Episode 24: Ami's Week pt.4

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Day 3
It was breakfast time the next day. 
"So Ami, are you going to tell me or what?"(Damian)
"About what?"(Ami)
"The Trinity."(Damian)
"That's just it. It wasn't anything special."(Ami)
"Fine, but did you like them at least?"(Damian)
"Yea, they were nice."(Ami)
"That's good. I just wanted to make sure that they treated you right."(Damian)
"Goofy was really kind to me. He shared his juice with me."(Ami)
"Aww, that's sweet!"(Damian)
"I went to two worlds. We traveled by the Gummi Ship."(Ami)
"That's cool. Did you have fun? I mean how does it compare to the Avengers?"(Damian)
"I think that Sora is closer to my age and it made it easier to talk to him I guess."(Ami)
"Come to think of it Ami, you never talked to me about the Avengers."(Damian)
This is when Ami remembered what she said to Peter that one time. Although she wouldn't be surprised if he already knew. But regardless, it would be hard to tell him in person. 
"I never talked about them because it was really nothing to me."(Ami)
"So that's what you always think of your trips? You describe it as something ordinary but when I hear from other people it sounds more epic than you make it sound for sure."(Damian)
"I think when I was there I just kept missing the other girls..."(Ami)
"Is that so?"(Damian)
Ami nods. 

"I know you don't like us talking about it, but not too long ago I found out what you said to Peter Parker."(Damian says gently)
Ami's turned angry. 
"Ami, it's ok. You can trust me with anything."(Damian)
"Even if I did trust you, I don't trust everyone else."(Ami)
"Why don't you trust me?"(Damian)
"You just said it, you guys tell each other everything. But you don't tell me that you told me."(Ami)
"But you also kept secrets from me."(Damian)
"Why should I care if you trust me? You have more authority than me. It's not like I can do anything to you."(Ami)
"Would I do anything to you?"(Damian)
"I don't know."(Ami)
Damian was shocked. 
He was far from where he wants to be with Ami than he thought. She still thinks that there's a chance that he'll hurt her? That's what she's been cautious of this whole time? 
Damian was a bit heartbroken. 
There was no chance that the other dads weren't getting along with their scouts. He was no doubt the only one far behind in the progress. 
"Well out of all the giants, who do you trust?"(Damian)
Ami thinks long and hard. 
"Goofy, Wanda, Serena, and Peter Parker"(Ami)
"That's it?"(Damian)
Ami nods. 
"Why them?"(Damian)
"Because I know that they'll never hurt me."(Ami)
Damian didn't know what to think. 

The rest of the day was normal but there was an awkward tension. Regardless Damian tried his best to be accommodating to her. 
Day Four
It's the middle of the day and Ami was laying on the living room floor reading her book.
She would've stayed in her room, but in general she wanted another day of peace and quiet not talking to anyone. Since she can't go hang with the girls she doesn't want to talk to anybody. 

Damian would come around periodically making conversations with her but she would just ignore things he said. A some points would roll her eyes showing him that she doesn't want to talk. 
Finally around dinner time Damian sits in fronts of Ami. 
Ami pauses her reading and looks up at him with an expression of "What now?"
"Ami, listen. I just want you to know that I understand why you feel that way."(Damian starts)
Ami slowly looks up at him. 
"Don't be scared to do anything in front of me. I promise I'll be there for you and give you want you need."(Damian)
"How about everyone else? I literally told them to not tell you but they just disrespected my wishes. Again, I know I don't deserve respect. But I don't want to tell anyone anything ever again."(Ami)
"But why didn't you want me to know?"(Damian)
"Why should it matter?"(Ami)
"Ah ah, Ami. Slow down. Let me make a point, just tell me, why you didn't want to tell me things you thought about me?"(Damian)
"Because I was scared."(Ami)
"That's right. Is it good for you to be scared of me?"(Damian)
"I don't know."(Ami)
"Well, it's not. It makes you stressed out whenever you're with me."(Damian)
"No it doesn't. If we don't talk I'm fine."(Ami)
"How many times have I held you? How bad is it if you're scared of me and I'm holding you."(Damian)
Ami realized he was right. 
Ami looks down and sighs.
"They didn't do it to make you embarrassed. They did it because they know that I love you enough that I had to know so that I could help you. They also knew that I wouldn't condemn you for saying that and rather I'd have compassionate."(Damian)
"But I don't want them knowing anything I'd say to you. I don't trust them. I'm mad at Serena too."(Ami)
"Ok, fair enough. But it's just because we all know that we need to tell certain people about things so that we can help you. When we talk about you it's not us judging you. Sometimes when I find out things about you, it's because the person you told doesn't know what to do to help you but they wanted to so badly. Why don't you want the others to know?"(Damian)
"Just because I don't trust them."(Ami)
"Ami, who, specifically?"(Damian gets closer to her face)
"Amara, Michelle, Tristan,"(Ami)
"Those three?"(Damian)
"Ever since we were on earth I never really trusted them. They always kept to themselves and they say one sentences and then never explain themselves with dark expressions."(Ami)
"I understand"(Damian)
"Do you really though?"(Ami)
"Ami, do you want to know the real me?"(Damian)
Ami paid more attention.
"I give off that demeanor to everyone else except you...did you know that?"(Damian)
Ami's eyes expanded.
"Everyone always pointed out that I'm only warm hearted towards you and that I'm not expressive with other people."(Damian)

At this point it was night time. Both of them have not eaten dinner. 
"Are you hungry or sleepy?"(Damian)
"I'm tired"(Ami)
"Let's go to sleep then"(Damian scoops up Ami and puts her in her room)

Ami lays in bed thinking about what happened.
Her trust for Damian seemed to grow during that conversation.
Ami tries not to think about it too hard so that she can sleep.

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