Episode 21: Rei's Week pt. 4

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Third day
Rei was on the table waiting for Henrique to make the tea.
Henrique brought a tray with a kettle, his cup and her cup.
He poured a cup for himself and her.
"Rei, I think today is a good day to gather some pokemon to play with us."(Henrique)

At the big playroom in the gym
Henrique gathered some pokemon(Eevee, Igglybuff, Teddiursa, Phanpy, and Skitty).
Purposely the pokemon that Rei would like.
Rei loved playing with all the very cute pokemon.
They would give Rei rides, play tag, and sometimes just relax.
When they relaxed, Henrique would sit with them and pet the pokemon.
Trying to make Rei associate Henrique with a relaxed vibe.

After all that they made their way back to Henrique's.
They eat dinner.
That night Henrique made subs, chips and prepared a vegetable and fruit platter.
Then they both do their night routine and go to sleep.

Fourth Day
Rei couldn't sleep because it was almost time for her to go on her mission. She stayed up texting the girls who all were trying to tell her to go to sleep because they were all trying to sleep. They sympathized with her but it was almost 4am and they all had to get up relatively early the next day.
She was so stressed and scared that she started to cry. For some reason the idea of being with new people scared her.
She finally fell asleep at 4:30am.

Henrique got up at around 7 am like he always does and starts to prepare breakfast. Usually Rei wakes up around 7:30am.
7:30 rolls around and he doesn't sense that she woke up yet.
He looks into the house and looks at her sleeping.
He notices her tear stained face and was taken aback.
"What could've happened?"(Henrique)
He lets Rei sleep for as long as she wants.
Henrique just eats his breakfast alone.
He gets a text from Hawk.
"Hey, Henrique. Mina is worried about Rei. Rei was texting the girls all night because she was stressed about her mission that she's about to go on."(Hawk)
'Oh was that it?'(Henrique thinks to himself)
"Thanks for telling me that. I just checked on her and she looks like she's been crying all night."(Henrique)
"Does she? Well, I hope she's ok"(Hawk)

At around 11am Rei finally wakes up.
She has a hard time getting out of her bed.
Rei walked up to the mirror and tried to fix her hair.
"Rei, come out and have breakfast."(Henrique)
'Maybe drinking tea will calm me down.'(Rei thinks)
With heavy feet she walked out to her balcony.

Rei eats breakfast and Henrique gave her lavender tea to calm down.
"Is there anything your itching to tell me?"(Henrique)
Rei tries to hold in her tears.
"I don't know what to do. I'm so nervous of meeting new people. And I'm scared that the mission will be so intense and I can't do it because I'm nervous of the people near me."(Rei)
"Rei, I know it takes a long time for you to trust people. But don't worry they are very kind people. I didn't say that about the avengers did I? Strange is nice, but he isn't the most friendly. But I promise you Sora is very friendly and he's almost your age."(Henrique wipes the tear falling from Rei's eye)
"Do you want to go to the park to wind down?"(Henrique)

At the park
Rei is just perching on Henrique's shoulder taking in fresh air.
They find a clean field. Henrique laid out a blanket on the ground and put down the basket that he's been carrying and sat on the blanket.
He takes Rei off his shoulder and puts her down.
From the basket he pulls out a container of berries and gives a blueberry to Rei.
Then he sits back and just relaxes.
"This is a nice vibe isn't it?"(Henrique)
As Rei munches away on the blueberry, Amara and Michelle arrive on the scene.
They also decided to have a date and picnic at the park.
Rei gets ticked off at their arrival.
Since Henrique and Rei were there they decided to just lay a blanket next to them.
Henrique looks at Rei amused who's a bit irritated about Amara's arrival.
Rei just tried to concentrate on her big blueberry.
"Leave her alone Amara, she's coming to terms with her mission at the end of this week."(Henrique)
"Ok, I won't bother her."(Amara said trying to hold in her laughter)
"You guys are so cute together. Like father and daughter."(Michelle)
Rei reacts almost ecstatically. Like chills ran up her spine.
"Oh Rei, admit it. You look very content being with him."(Amara)
Henrique looks at Rei pleased.
Rei just gave Amara a stink face.
"Henrique, why can't we 'accidentally' run into Ami or the others?"(Rei)
"Rei, I didn't call them over here. They just happened to come."(Henrique)
Henrique digs into his basket and takes  out a container with green pieces in it.
"Do you want some celery?"(Henrique hands Rei a piece of celery)
Rei starts munching on some celery.
Amara and Michelle look at her preciously.
"Rei was crying last night."(Henrique tells them just casually)
Rei glared at Henrique but Henrique didn't really notice.
"Why? What happened baby?"(Michelle)
"She was scared about her mission that she has to go on soon."(Henrique pet Rei's head)
"Oh, she's got it. It'll be a piece of cake."(Amara)
"She'll find that it was nothing to worry about."(Michelle)
"But that's why I came here. To get her some fresh air to relax. It's the perfect windy weather today."(Henrique)

It became night time and the stars lit up the sky.
By this time Amara and Michelle have left the park.
Henrique put a fuzzy bear onesie on Rei to keep her warm. He unzipped it and laid it out and waited for her to step her legs into the leg part and he zipped it up for her. Although it wasn't too cold. It was still the perfect weather. After all, it was Maho no Kuni. 
Henrique laid on the blanket pretty close to Rei.
After about 2 minutes of laying down and looking at the stars.
"Rei, you see those stars over there? If you connect it, you can see a bunny."(Henrique pointed at the sky)
Rei still didn't lay down and decided to just look up.
She was appreciating how pretty the sky was.
Rei gleamed.
"Do you see any other shapes?"(Henrique)
Rei looked around.
"I see a whale over there!"(Rei)
Henrique looks up at the direction that she pointed to.
They spend about 30 minutes looking at the sky and pointing at shapes. Eventually Henrique picks up Rei and lays her down on his chest.
They continue to look at the sky and then Rei slowly fell asleep.
Henrique tears up a bit at the precious time they had together. After a long time he felt like he connected with Rei. And now she's sleeping on him. It can't get any better.

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