Episode 8: A second week's rest pt 1

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Ami was laying around the living room, waiting for someone to come in and give her some company.
Then the door opened and then Tony came in.
"I figured you wouldn't want the guys to come in and watch you eat...so I told them to stay outside."(Tony)
Ami smiled.
"Do you want me to leave too?"(Tony)
"Well, I do feel awkward with someone watching me eat but I'm lonely."(Ami)
"Well, I can get you company. It doesn't have to be me. Would you feel more comfortable with a girl?"(Tony)
"Ok, yea no problem. She's almost your age too."(Tony said while texting someone)
"So I'll leave now. I'm making things easy for you now. But from next week I want you to get along with everyone. Promise?"(Tony)
Ami nods.

Tony leaves the room.

Ami eats her meal. Then the door opens.
Ami looked in the door's direction and a beautiful woman(Wanda) popped her head inside.
"Are you Ami?"(Wanda)
"Hey, how are you? Tony told me to keep you company. Are you lonely?"(Wanda)
"You can be honest with me, Ami."(Wanda)
"I have no friends here yet, but I hope I get there."(Ami)
"Okay, well, I'm the one you will be staying with for this week."(Wanda)
"After you're finished eating, we'll go to my room."(Wanda)
"My name is Wanda by the way."(Wanda)
"Will...I get my stuff?"(Ami)
"Well, we can give you new things here. But your outfit looks great today. I'm sure we can give you your suitcase. But if we can't then don't worry about it."(Wanda)
"Now, eat up. We are going upstairs soon."(Wanda)
Ami finishes her carrots and fruits and then stands up.
"Do I have to clean this?"(Ami)
"No, I'll get it for you."(Wanda)
Wanda picks up Ami and puts her on her shoulder. Then picks up the plate and walks to the kitchen to wash it and put it back in its place. Then starts walking up to her room.
"So Ami, how do you feel so far?"(Wanda says while walking)
"I don't know. I just feel like nothing honestly."(Ami)
"Do...you want to go home?"(Wanda)
"I mean, I really miss my friends."(Ami)
Wanda chuckles "I bet you have the best friends."(Wanda)
"Yea, they are like my sisters."(Ami)
"Ami, you don't have to feel lonely here, you can make friends easily here."(Wanda)
"Yea I don't, but back when I had my earth life, they were my closest friends because I was super shy, I never really made a friend by starting a conversation."(Ami)
Then they arrive at the room and Wanda opens the door,
Ami's eyes brighten.
'It's great, isn't it? And there are no secrets to keep so you can do whatever you want."(Wanda)
Wanda puts Ami on the floor.
"You're free to do what you want."(Wanda)
"Can I sleep?"(Ami)
"Yea of course. Do you need anything?"(Wanda)
"I want to wear pajamas, fuzzy socks, and a bed maybe?"(Ami)
"Yea, of course, you can sleep on my bed. And I will get you the things you need."(Wanda)
Wanda goes to open a container full of Pym particle disks.
She opens her closet and looks for the softest bed robe and shrinks it. Then she finds the coziest fuzzy socks and shrinks those as well.
"Here you go. Since we are both girls you can just change here and when you are done, I'll take you to my bed."(Wanda)
Ami strips of everything and puts on the bed robe and fuzzy socks.
When she was done Wanda picks her up then lays her on the bed.
"Have nice naps this week. Next week will be rough."(Wanda)
"Yes..."(Ami falls asleep)
'She's so adorable'(Wanda thinks to herself)

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