Episode 25: Rei and the Trinity pt 3

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The fairies along with Rei they went near the mermaids to play and talk together.
"It's so nice to meet you Rei."(Silvermist)
"I loved meeting you guys too. It's so surreal to meet someone that's just like me."(Rei)
"So where are you from?"(Fawn)
"I'm from Maho no Kuni."(Rei)
"Is there more fairies there?"(Vidia)
"No, only me and three other girls. I actually used to be human. But I got shrunk and kidnapped."(Rei)
All the fairies stared at her shocked.
"So, I got to ask. How is it being free? If you guys don't have parents, I bet that's a lot of fun."(Rei)
"Well, we do have duties to carry out. But we don't know what it's like to have parents. But we are happy to have each other."(Iridessa)
"Must be nice to have a lot of people like yourself"(Rei)
"How about you Rei? Do you have someone to take care of you?"(Rosetta)
"I do, but with that comes a lot of rules. You think I came out here on my free will? I'm not even supposed to do what I'm doing right now."(Rei crosses her arms)
"What happens if your caught?"(Silvermist)
Rei thought about it long and hard.
"It's hard to explain. Since they are not our size so it really feels controlling when they lay down rules. They don't exactly do anything to us when we..."(Rei got a realization)
"You know what? I guess it's time to find out. I'll be the one to test out what happens if I step out of line"(Rei)
"Guys! Someone is coming! You guys hide!"(Tinkerbell tells everyone except Rei)
Wendy appears.
They both look up at her.
"Rei and Tink! What have you been doing? They left but they needed you."(Wendy scolded them gently)
"They needed us?"(Rei)
"Why of course, sweetie."(Wendy)
"Rei, are you going to go now?"(Tinkerbell)
"It's my duty as a scout, Tink. I have to check on them. Why don't you guys come with me? I want to show you what I can do."(Rei says with a determined smile)
"That would be cool!"(Tinkerbell)

The Trinity
They all arrive at the ship where there was a lot of heartless and Hook stand there waiting for them to fight.
"It's over, Hook! You're going down."(Peter Pan)
"Oh? We have hardly began."(Hook)
Hook glowed with black light.
The whole pirate ship turned into a big heartless!
The whole Trinity were taken aback.
"Well, we were trained for this!"(Sora)
Despite the encouragement they were all nervous but tried to pull their nerves together.

The fairies look from far away.
"Look at that monster! How are you going to handle that, Rei?!"(Iridessa)
"Don't worry, I got this."(Rei)

As the Trinity were just getting ready to fight.
Rei quietly entered into a crevice of the monster and got to about the center of the body.
She flew in circles very fast. Eventually a big fire tornado forms.

"What is happening?"(Peter asks from the outside)
The heartless explodes into pieces and Rei stopped the tornado revealing herself to the Trinity.
Rei gets exhausted and while she fell slowly, Sora caught her.
Rei exhales and looks up at Sora.
"Hey, where have you been?"(Sora)
Rei looks down in guilt.
Sora smiles.
"Thanks for saving us. We were scared."(Sora)
All the fairies flew to them.
"Rei! You did it!"(Fairies)

Hook just stood on his broken ship speechless. How was a pipsqueak able to defeat that big monster?
Then Hook had an idea.
"Peter! Guys! Let's have a talk"(Hook)
"Whatever it is, we aren't interested"(Donald)
"Let me borrow her, for a week."(Captain Hook)
"Even if you had her, she wouldn't listen to you!"(Sora)
"If you don't give her to me now, I'll steal Tinkerbell from you!"(Captain Hook)
"I would never let that happen!"(Peter Pan)
"What if I just kill you now?"(Rei)
"Fine, you win this time."(Hook)
"That's it. I'm killing you."(Rei)
Then dark clouds form.
"I don't think so, little precious one."(A mysterious voice)
Maleficent and Riku appears.
"Riku?"(Sora gasps)
"You give me that little red one, and you will get Kairi back"(Maleficent)
"And, I'll go with you and be with you forever."(Riku)
At this point Rei was still sitting in Sora's hand.
Sora looks down at her with tears in his eyes.
'Is he going to give me up? I mean I don't care if he does. I'll just fly away, but will he value his friend over me?'(Rei)
Sora looks up at them.
"First of all, I'm not in charge of her. Second of all, even if I was, I wouldn't fork her over to you"(Sora)
"So you choose the chub over your best friends?"(Riku scoffs)
Rei is a bit surprised.
"I don't. But Riku, you chose the darkness over me and Kairi. It's up to you whether you want to stop or not. It shouldn't have to do with Rei."(Sora)
"I thought friendship was when you do anything for your friends."(Riku)
"Even if that was the case, I care about Rei and my friends here. I would do anything for them as well. Riku, I'm going to save you, and Kairi. No matter what it takes."(Sora)
"You had your chance, we'll meet again."(Maleficent)
They both disappeared.
Rei was shocked about the whole ordeal.
Goofy put a hand on Sora's shoulder.
"Sora, are you okay?"(Goofy)
"I am, I am determined to save them."(Sora)
Rei was still surprised that he kind of chose her over his best friends.

They make it to the tent and sat in a circle.
Tinkerbell flew up to Rei.
"You know, Tink. If I leave my bracelet with them my world won't be able to track me."(Rei)
"You really want to come to pixie hollow don't you?"(Tinkerbell)
Rei flew out of Sora's hand and whispered into Tinkerbell's ear.
"I also would like a private place to talk"(Rei)
"Good thinking."(Tinkerbell)
"Tink? What are you thinking about?"(Peter Pan)
"Rei wants to talk with me privately,"(Tinkerbell)
"Privately? About what?"(Peter Pan)
"It's nothing. Sora, can you look after my bracelet please?"(Rei)
"Rei, what if you go missing? What am I supposed to do?"(Sora)
"Please, it will be for a short while"(Rei)
Rei takes off her bracelet for the first time and puts it in Sora's hand.
The fairies dust her with pixie dust and they all guide her to Pixie Hollow.
The Trinity looks in the direction that they flew in with defeated expressions.
"Wow, this is the most failure relationship we have had with a scout, and anybody in general."(Goofy)
"Yea, talk about  lame."(Sora)

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