
"It's ok, I won't let them hurt you."(Goofy pats his pocket)
Terk gets closer and closer.
Goofy stepped forward towards the gorilla with a little confrontational body language.

Kerchak puts up his stronger defense and the other gorillas get a little commotional.
Tarzan knew that they had to see why Goofy did that.
Tarzan turned behind him and dug into Goofy's pocket and took Ami out and showed her to the Gorillas. Although Ami didn't like the way she was being held and she was trying to get out of the grip, Tarzan had a gentle grip on her determined to keep her from falling or escaping.
"Everyone calm down! This is why he did that! He's protective of her."(Tarzan)
Ami continued to tried to get out of the grip, grunting and squirmed. Tarzan held her out in view of all Gorillas for about 2 minutes. Then he reached his occupied hand behind him and dropped Ami in Goofy's hand.
Goofy held Ami against his body and comforted her by patting her on her back. Ami buried her face in Goofy.

"Ok. You can help them. Only if you get rid of that hunter and the mysterious creatures running around."(Kerchak)
"Thank you. I promise!"(Tarzan)

"Hoo, hee, Hoo, ha, ha"(Tarzan turned to Jane and tried to tell her what Kerchak said)
"Tarzan, let's go back to camp, and you can try to explain it to me there"(Jane)

On the way to camp a bunch of heartless appeared.
"Jane, can you take Ami to camp with you? We will handle this."(Sora)
"Why can't I go with you guys?"(Ami)
"We want to handle this. Besides you need to protect Jane and Tarzan on the way to camp."(Sora)
Ami thought about what she just heard. No one has ever believed in her like that and she felt uplifted. Ami smiled determined and flew out of Goofy's hand and follows Jane and Tarzan.

They almost got to the tent where Clayton was blocking the entrance.
"Hey, you little one. You told them what happened, didn't you?"(Clayton)
Ami flew in front of Jane and Tarzan and confronts him.
"As a heroine, I had to."(Ami)
"Ha! You? A heroine?"(Clayton)
"Just let us in Clayton, it doesn't have to escalate into a fight."(Ami)
Clayton points a gun at Ami.
Ami quickly flies above him and sprayed strong water stream and made it hard for Clayton to stand.
Tarzan and Jane moved out of the way.
Clayton tried to point and shoot.
That's when Ami turned her water stream into an freezing spray and it froze the gun and Clayton.
"Wow! You're very strong!"(Jane)
They enter the tent.
"What were we going to do in the tent?"(Ami)
"Well, I want to see what Tarzan is saying, He uses pictures to communicate with us."(Tarzan)
By this time the Trinity arrived in the tent. They arrived laughing.
"Ami, did you freeze him right next to the tent?"(Donald)
With picture after picture they put the picture together.
"Ah, the Gorillas want the mysterious creatures taken care of and Clayton to never go near the herd. Apparently if he's gone just in general it'd be better."(Jane)
"Don't worry, we'll handle it! Especially since we got this one!"(Donald patted Ami's head)

They go out and wander to a field.
They see Clayton glowing with black light around him.
He transforms in to a chameleon monster...
"Oh geez."(Goofy)
"Let's do it!"(Donald)
"Ami! Give my Keyblade ice powers!"(Sora raised his Keyblade)
Ami glowed and the Keyblade transformed into a ice Keyblade.
She gave the Keyblade 3 minutes of ice powers.
They all violently slashed the monster with everything they had, after the three minutes, Sora gave it the final blow and the monster was dusted...

In the Gorilla herd.
"Tarzan, thank your friends. Here is the path to the home."(Kerchak)

Tarzan led them all to behind the waterfall.
There, Sora sealed the second Keyhole.
They said their goodbyes and got on the gummi ship.

"Hey, Donald. I just want to apologize for earlier..."(Sora)
"No, I'm sorry too. From now on, no more arguing. We have much bigger fish to fry."(Donald)
"Plus, I don't want to lose a scout again."(Goofy babied Ami close to his face and stroked her cheeks)
"Goofy, you've got to admit. You love her."(Sora crossed his arms)
"It was hard for me to say it earlier. But I got to say, she's lovely."(Goofy)
Ami just blushed.
The video phone turned on.
"Well, speaking of loving her, we need her back, and time for a new scout! So get excited!"(Tiana)
"I'm excited to get a new scout. But We'll miss you, Ami"(Goofy brought Ami closer to his face)
"I'll miss you too. But I want to be back with my friends."(Ami smiles)
"Well, of course. I never said this until now, but I've grown fond of you and I'm happy to have known you!"(Goofy)
Ami gets sent back through the teleporter.
"So, who's next?"(Sora)

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